Out of a nightmare and into the front line: Phantasm in Battle

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

In Splinterlands, we have all sorts of characters all over the game. Some of them are kind of cool, others look angry and then we have others that you can only describe as "things". As far as I can tell, the creepiest of the creeps are always lurking in the Death themed part of town, and Phantasm is right up there with the others, and will truly make your skin crawl.

As a Splinterlands player though, looks don't matter, because the most important thing is how good you are in battle or better put, how can you be useful in a battle when you're called.

Edition: REWARD
Rarity: COMMON
Element: DEATH
Current Unit Price: 13cents

Phantasm is one of the recently released reward cards of the Death Splinter, and it costs around 13 cents per unit. There's nothing special about this monster but sometimes, being "ordinary" is what you need in battle, and you can see it in its "ordinary glory in this battle below.

The Battle

link to battle

This was a pretty interesting battle and is one of those situations where all the parts work according to plan and the plan is executed easily.

The Team

There are numerous factors behind picking a team and they vary from battle to battle. In this battle, the primary factor was the rule set in play on the day and they were;

Total Mana Cost: 36

Earthquake: All monsters take -2 hit at the end of each round but monsters with shield ability take -1


Equalizer: Everybody starts with the same health as the monsters on either team with the highest health

This is how the team lined up in this battle:

The Team

The Summoner: 5 Mana

Delwyn has been my favourite summoner since I discovered him. It is my most advanced summoner and enables me to use my cards in their most advanced form, thus giving them extra buffs as compared to other summoners. On top of the aforementioned point, he also boosts magic, and I tend to favour magic users to others.


This ugly looking thing is hardly my favourite monster but I through it in the frontline because it has that flying ability. As I said though, I'd not use it on a normal day but in this battle, it fitted perfectly into my plan for the battle.

The plan was to keep as many bodies in between my the enemy and my fast and heavy hitters at the back, so in some way, it served its purpose but not as well as I wanted because I hoped it would dodge a few hits but that didn't matter in the long run

Healer Stopper

If there's one thing I can't stand in my opponent's team, it is a healer; whether it is self-healing or healing others, I want them out of the battle.

I generally like to have a monster with Plague ability to counter this occurrence and the Serpentine mystic handled that task. His sole responsibility was to shut off any potential healer or monster being healed with its plague ability.

Future tank

Remember when i said I used Delwyn because it allows me use monsters in there more advanced form? Well, this vampire is a perfect example of it. The vampire activates flying ability at level 6, so with my other summoners, I won't get this extra perk.

Then this brings me to a tactical move that I made while picking the vampire. The plan with this little guy was that it would leech as much life as possible before its time in the frontline, and depending on how much time it takes to get there, it could be really long.

It turned out to be a pretty genius move because as the battle wore on, little vampire had leeched enough life to keep the opponent at bay and of course, give my heavy hitters the time to deal damage. This turned out to be the defining moment in my victory, considering it was still standing in front when the battle ended.

Flying Stopper

It is yet another flying ranged monster on my team that I'd normally not use but on the day, it played a pivotal role in doing damage at the end of the battle.

Picking this monster was because not only does it have flight, so impervious to earthquake damage but it also hits the opponent with "Snare" which takes away the flight ability. This was pretty useful at the end when it hit the dragon with it and it had to stay grounded and receive earthquake damage.

Magic halter

This is one of the heavyhitters I placed at the back of the pack and it was there to do some real damage. It dealt a lot of damage to the opponent and also reduced magic effect from the opponent.

Backline Hitter

Last but certainly not least is my fire spitter with the simple responsibility of spitting fire from a distance. I placed it at the back in anticipation of sneak monster but fortunately, I never had to bother about that. In attack though, it did its job excellently and dealt fast and heavy damage on the opponent throughout the battle.

In Summary

Yet another successful battle that was a result of bending the rules to my favour. On a normal day, these monsters I chose have low health but thanks to the equaliser rule, I could employ them differently.

Experiments on Splinterlands often have varying outcomes; sometimes good, and other times, not so good. In this battle, it was a good day and the tactics paid off well. Phantasm isn't a monster that I'd use regularly at its current level because it really doesn't offer much in general but at least I know that I have a common card that flies and can take hits, depending on the battle.

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The more I read your splinterland post the more I feel this urge to return to my steemonster gaming life back