Financial Education - Revenue from ordinary activities and revenue from merchandise

in hive-175254 •  12 days ago 

Accounting standards should be applied in estimating revenue from ordinary activities from the following transactions and events, sales of goods, the rendering of services, and the use by others of assets of the entity that produce interest, royalties and dividends.

Source ( shopify. )

The term products includes both those produced by the entity to be sold and those acquired for resale, such as retail merchandise or land or other property held for resale to third parties.

The rendering of services normally involves the performance by the entity of a set of tasks agreed in a contract for a specified period of time. Services may be rendered over a single period or over several accounting periods.

Some contracts for the provision of services are directly related to construction contracts, for example those performed by architects or project management.

Source ( freshbooks )

Revenue from revenue from such contracts is not addressed in the accounting standards, but is accounted for in accordance with the requirements for construction contracts specified in the international accounting standards in the section on construction contracts.

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Revenue is key and is always needed. In fact it is that will help and shape us. The issue is just that a lot of government are more concerned about what they will eat to the body and not making use of the revenue that is been generated