in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

I grew up with my Uncle and I always heard him say, it is wrong to be wealthy, those who live with wealth are not good people and if you have wealth you are certainly going to lose your soul to the devil. I grew up listening to that regularly and also watching movies where some rich men had to kill their children or their wives so I decided I was just going to be comfortable in life, I did not wish to have more than what I could eat for the day and just like my Uncle taught me, everyone who had so much money was evil and should not be associated with.


I went to school with that attitude and I only associated myself with people who were on an average level like mine, I saw people with wealthy parents has been arrogant and demonic but luckily for me, I meet with a close friend who changed my life about wealth and since I meet him, I noticed a drastic change in my life and my finance.

The power of choice tells us that we get to keep what we argue.


You do not bargain with life for poverty and expect to become a millionaire overnight, even if by some kind of trick you make a million naira, you will spend it lavishly since you do not have a mind -set of accumulating wealth. Whatever a person sets his mind to will depend highly on the type of opportunities that life will throw at you. I never believed this principle until I changed my mind-set about certain things and I began to see result.

Changing your mind set about money also includes listening to the right persons, the people we surround ourselves with and listen to for advice goes a long way in ascertaining what our future would look like. I knew I had to change my friends at some point in my life because they were not good thinkers, whenever there was a discussion about how to achieve success, they will go totally against it the people we choose to listen to have a great hold on our lives.

The greatest of evils and the worst of crimes is poverty… our first duty- a duty to which every other consideration should be sacrificed- is not to be poor. George Barnard Shaw

If you want to build your financial reputation, learn to say positive affirmation to yourself every day and move with people who can help increase your wealth.

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