The work should be daily !

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 


I had today a little brainstorm with my wife. We talked about the days of the week, I mean their naming. She said that the days are named based on planets. For example sunday is the sun day , sturday is the saturn day. I made fun of friday as it's a fry day. But now looking to wikipedia I see that's a day of Venus. So, my wife was right, other days are also related to planets. Thursday is Jupiter day. Wednesday is Mercury day. Tuesday is Mars day. Monday the moon day. I've found more details on this website : Planetary Associations with Days of the Week.


As polyglots me who knows four languages and my wife three. We also discussed the days in other languages. For example in French Lundi comes from the world Luna in Latin it's the moon. In Russian it's Понедельник what's pronounced as ''Ponedelnik'' and that means the first day after the week. Looking at monday in Arabic it's الاثنين what comes from the world two or the second, because usually Sunday is the first day in Arabic countries because they celebrate the religious day in friday. So, as you see not all the days are the same in other languages, the same about countries and their traditions. The naming of the days could be related to how people live.


The interesting thing is that friday is the religious day of muslim people, then we have saturday the religious day of jews people ( it comes from the world Sabbath ) and sunday is the religious day of christians ( in Russian Воскресение what means resurrection, related to ''resurrection of jesus''). So, in each religion they kind of needed people to have a rest day to not work in. That what may motivate many people to work for someone for a salary instead of having an own business where noone will be use this person as a cheap work force. That's why I came with a conclusion that setting those days like that was by a purpose but not random. What proves that all the religions have the same source that have the same goal in end !

So, we shouldn't accept everything in our lives as it is, but we shoud always do our own researches, even if that's a very banal thing that we used to know !

The more you learn about this world, the more truth you find !

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Most times after thorough research we discovered that some things are even false compared to what we believe in at times

Hi @clixmoney
Interesting conversation with your wife, wow. I've always admired people who are fluent in several languages, I'm currently studying English, I've made enough progress to feel much better than where I was a few months ago.
I had no idea of the origin of the names of the days of the week. It's always good to learn something new.
Good week