Common Financial mistakes of a young person.

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

At a young age we have our emotions all around the entire place, sometimes we get a lot of financial advices from the older ones but because we want to enjoy a season of bliss at a young age, we find it extremely difficult to hold up to the financial standards that will help us have a stable finance. As you continue to read, you will find out some of the things that young people spend money on that is almost a total waste of resources.

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Eating out on a regular basis.

The amount of money spent on eating out all the time is extremely much and a constant habit of eating out all day and every day will not help out financially. It is understandable that we get very busy with work activities and we might just simply want to eat out but then it should not be a regular habit to eat in expensive restaurants, a lot of money can be saved by preparing your own food at home instead of going out to buy expensive food everyday

Partying a lot.

It is important to have a good time with friends and we can do that by attending parties, it however becomes a problem when the party becomes a very excessive and uncontrolled event and it is very common that at a young age we tend to spend a lot of money and time having fun while in the real sense we should reduce the hours we spend on parties at a young age and use the money and time for a more productive activity.



Make up brands.

These young age is when we are really concerned about the way we look, we see celebrities and influencers trying to promote a certain brand and as a normal young person we just want to get those looks as well which makes us spend everything that we make on getting a proper make up done and that isn’t financially healthy.

High focus on trendy items.

Trend is usually followed on the things that we put on most often and at that young age we just want to jump at anything that is trendy which is usually expensive and then we dump those expensive materials after some time. Trendy items take so much money away than a quality material will do.

Cars are expensive.

Most young people see cars as a form of luxury while the cost of maintaining a car is more expensive than the price of purchase. Before a car is purchased make sure it is out of abundance of resources and not just out of the little gathered funds.

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Well said. Most especially one thing I have noticed in even Nigerian that's collapsing their financial state is they love to buy things that are really trendy in the country which they didn't even cautious their spending habits when it comes to that

Yes, you are right.. We have a very large spending habit and it can be very detrimental to our finance. national finance often do not affect the way of life of some people provided they manage their personal wealth but I see Nigeria as a country that losses both.

Best regards. Your recommendations are very good. The grandmothers used to say that the economy "enters through the kitchen"; preparing your meals at home allows you to save money and knowing this at an early age is an advantage. Also, do not be manipulated by fads, but analyze well what you are buying and what product of equal quality and cheaper, can fulfill the same functions. There are many ways to improve control of finances and your practical examples are extremely useful. Thank you.

Thanks a lot for reading and for giving a great contribution. Your grandmother is wise and she understands the impact of a penny spent wrongly is a penny lost