Branding and its impact on

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 


Branding is a marketing practice where your company creates a name, design or symbol that belongs to your business alone. It is also an intangible concept that helps people recognize and identify a particular company, product, or individual.
Your brand is built to represent who you are as a business and how you wish to be perceived by your consumers. It is a way to distinguish yourself from your competitors and clarify what it is that makes your company a better choice over the competition.
Examples of brands include Apple, Nike, Coca-Cola, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Samsung, McDonald’s, etc.

Here are some reasons why building your brand is important for your business:

Recognition: People tend to do business with companies they are familiar with. If your branding is consistent and easy to recognize, it can help people feel more at ease purchasing your products or services. Branding is how a company gets recognition from its consumers and competition in the market. The logo becomes the most critical factor here since it serves as the face of your company. It is also why the logo of your company should be catchy and easily memorable out of several others in the market.

Uniqueness: Your brand helps set you apart from the competition: In today’s global market, it is critical to stand apart from the crowd. It protects you from competitors who want your success. Without it, they will have no problem making copycats of what made you popular and claim it for themselves. They can carry the same or similar products but they won't be able to take your style and originality away.

Staff motivation, direction, pride and satisfaction: A clear brand strategy provides the clarity that your staff needs to be successful. It tells them how to act, how to win, and how to meet the organization’s goals. When your brand is strongly established, your employees feel prouder and more empowered to be working at your company. Working with a reputed brand makes them highly regarded by their contacts, which makes working at your company enjoyable and memorable.

Referrals: People love to tell others about the brands they like. People wear brands, eat brands, listen to brands and they’re constantly telling others about the brands they love. The word of mouth is the best form of advertising that any business can get. If your brand performs well among your clients and consumers, there is a chance that your business can gain an influx of new customers as well.

Clarity and focus: It’s very easy to wander around from idea to idea with nothing to guide you. It doesn’t take long to deviate from your original goals or plans. A clear brand strategy helps you stay focused on your mission and vision as an organization. Your brand can help you be strategic and will guide your marketing efforts saving time and money.

Connection: A good brand connects with people at an emotional level; they feel good when they buy the brand. Purchasing is an emotional experience and having a strong brand helps people feel good at an emotional level when they engage with the company. People are more attached to companies with a brand than companies that doesn't. Brands create a bond filled with good memories and good times and customers will never forget it.

Value: A strong brand will provide value to your organization well beyond your physical assets. This also makes well-established brands a more appealing investment opportunity because of their firm roots in the market.

Trust: Branding is a proclamation that you will deliver on your promises and claims the company makes. If you are not willing to make promises you can't keep, don't state it on your brand. A brand that is consistent and clear puts the customer at ease because they know exactly what to expect and this can help establish trust among people enough to do business with you.

Buyer Aspirations: Brands have an aspirational element to them. Customers purchase products from such brands because they somehow become statement products. The desire for an iPhone stays put, no matter how many other cost-effective smartphones are available. A strongly established brand can sway a buyer much more effectively than brands that are not.

Sales: Branding will create sales and revenue for your business. Simply put, buyers are more likely to go for established brands instead of non-branded products.

An effective brand can reach more and more people, which in turn can positively affect the growth of your business. Not only does branding affect your business, it also affects your customers’ buying patterns, decisions and behaviour. Simply put, successful branding impacts your business positively.


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Branding your product is very crucial to the successful of that product. Sometimes something is expensive and not up to quality of something with same feature or even better feature than the expensive one, but the expensive product has more sales. For example, look at Apple products, there are not the best but they have the highest sale, that's effect of branding. Thanks for sharing this very good article with us @bhoa

thank you for sharing