A health communication marketing produced by Covid-19.

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

For successful communication to take place, the interlocutors must be open to a two-way conversation, prompting questions and interrogations of each other and of the patients concerned. At the three levels mentioned above, a modern digital communication channel must be established that is easily accessible to all, and today's technology allows for this, a correlation and exchange of data in real time and effectively. This exchange, in order to have a significant effect, must require adequate reporting, as well as consultation with real information.



Health care professionals usually carry out weak and anxious conversations given the state of those who consult and the level of stress they suffer, uncertainty is a factor that often prevents communication. It is essential in the first place to operate a successful oral communication, especially in patients with coronavirus, where tranquility is brought and the appropriate message is handled to achieve stabilization, so that when the digital communication mechanism is used, the appropriate and accurate information is provided.

A useful and appropriate way is to establish an exchange of opinions with experts or health professionals who can offer help from a distance through digital communication. The interactive conversations, the lives executed in the networks are undoubtedly tools that have strengthened the reach to more sick people in times of pandemic, especially in countries like Venezuela where public hospitals lack adequate provisions for patients in large numbers. Many people have found solutions to their problems through teleconferences, videos, voice messages, sending pictures, among others, digital communication has been especially useful in pandemics.



A kind of innovative medical marketing has even been born, where doctors usually used to spend their consultations in health centers, offer home services, either digitally or in person, going to the patient's home, doctors have taken a turn towards a proper marketing of their professional proposal and embrace the multiple events of the pandemic, achieving in some cases to consolidate their image through preventive advice, personalized attention, with videos or banners as resources. It is common to see how they even have an image management with professional photographers, offering home visits with everything necessary for the patient to be attended from home as if they were receiving care at the hospital or clinic, the fear of the public to attend health centers with little care as in Venezuela has turned their eyes to doctors with a marketing done to sell home care as a product.

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Every time I read these types of publications, I realize how this pandemic, besides creating destruction worldwide, has also created opportunities in many areas of our lives, this type of marketing is aimed only at a type of people who can afford these services.

Hi @aplausos, it is impressive how the human being has been growing technologically because of this whole issue of the pandemic, he adapted to the needs of the moment, he had to learn to use social networks and smartphones because of the issue of confinement. In addition, this has benefited the health part that today are not enough to meet the needs of all people and thus provide effective medical advice in these difficult times. Thank you for sharing this valuable information.

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