Regardless of where you find yourself, the government tax you. Whether it comes in fancy terms like "capital gains" or it's through crude methods, you have to pay tax.
When I read people in more developed countries whine about paying their taxes, it's sort of cringe to me. I mean, not to take anything away from your struggle and all, but you live in societies where you have the basics and things actually work.
Imagine if you lived in a country where you pay tax and there's still no electricity to show for it? I wonder if there was a time in history when people in say, America, had to protest because there was no electricity, despite paying for it.
I pay tax in Nigeria, never skip on my duties as a "citizen". Well, it's not like I have a choice though. In Nigeria, even law enforcement will give you the jungle justice type of harassment for not paying some dues, so I just avoid all that by paying.
To be completely honest, I really wish I had the mental capacity to skip on my taxes because there's no point in doing it. What's the point of paying taxes that will be used to fund the extravagant lifestyles of crooked politicians who don't give a shit?
I'm just not built for dealing with our law enforcement, so I just pay "tax" but in my mind, it's basically racketeering and the government is the mafia.
I'd probably get away with skipping on my dues if I went rogue but you know, I'd rather not because I'm not wired like that.
You think tax is slavery? Come over here and see how we live. At least you have constant electricity, pension gets paid and all that shit works. Around here, we pay taxes and don't have those luxuries.
I really hate it here.
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