Financial Education - What aspects of the descriptive elements of the research design should be analyzed?

in hive-175254 •  last month 

The general objective set out in this post is to analyze descriptive elements on the research design, in the perspective adopted by the research that was cataloged at the documentary level.

Source ( elsevier )

Documentary research has been defined as being exclusively focused on the collection of information from different sources. It inquires about a topic in written or oral documents.

The research design refers to the methods, techniques and strategies used by the researcher to counteract the problem, conflict or inconvenience presented by the research in the course of its development. For pedagogical purposes, they are classified into experimental design, non-experimental design and bibliographic design.

Now, given the type of information or data to be provided, the present study will have the non-experimental field modality, or field research "consists of the collection of data directly from the reality where the facts occur, without manipulating or controlling the variables, it studies the social phenomena in their natural environment. The researcher does not manipulate variables because this causes the loss of the natural environment in which it manifests itself.

Source ( cn.dreamstime )

It also defines the non-experimental design, which is carried out without deliberately manipulating any variable. The researcher does not intentionally substitute the independent variables. The facts are observed as they are presented in their real context and at a given time or not, and then analyzed. Therefore, in this design a specific situation is not constructed, but rather the existing ones are observed.

Transformational leadership and contextual performance
are the main factors that most influence organizational culture.

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