Agro-technical recommendations for the marketing of agricultural products

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago  (edited)
Dear readers, I have been socializing some aspects concerning the commercialization of agricultural products, but in this opportunity to end momentarily this thematic series I will share with you some technical recommendations that should be considered when commercializing an agricultural product.

As everyone knows fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products need special handling to be marketed, consumers are very demanding and are always looking for food that is fresh and free of physical damage, for this reason, For this reason, the producer must be governed by a series of rules that often can be generalized, although there are some distribution and processing companies that place their own rules to receive the raw material, these requirements or standards are important when marketing the products as they guarantee quality which translates into a better price for the producer.

Design by @amestyj with images of his property.

In this regard, some specialists in charge of food distribution in Venezuela point out that when agricultural products are marketed, there are losses of approximately 25 to 30% of the total volume mobilized. In view of the above, it is necessary to describe some of the handling or standards that agricultural producers must comply with before marketing their products. The standards are as follows:

- The first rule that an agricultural producer must comply with is the selection of the rubro to be marketed, the optimal point of harvest must be considered, as this can influence the loss of quality of the item, for example, a banana harvested prematurely will not reach some ideal characteristics for marketing as the size, there are banana processing companies (tostoneras) that require some standards in size to be processed.

- It is also important to make sure that the items are free of some pathogens such as fungi, bacteria and others, which create an unpleasant appearance on the surface of the fruit and/or vegetable and can contaminate the rest of the items.

- It is also necessary to verify that the items do not present physical damage, for this, care must be taken at the time of harvesting or packaging of the product, physical damage can also be observed at the time of transfer, this can occur frequently when eggs are moved, these can be broken which results in the presence of certain unwanted organisms and can contaminate the rest of the products.

- As for items such as milk, it should be taken into account that it is a product that needs adequate temperatures during handling to preserve its initial organoleptic characteristics, therefore, the producer must have refrigeration cellars or otherwise distribute it as soon as possible to a reception area to prevent it from losing some ideal characteristics for consumption.

Design by @amestyj with images of his property

- Another factor that the producer must consider from the technical-agronomic point of view to obtain better yields and quality, is planting varieties of crops that are adapted to the agro-climatic conditions of their agro-ecosystem and that are also to the taste of the consumer and more resistant when it comes to moving them.

Dear readers, these are just some aspects that should be taken into account when marketing an agricultural product, it is no secret that it is an arduous task to establish crops, since the agronomic management applied such as fertilization, irrigation, pest, disease and weed control, among others, that guarantee the quantity and agricultural production, also influence the quality of the same.

Bibliographic references

Torres, C and Borrero, A. (2001). Agricultural production. Terranova editores. Bogotá: Colombia.

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  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Any recommendation that is in benefit of the commercialization of agricultural products is important for the sustainable feeding of humanity, in this case even more so if the recommendations are made by you who are a specialist in agrotechnical advice.

Greetings my dear friend @amestyj and thank you for your valuable contribution.

Thank you very much for your words dear friend @carlos84, it is undoubtedly important to take certain methodologies that allow agricultural products to maintain their adequate organoleptic conditions, which guarantees quality.

See you later, have a great start of the week.

Thank you for these recommendations that show us what criteria to follow when marketing an agricultural resource, which, although it is true that it has more elements to consider, it has a shorter useful life...

Hello friend, it is true what you say, it is necessary to be very careful with fruits and vegetables, since any mechanical damage could turn into the loss of the product. The producer has a hard job with the agricultural production.

See you later, have a great start of the week.

Greetings @amestyj, certainly these rules and / or gifts that you mention for a better marketing of agricultural products are important, because the consumer is won with the view the more optimal this fruit, vegetable, etc.. faster it can be marketed.

excellent post my friend.

Hello friend @carlir, it is true what you say, the product enters through the eyes, generally when we buy fruits and vegetables, we are aware that they are fresh and in good condition.

See you later, have a great start of the week.

greetings friend @amestyj, is great the world of marketing and more the agricultural branch, but it is as you mention that sometimes this negotiation is undervalued, it is important to take into account the aspects that you highlight as the selection of items to market, that the products are free of pathogens and many others that can make this marketing something successful.

thank you for sharing this information with all of us.

Greetings my friend @yongleantonio certainly present a product of excellent quality is part of good marketing, always as consumers we are looking for quality and economy.

See you later, have a great start of the week.

hi @amestyj I think it is essential to treat food properly for sale can make the difference between having adequate profits or not.

Hello my friend, the proper handling of food is fundamental for the agricultural producer, the commercialization of agricultural products for the industry or for any informal market depends on it.

See you later brother, have a great start of the week.