HELP STEEMIT GROW. My personal suggestion on how to bring more demand for STEEM [JOIN discussion]steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago  (edited)


HELP STEEMIT GROW. My personal suggestion


I did not have the opportunity to post in quite a while and instead I've focused my efforts on manual curation and building new relationships here on Steemit. However, today I decided to publish a post which I consider very important. My goal is to share an idea which has been on my mind for a few weeks already and to ask you, dear readers, to share your feedback.

So please, read this post carefully and share your thoughts with me in the comments below. I read and appreciate all of them.



Recently a number of people with strong influence organized a few amazing initiatives aiming to promote the Steemit platform.

We had @o1eh together with @josevas217 and @pollito22 starting up a few instagram accounts, aiming to bring more awareness to the public about Steem blockchain. The other day @xpilar, supported by his team, launched a great campaign aiming to promote Steemit on youtube.
(links blow)

Both campaigns attracted many people, however the results may have been a little questionable.

Main problem explained


I have watched a number of Youtube videos that were published in response to that contest and my impression was that most of those people promoted Steemit as a platform to make money. In turn, that would mainly attract more new users who will mainly look at Steemit as a platform allowing them to earn a living.
Creating even more selling pressure.

Nothing bad about that, however, it is hard to expect that more users who would need to earn and cash out their earnings would help to build more demand for steem.

Wouldn't you all agree on that?



I strongly believe that currently what we need is to bring more DEMAND for STEEM token. We do not necessarily need more users creating content and cashing out their rewards ASAP as this would only increase already existing selling pressure.

So, today I would like to present my solution, which in my personal opinion could allow us to build a constant demand for STEEM tokens. And again: your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

MY SOLUTION in a nutshell


Few words about affiliate marketing

Let me start with a simple question: do you know what affiliate marketing is about and how it works? If you don't, then please Google it to learn more about this term as it will be quite important in order to understand the following part of my post.

Simply put:

Affiliate marketing is a process where publishers earn a commission by promoting a product or service made by another retailer or advertiser using an affiliate link. The affiliate partner is rewarded a payout for providing a specific result to the retailer or advertiser. Typically, the result is a sale
(quote from google)

Small example: by promoting Binance we may end up earning some percentage of all trading fees that come from trading activities of all users introduced to Binance by us. We may also promote VPN services and earn a % of all monthly fees paid by those users who register themselves using our affiliate (referral link).

I myself have very basic experience with affiliate marketing, however, I know a few people who managed to build themself a solid passive income. And I am pretty sure most of you have seen a number of famous youtubers promoting different sorts of paid services. They all enjoy some cut from the said generated revenue.

I hope I made that part easy to understand and we can move forward?

Lets scale it

This is the most IMPORTANT part of my post, so please read it carefully.

If a single person would have the possibility of earning quite a decent amount of $$$, then imagine the results that could be achieved if the entire community would work together towards the same goal. Instead of one person sharing a referral link to some paid services (let it be VPN or Binance), we could do the same but as a group ... wouldn't the results be even better?

It is important to realize that we have amazing resource here: large community. So achieved results should be much greater in comparison to results achieved by youtubers working alone.

Okey, so what's the plan?

MY GOAL is to set up an account on one such paid service and organize a large group of Steemit users who would help me share that link on their social media platforms and on Steemit itself. And as an "experiment", our group would try to promote such a referral link for a few months to see what results we could achieve.

How could that help STEEM blockchain you may ask?

It is quite simple.

I strongly believe that we could build up some serious passive income, which would be paid by those affiliate programs (my priority would be to focus on promoting Binance with ref link).

And all revenue coming from those affiliate programs would be used to buy back STEEM from the market and BURNED (send to @null).


Let's say for the upcoming half year our team would promote Binance and bring a few hundred new users to that platform. After all, every year millions of skeptics are joining the crypto space and one way or another most of them will end up using Binance.

Currently Binance pays approx 40% commision on all trades, so with time revenue generated, it could potentially reach thousands of $$$. And every month that profit would be used to buy back and burn STEEM tokens from the market, creating a steady and growing demand for that token.




Well ... this post is already quite long, so I will reply to that question using @project.hope account in comment section. Check it out :)


Every single Resteem will be also greatly appreciated.

I hope that by now the entire concept is described clearly and easy to understand? Please share your thoughts with me in the comment section below.



Finally, if you would like to participate in this initiative, then consider reaching out to me via discord (crypto.piotr
#3426) or simply join our discord server and I will gladly greet you there :)

Cheers, @crypto.piotr
Founder of project.hope community


Usefull links.
Help Steemit Grow by @o1eh
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Project.hope discord server
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I am also familiar with affiliate marketing and I believe that it is a good idea that should be tested over a longer period in order to measure the response.

I strongly believe that we could build up some serious passive income, which would be paid by those affiliate programs (my priority would be to focus on promoting Binance with ref link).

It is quite simple. All revenue coming from those affiliate programs would be used to buy back STEEM from the market and BURNED (send to @null).

The idea of ​​profit from affiliate marketing that you mention is great if it can be sent to @null and burn steem. I see this as a win-win situation and fully support this idea

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me @Xpilar

idea that should be tested over a longer period in order to measure the response.

I could not agree with you more. For that reason I'm planning to invest at least 2-3 months of my time to push this initiative forward and monitor results. It's definetly not one-time thingy and loads of work need to be done.

Thanks for dropping by and your encouraging words @xpilar :)

Is setting up a project to burn steem in order to promote steemit a good idea ?
I think that this is typically a man in a boat with hole situation.

Let me explain
Once a man was in a boat in the middle of the sea. Suddenly he discovered that water was coming into the boat.
He had a bucket which he started using to take water out of the boat.
However the reason for water getting into the boat was holes that large fishes were poking into the bottom of the boat.
If you look at the situation it would appear the man is doing the job of saving the boat and himself.

How is this relevant from in the context of creating demand for steem by burning it ?

The boat is steemit. It is not drowning however the stagnation in its price and even the prices getting lower is more in the hands of the big fish who are the big stakeholders that is those who run the blockchain.

So though the action to burn steem is brave and laudable however the end results depend upon a number of factors such as

  • What is the current emission of steem ?
  • What is the amount of steem being sold by the various stakeholders ?

It would be great if someone can help us with these figures to come up with figures to work with.

Further with your permission dear @crypto.piotr I would like to tweak the solution to get funds for burning.

Here is what I suggest

Hi @thetimetravelerz

Your comments are always top quality. I will reply to your feedback in post that you've shared with me just now.

However, before I do that - I would like you to check out my discussion with @carlos84 and see what is my reasoning behind idea of burning tokens

Cheers, Piotr

Thanks for the kind words dear @crypto.piotr
Thanks for sharing the discussion with @carlos84 I have gone through it and made a not of your concerns.
I would present my point of view separately.

This is a very nice idea. Working as a team makes the result better achieved. Within the Project Hope community, we have undertaken some marketing campaign in the past (like the WOX, Robinia, etc) and I believe that this one is also achievable if we work as a team. I think we should give it a try.

In addition to this, I also think devs should be attracted to the Steem blockchain, so as to create more products and projects within the blockchain to attract more investors. Imagine having an instant messaging app (like Twitter) built on Steem, it will attract more users and investors. My opinion though.

Nice one buddy.
Resteemed for added visibility.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Working as a team on anything will be far more effective than individual work. I still remember how we worked as a community to promote Steemscan and RobiniaSwap. Now, despite what happened to RobiniaSwap in the end, it doesn't change the fact that we've nicely succeeded in attracting a large number of users to it.

I like your idea about promoting a referral link to Binance and using the generated revenue to buy and burn steem. If it works, It'll benefit all steemit users... Let's give it a go...

Hi @qsyal

I loved working together. Especially, since we've managed to shape quite a well organized team already :)

And I love to hear that I got you interested. I presume that most PH members will support that idea. But still ... it's great to read it

Yours, Piotr

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Hi @crypto.piotr..

Ini inisiatif yang luar biasa dan patut di uji coba, steem akan menguat jika ada orang orang yang berpikiran sama dengan anda. Saya pikir pemasaran afiliasi merupakan salah satu proyek yang memiliki prospek yang bagus untuk meningkatkan permintaan Steem.

Saya setuju dengan anda "we need is to bring more DEMAND for STEEM token."tapi kita juga perlu banyak pengguna. Pertanyaannya : apakah pemimpin akan terlihat bagus jika tidak ada bawahan?
Nah kita harus merubah paradigma "Steemit sebagai platform untuk menghasilkan uang" menjadi "steemit sebagai platform untuk berinvestasi". saya tahu ini bukan pekerjaan yang mudah seperti membalik telapak tangan. saya juga mengkampanyekan ini bersama tim pemasaran Steem di jejaring sosial facebook dan instagram

Proyek ini akan sukses jika kita bergandengan tangan dalam pelaksaannya, walaupun kita memiliki target dan tujuan dari masing masing proyek yang akan di jalankan pada jaringan steem


Congratulations, your comment has been successfully curated by @irawandedy at 10%.

Terima Kasih @heriadi for taking the time to share your thoughts.

google translation below:

"This is an extraordinary initiative and worth testing, steem will strengthen if there are people who think the same as you. I think affiliate marketing is one project that has good prospects for increasing Steem demand.

I agree with you "we need is to bring more DEMAND for STEEM token."but we also need a lot of users. The question is: will the leader look good if there are no subordinates?
Now we have to change the paradigm of "Steemit as a platform to make money" to "steemit as a platform to invest". I know this is not an easy job like turning the palm of the hand. I'm also campaigning for this with the Steem marketing team on social networks Facebook and Instagram

This project will be successful if we join hands in its implementation, even though we have the targets and goals of each project that will be run on the steem network"

It is undoubtedly a very good idea that could work. Just the fact that other users make their contributions in the comments speaks of their interest in improving the platform.

I have no experience in affiliate marketing, although I know what it is all about. And handling it that way, buying tokens to burn, could be an input, but that tends to be more of an impact when done en masse, which implies that for it to take effect you would have to burn a large amount of tokens.

I think it's a very logical idea, with a good chance of working. As long as those people who don't have Binance accounts decide to open them.

As a project.hope community, we already have quite a decent experience in promoting different projects. Within past 2 years, we've been involved in few different marketing campaigns which allowed us to learn to work as a team and develop leadership structure within our community.

Many of you may remember RobiniaSwap DeFi build by @Nia (Korean developer). We have managed to build a team of over 30 active members and brought decent amount of users and investors to that particular project.

So we have solid experience and we know how to bring traffic and exposure to promoted projects. Which is the reason why I believe, that solution shared in this post has real potential to bring extra demand for STEEM tokens.

Hopefully more people will share my optimistic view :)

Certainly, as a community Project.HOPE has a proven and rewarding experience in promoting different DeFi projects, and even applications within STEEM.

I like your idea a lot, the promotion is a real work and we should have a full infrastructure to encourage promoters to keep doing this job.

Referals is indeed a system that really professional people can exploit in a great way and build big networks of users that get a real assistance during their first steps here.

I always thought about a system where users could buy advertisements using STEEM, the idea is simple, X buy STEEM and pay to Y. Now Y have to write a post regarding a product/service that X requested for review, this way more business and entrepreneurs will arrive to the platform to buy articles and the STEEM will have a great buying pressure

Dear @alejos7ven

Glad to see your feedback.

I always thought about a system where users could buy advertisements using STEEM, the idea is simple, X buy STEEM and pay to Y. Now Y have to write a post regarding a product/service that X requested for review, this way more business and entrepreneurs will arrive to the platform to buy articles and the STEEM will have a great buying pressure

I must admit, that I've been also thinking about it for a year or more. Problem is, that it does require to much work: looking for clients, explaining to them process of payment, deal with their expectations and then prepare and publish review. And to scale it ... that would be even harder.

It sounds like never-ending work and I figured that I should focus on idea of building passive income. And promoting Binance (while using generated revenue for buy-back and burns) sound so much easier and ... steadier.

Thanks again buddy :)

Greetings, dear friend, Piotr.

The core of your idea is based on the burning of Steem, which is good and it is a system that belongs or is part of the economy of the ecosystem. This has never been fully implemented, although we have recently seen efforts by Steem Blockchain authorities to promote its use.

I believe that any action that focuses on promoting the burning of STEEM is totally valid and positive for the economy.

Your personal idea of ​​using the referral link looks great.

In previous years, a small percentage of Steemit users had an active Binance account, but now that percentage has increased, and as you say, new users are added every year.

It would be great if many of them also joined the creation of content on Steemit and participate in the burning.
Obviously, the amount of STEEM that these new users will be able to burn would be tiny. So, those who make a considerable number of transactions on Binance would have to take the surplus profits from their trades (product of their referral links) to buy Steem and send them to @null.

Therefore, your campaign should focus on attracting new users to Binance who would have to register using the Binance referral link, from those who make a considerable number of transactions and exchanges. And they would be the ones who should commit to burning.

Project Hope has over 8K subscribers. Suppose half of them are not registered on Binance.
If you were to get 50% of them to become new Binance users using the @josevas217 referral link (for example), then José, who makes a considerable number of monthly transactions, should buy the STEEM and send it to @null.

In short, you have a great idea and the potential (subscribers) to make it happen.

Thank you Juan for your feedback.

although we have recently seen efforts by Steem Blockchain authorities to promote its use.

Could you please tell me more about it? I haven't seen yet any efforts by Steem blockchain authorities to do any buy-back and burns.

I believe that any action that focuses on promoting the burning of STEEM is totally valid and positive for the economy.

I do agree with you. However, encouraging authors to burn part of their rewards is not going to build demand. I would rather all those authors to keep their rewards (instead of burning some) and simply power it up. I think , that this would create same result -> limiting selling pressure.

Reducing supply is one thing, but we mostly need to find ways of creating demand. That's at least my line of thinking.

If you were to get 50% of them to become new Binance users using the @josevas217 referral link (for example), then José, who makes a considerable number of monthly transactions, should buy the STEEM and send it to @null.

Im afraid that you're missing my point. I wouldn't want users like Josevas to promote their own referral link and then him to carry on with buy-backs and burns.

My goal would be to set up ONE and only ONE main account on Binance with referral link "connected" to that profile. And to build a team of Steemit users, who would be using this particular link while promoting Binance.

So once a month, I would take all that revenue, write a post presenting some bacis stats and then use generated profit to buy STEEM and burn. At the same time I would ask Xpilar (or some other well respected person) to control entire process. So entire process would be quite centralized and partly transparent.

Hopefully Im making sense?
Yours, Piotr


Affiliate marketing can be a good idea. However, I think that if some developer created some blockchain games on STEEM, the blockchain could become even more interesting and more popular. Another idea is to strengthen the collaboration between Steemit and TRON more and more, as if Steemit became the official social platform of TRON (but I don't know if this is a possible thing to achieve).

I don't know much about affiliate marketing beyond the basic principles, but this seems like a solid enough idea to try.

It will be interesting to trial this for say three months to see how many people would carry the link, and what sort of affiliate revenue is generated.

Maybe run two different affiliate links at the same time (Binance and maybe a VPN) to try some A/B testing.

Finding affiliate links that are globally applicable would be useful.

I very much appreciate your encouraging comment @pennsif

And BIG THANKS for sharing info about this initiative in your recent newsletter

Cheers, Piotr

I am looking forward to seeing how this project develops.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

This a great initiative.., but who will be in charge of handling to burn those Steem, and let me added that this idea is good but if Steemitblog didn't endorse it the earnings generation may be small.

Few words about affiliate marketing
Let me start with a simple question: do you know what affiliate marketing is about and how it works? If you don't, then please Google it to learn more about this term as it will be quite important in order to understand the following part of my post.

Simply put:

Affiliate program is one big way to promote stuff online, and some of the blogger's on YouTube and Instagram pages does that to generate or earn $$$.

With that has been said, more people are coming each day to join the crypto world 🌎, initiate such ideas of affiliate program could help Steemit platform, I could recollect before the fork between Steem and Hive, there is something like that, before the GMT token ideas or that planned if am not forget, your ideas is good, but hopefully Steemit.incoporation could support this ideal so it can easily spread across all communities; I'm very certain if steemitblog find interest in your ideas/suggestions, this could work out more than expected..

Thanks for sharing such a wonderful ideas with us..

@null account is one way to burn Steem token and increase or market Steem favour will occured, majorly things are changes but we need to stay update and think advance as well, those $$$ earn through that affiliate program will be used to buy steem in circulation and send to @null this a great idea, but I hope this program or idea could be endorse by Steemit.incop. so every Steemians could involved.

That is my take on that.

Thanks for dropping by @davidad and sharing that valuable feedback.

but who will be in charge of handling to burn those Steem

right now I don't have the answer yet. -
Currently my goal is to share idea behind this initiative, collect feedbacks, talk to people and think of next step :)

However, most likely I will be responsible for doing that and I will publish monthly reports. Plus I expect that one of top20 witnesses will be monitoring my actions. That's how I see it at this very moment ...

this idea is good but if Steemitblog didn't endorse it the earnings generation may be small.
I'm very certain if steemitblog find interest in your ideas/suggestions, this could work out more than expected..

To tell you the truth, Im not sure what do you mean by Steemitblog endorsing this initiative?

I do however acknowledge, that collaborating with team behind @Steemblog could make things much easier.
(luckily I got my first large upvote from them on this post yeyeyeye. So it seem that they are aware of my initiative).

Problem I see is that ... noone seem to be in touch with anyone from Steemit.incorp team. I dont know how to reach them, even if I try ...


Those are some very valuable suggestions and they seem to be doable. Platforms like FTX, Binance can give us good scope.

Hi @nainaztengra

I've just tried to reach out to you via Discord, but I received this message:

Clyde BOT — Today at 09:01
Your message could not be delivered. This is usually because you don't share a server with the recipient or the recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends.

Any chance you could add me as a friend (crypto.piotr#3426) or join project.hope discord server? (

I would like to be able to stay in touch with you.
Yours, Piotr

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


Please check out this post. We don't expect to receive support from you at this stage, however we would like you to know about our initiative aiming to help Steemit to grow.
Your feedback would be also greetly appreciated.

cc: @hungry-griffin, @steemitblog, @steemcurator01,

This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...

I am not really convinced that this idea will make Steem platform to be more popular. It will definitely bring more popularity to like in this example "Binance" because the other people willautomatically go to that link and nobody will have an interest about Steem.

I do understand that you mean that the % will help to buy Steem and burn but the amount that is burnt here on Steemit is so minimal that it makes no real change.

If you remember Terra Luna story, now the company is brning the tokens in order to bring the value up and here is the amount that burnt weekly:


That is something needed to be done in order to bring the value of Steem up and not the minimal amount of the Steem that is users burning when doing their posts.

Hi @stef1

I appreciate your feedback. Even if we may not be on the same page. I value every point of view.

It will definitely bring more popularity to like in this example "Binance" because the other people willautomatically go to that link and nobody will have an interest about Steem.

On one hand we have SteemitBlog and their initiatives, in which they support people who aviod powering down and selling STEEM (that reduce supply exiting blockchain and moving towards exchanges).

My goal is not to build more exposure to Steem and bring more users. My goal is to attempt to create small "pocket of demand" for steem token. Demand, that would create little extra buying pressure on exchanges. Removing liquid sell orders.

Hopefully I'm making sense?

I do understand that you mean that the % will help to buy Steem and burn but the amount that is burnt here on Steemit is so minimal that it makes no real change.

That could be as well true. The problem I see is that if we would accept this mindset, that our actions may only have minilac impact then building any dapps or games or any sort of contest ... all of it wouldn't change anything as well.

I think that this initiative alone will not have a great impact on price of steem, but sum of all small initiatives around steem blockchain may actually mean something.

That's what I choosed to believe :)
Cheers, Piotr

Hello dear, I am glad to know that someone has a good proposal for STEEM to revive, but based on what I know, I will leave you my comments on the matter.

The problem:

The leaders of the platform, steemcurator accounts, took very drastic measures that although they are intended to reduce the supply around STEEM, what they did was to create more STEEM sales, the fact that they have implemented some clubs, 50, 75 and 100 is a direct imposition on all users to raise their rewards to voting power or burn them, when really the rewards that manage to generate these users, are very small and force them to sell, these users are the minority on the platform with respect to voting power, but they are the majority in number, this is the real reason for the massive sales of the token, if this is a decentralized platform, the impositions and saying that they will be voted or not, if they meet these guidelines do not seem right to me.

There will be some who still meet these requirements, but we must be very clear on something and it is the harsh truth, we are all here to make money, no one wants to invest their time which is the most valuable thing that human beings have without receiving anything in return, so that users take rewards is normal, What should exist is a reason for people to increase their voting power, which in my opinion is one of the best ways out of this crisis that Steem is going through, unfortunately I personally had to leave the platform and turn off my power, because I simply need earnings, I have a family and so are thousands of users in Steem.

To finish this part, one solution is to incentivize users to grow their power, the rewards of the post, can be used to empower several community accounts that vote users without having so many restrictions, this would make more people come and can collaborate with the growth of the platform, the idea of decentralization is to empower everyone equally, not a single mass of people.

Regarding the idea of affiliate marketing:

The first thing I must say is that I fully support the proposal, it is quite solid and it could really help STEEM's price to what disappears a bit from the market (Circulation), but several things must be taken into account:

  1. What my dear @juanmolina commented is true, if you want to generate money through a referral link in Binance, these users who register, must have some kind of knowledge of such exchange and also must perform a discounted amount of operations to be able to generate the money, since it is not just about registering, these people must move constant money in their personal accounts to generate such dividends.

  2. In my opinion the people who are responsible for promoting the initiative and the link, which should be completely voluntary, should have knowledge of Binance and at least explain briefly how it is used and what benefits it brings.

For my part this would be all my comment for the moment, what is said here is with all the respect in the world for everyone and I hope with all my heart that it will be carried out, I am not on the platform because of what I commented, but I would love to come back and see Steemit again in all its glory.

Dear @lenonmc21

This is definetly one of the best and most valuable comments I've received. I truly appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts with me.

I was wondering .... did you also read other people comments? The fact that you pointed out at @juanmolina comment made me nicely surprissed.

I will even upvote it with 100% of my voting power. It's not much ... but I want to show my appreciation :)
Yours, Piotr

Hello. In my opinion, you have presented a great idea and you should be proud of yourself. The large Steemit community is capable of a lot, but...

I think you will encounter the passivity of most of the community. Therefore, you should count on only a handful of active friends who probably already support all your initiatives.

In order to earn income from the referral program, involved users must trade large volumes of assets.

Most people will not want to share a referral link through social networks where their friends, classmates, work colleagues are.

I believe that your idea can be implemented more effectively. For example, you could register one YouTube account, and the content creators for this account could be a hundred authors or more. Over time, such an account would gain a lot of views and could earn you thousands of dollars, with which you would buy STEEM and burn it.

In any case, we need each of us to feel part of the community, to feel obligated to do something for the platform. Unfortunately, those who have already achieved success and earn significant funds with the help of bid bots, hardly participate in the life of the community. Just look, in a month all bloggers burn 17000 STEEM. Such an amount is easily earned and transferred to the cryptocurrency exchange by one top user of UPVU.

But everything I said does not mean that we need to fold our hands and do nothing. I support your proposal in any form and will support anyone who wants to do something for STEEM or Steemit.

Hi again @o1eh

I believe that your idea can be implemented more effectively. For example, you could register one YouTube account, and the content creators for this account could be a hundred authors or more. Over time, such an account would gain a lot of views and could earn you thousands of dollars, with which you would buy STEEM and burn it.

I must admit, that I like your idea and this is very interesting direction to consider. I will DM you via discord to discuss this topic futher :)

Just look, in a month all bloggers burn 17000 STEEM

I wonder, how did you get this number?
And my question is: did those bloggers burn part of their rewards? If that's the case, then they obviously reduced existing supply. But it doesn't create buying pressure (which is what I would like to achieve). Or perhaps Im wrong?

Thanks again for your great input,
Yours, Piotr

I wonder, how did you get this number?

Tokens are burned as part of the burnsteem25 initiative. @remlaps weekly burn stats:

But it doesn't create buying pressure

You are quite right. For complete success, it is necessary to both reduce inflation and create buying pressure.

The idea of affiliate marketing that you have presented here is super cool. What I got from your points is that it is the way to promote some popular platforms, say Binance or some VPN to earn a good revenue that could be used for buying Steem and burning them, super doper idea. I really appreciate your idea for the betterment of the platform.

Yes, you are right that the burning program that has already been implemented by the Steemit bloggers is focusing mainly on reducing the supply, which is also good thing. But, if the demand of Steem could be enhanced by buying them through your presented idea, it will be more impressive as two good things are going to be happen at the same time, Increasing the Demand AND Burning. Both of these things are best for the growth of platform.

There is also a suggestion from my side that it could be more better if the ref links that are used for promotion could be of those accounts that are already highly stable and have good trading experience so far so that more profit can be earned and then more Steem could be bought and burned.

I really appreciate your precious thinking for the betterment of the platform. I always want to support such initiatives and I am available always in the case of any assistance or need. Thanks a lot for sharing this precious idea.

Hi @steemdoctor1

Big thanks for taking the time to share your feedback and your encouraging words. I appreciate it a lot.

You surely got my idea right :) I'm glad to see, that most people didn't have trouble understanding what I would like to achieve

And thank you for your suggestion regarding ref links. Something definetly to consider.

Is there any chance to contact you? Do you use Discord by any chance?
Perhaps you could add me (crypto.piotr#3426) or join our community server ( I will gladly welcome you once you do :)

I hope to be able to establish communication channel between us.

Cheers, Piotr

I find the idea of burning toxins very productive in its original meaning. This is the way to increase its value.
The proposed idea may work, why not.

The intensification of the financial crisis may lead to increased interest in cryptocurrency. On the other hand... linking the crypt to the Fed...we see the bitcoin exchange rate.

In any case, I believe in the growth of the number of inhabitants of the planet CRYPTA.

I support your initiative

Hello dear friend @crypto.piotr

It's always good to build new relationships here on Steemit, as this is practically our first virtual home or at least that's how I see it. It makes a lot of sense your idea to bring more demand for the STEEM token, somehow therein lies the problem of the stagnation of the current STEEM price action, bringing more demand for the token would imply significant movements in the price action.

The solution you propose about affiliate marketing (I understood it thanks to your explanation), and using the revenue from those affiliate programs to buy back STEEM and then burn them, is a good way to help bring more demand for the STEEM token.

I would like to know your response, what you expect from the success of implementing this strategy that you are putting forward to the Steem community.

RESTEEM token for this initiative.

Best regards, be well.

I'm sure affiliate marketing will work to an extend where affiliate marketing should work. I'm not an expert in that field, neither will I have the ability to write on that.

However, the affiliation portion strike me as a very useful tool when come to online gaming app. What's more create a bigger desire in winning a game than playing the game? More then often gamer lost their mind chasing for the winning and forgot to "enjoy" the game can start to spend money in attaining certain success in the game. If the player want to have an edge in winning the game, buy our resources. And guess what, the official "currency" is steem.

Still think @drugwars is one of the best. Only if they can put a control on printing of DWD and limit the "early player" to bully new comer. A huge shout-out to @hightouch and team for making such a great game.

[WhereIn Android] (

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Hello friend, I have a question:

Why instead of burning the steem obtained, we use it to make powerup in the community account of project.hope?

All that steem power that would go to the project.hope account would give more voting rewards, and if a lot of users commit to make 100% powerup to the posts voted by the community account, it would seem to me a better strategy.

What I don't like about burning steem is that it may not have the positive effect we are looking for which is to raise the price, because while we all together as a team contribute to burn steem, maybe on the other hand they continue to sell more, and our that burning end up benefiting others.

In general I think that the strategy has to be that all our accounts, that is to say the accounts of the project and the users that we publish in project.hope we should increase our steem power to the maximum, is what I think.

However, if this burn option is chosen, I am sure you can count on me to contribute to the whole process. Regards.

Hi @carlos84

Why instead of burning the steem obtained, we use it to make powerup in the community account of project.hope?

It is interesting solution Carlos. Im only concerned, that it would limit entire initiative to people who are part of project.hope.

Somehow I can easily imagine that even people who are not part of our community would get involved - but only if they see that there is buy-back and burn process happening. Otherwise, if they would know that entire process is making one person (or one project) earn money from their efforts ... that could discourage many.

Is my line of thinking making any sense?

What I don't like about burning steem is that it may not have the positive effect we are looking for which is to raise the price, because while we all together as a team contribute to burn steem, maybe on the other hand they continue to sell more, and our that burning end up benefiting others.

You have a good point here. There is a real risk that no efforts of all people promoting steemit, bringing new users and trying to create pockets of demand .. that it will all have no impact.

We may also have developers building games and it may also serve no purpose. Because like you said - others may be selling their tokens.

So we must ask ourselfs a question: do we believe that we can bring value to STEEM blockchain and try to do it. Or do we believe that steem is DOOMED either way.
At least that is how I see it.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. Please let me know if my line of thinking is making sense to you?

From that point of view in which the goal is to get other users outside of project.hope for this initiative then it is very good, even if we have doubts if it will work, at least we have the consolation that we tried, count on me to raise the price of steem together.

Greetings my friend.


Let's buy NFTs or something than burning those Steem tokens plz...

I mean...shrugs...

lets evolve... perhapes use that income to benefit community in other ways... I don't know... maybe lets buy some NFT from Tron market place and put it in DEFI... something like that...

I am not sure this buying and burning steem tokens will bring much effect to steem's price... You need big whales doing that...

Just saying...

But I love your goal and I totally think you should experiment with that affliciate marketing idea... just a good project plz that's useful to promote..

Coz we promote things blindly... lets promote fundamentally good projects with utility and prospects for growth...

its also good that you will see this as a experiment!!!

Good Luck...

We should have some NFTs also na?? have to capitalize on a trend before it fizzles out...NFTs attract new users for sure...

Think out that what to do with that revenue... ou can even increase Project.hope's power that way...just saying... it will benefit community when they get upvotes... just saying

I aggree with you we need to try a couple of new things and solely relying on a burn mechanism may not bring the desired outcome.

hi @thetimetravelerz

What is my desired outcome is to bring more people on board and make more connections? Regardless on results of our efforts - my major goal is to bring more attention of large stake holders to project.hope.

And I want to do it by trying to bring more value to steem blockchain.

Point noted buddy!
Looks like steem prices are in the green $0.25 after a long time

Hi @mintymile

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.


Truth be told, I strongly believe that if I would try to keep profits generated from Binance affiliate marketing then it would be very hard to encourage people to participate. IT is simple as that.
After all, majority of people would understand idea of buy-backs and burns.

How to encourage wide masses to get involved if they will have an impression, that entire intiative doesn't really benefit them or STEEM, but is mostly enriching one person behind it .. ?

I think that your idea sound to complicated and would make it hard to get people involved. And sounds also so much more complicated. I would say that great deal of people would give up on participating after reading words "NFT".
(not to mention, that launching NFT may turn out to be illegal and I don't want to be the one going to jail)

Yours, Piotr

hello @crypto.piotr

it is an interesting idea as currently binance is paying very good rewards for sharing referral links.

on the other hand if a community can use the already existing affiliate marketing advertising and promote their own referral link to binance, with the power of a community they can generate a couple of thousand dollars that will be used to purchase steemit.

with the purchased steemit the community administrators can increase their voting power, with more voting power they give a better support to the articles of their members.

in my opinion it is a win-win solution, steemit wins because it creates a higher demand for tokens, the community wins because they will have more voting power and finally the community member wins because their items will be better rewarded.

it is undoubtedly an excellent idea which can be applied immediately.

Yours @trabajosdelsiglo

How many millions of $ do you expect to earn with such links? Assuming it works at all, market cap is 92m atm. So 9m rewards would burn 10%. Dunno if this moves the price. On the other hand I guess the 9m distributed to the participants would make them smile;)

Hi @cektop

Thanks for dropping by buddy.

I'm not sure why do you take entire market cap into consideration. What we need to care is amount of liquid STEEM being used in sell orders on exchanges.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong.

My view on results of this initiative is quite simple:

Even if it won't really bring huge results - > we will build even bigger network similar to project.hope. With some leadership structure. Network which we can use will use to promote important developements on steem blockchain.
Developers should be focused on building their apps. They should not be wasting time on bringing traffic and onboarding users.
I could help them bring some traffic to their apps/posts in the future.

After all: `It is all about bringing value' to STEEM. One way or another. And we can either believe that change is possible, or not (in that case giving up would be the only solution).

Cheers, Piotr

I'll give you my opinion of what's going on here. The lord and owner of steem does not care if it goes down as if it goes up or how they use it. This man only took this coin only because of the block chain that he wanted to implant in tron and make the price rise and give him a profit. And I say it if you realize only these updates to be even more important. It doesn't matter if we complain because it will continue doing the same thing and it's a shame because if it only took 5% of the interest for steem I assure you that many things would change. So don't waste your time on how to make steem what it was before, because that's not going to happen. A hug and sorry it took so long to answer you

Well. I don't want to judge your opinion because you have many good points.

But I decided to be one of those Steemians, who believe in bringing value to the blockchain the best way they can. And I think that proposed initiative may actually work quite well.

Cheers @apoloo1

Hi @crypto.piotr this initiative of yours is very good for the betterment of steem value. May the project be accomplished with great success and serve it purpose.

I am just getting to reply bad.
I am always in support of creative and innovative ideas. Your proposal is a welcome development. I can't wait it to fully unfold. Let me also cease this opportunity to appreciate all you do on this platform. It's quite commendable. Welldone @crypto.piotr

hi @lhorgic

Thank you for taking the time to comment on this post. Please check out your Discord DM whenever you're free :)

Cheers, Piotr

We are in support of this initiative.
Post resteemed as requested.

Hola amigo @cripto.piotr. Tú post ha sido claro y conciso, se entiende perfectamente no obstante el periodo que marcas me parece corto, es decir, durante los primeros 2/3 meses los nuevos usuarios apenas aprenderán a usar la plataforma así que no generarán muchos ingresos.
Una muy buena idea es fomentar la curación entre todos los usuarios a cambio de poner entre el 10 y el 25% de recompensa en favor de @null, también haría crecer Steem entre todos.
Además pienso que conviene atraer a personas que no estén solamente por dinero, si no que sea un incentivo más, es decir, otras redes como Facebook o instagram no pagan absolutamente nada por publicar y son tremendamente conocidas, Steemit es una plataforma exponencialmente mejor ya que puedes publicas, subir fotos, enlace a vídeos y todo lo que hacen el resto además de recibir recompensar por hacerlo. Lo cual lo hace muy atractiva. Si se le da un enfoque económico al final lo que generen los usuarios lo terminaran sacando con la consecuente bajada de precio. Yo por ejemplo no estoy en la plataforma por el tema económico, si no por compartir con todos mis vivencias, recuerdos y viajes, eso Hace que crezca la plataforma. Si en el camino se ayuda a gente que económicamente lo necesita pues bienvenido sea.

No sé si me he explicado bien, es mi opinión pero su propuesta también me parece genial. Adelante, un saludo

hi @kikenexum

Could you please translate it to english and post your comment here again? I would appreciate it.

ps. thank you for your resteem :)

ps. thank you for your resteem :)

Hello friend @crypto.piotr. Your post has been clear and concise, it is perfectly understandable despite the period that you mark seems short to me, that is, during the first 2/3 months the new users will hardly learn to use the platform so they will not generate much income. A very good idea is to encourage curation among all users in exchange for putting between 10 and 25% reward in favor of @null , it would also make Steem grow among all. I also think that it is convenient to attract people that are not only for money, but rather that it be one more incentive, that is, other networks like Facebook or Instagram do not pay anything for publishing and are tremendously well-known, Steemit is an exponentially better platform since you can post, upload photos, link to videos and everything else everyone else does plus get rewarded for doing it. Which makes it very attractive. If an economic approach is given, in the end what users generate will end up getting it with the consequent drop in price. I, for example, am not on the platform because of the economic issue, but because I share with all my experiences, memories and trips, that makes the platform grow. If along the way you help people who need it financially, then you are welcome. I don't know if he explained it to me well, it's my opinion but his proposal also seems great to me. Go ahead, greetings

BIG THX for sharing your feedback with me @kikenexum

Just a small suggestion: it would be much easier to read if you would user "enter" from time to time. It's quite challenging to read such a long block of text ... regardless. I appreciate you taking time to drop that comment :)

Cheers, Piotr

Sorry, I'll keep that in mind for next time.

thanks for the suggestion

Greetings @crypto.piotr ❤️😊

Nothing bad about that, however, it is hard to expect that more users who would need to earn and cash out their earnings would help to build more demand for steem.

There's actually no doubt that most users who tend to invite new members into the steem blockchain make use of the persuasive strategy that has to do with "Steemit is a platform for earning free money" and this method seems to be working quite well since everyone wants to make money 😄

I strongly believe that currently what we need is to bring more DEMAND for STEEM token. We do not necessarily need more users creating content and cashing out their rewards ASAP as this would only increase already existing selling pressure.

Hmm... Creating more use case and demand for steem token is definitely a good way to go. I strongly corroborate with your point here but that doesn't stops Steemit from being a decentralized social media share and earn platform.

I like the idea of adopting affiliate marketing as a use case for Steem token and since the funds earned will be used for burning and buy back of steem, there's actually no doubt that this will have a significant effect on the price or value of steem and at the same time this method can be used to promote multiple crypto exchanges and crypto projects.

I think another advantage of this is that it can lead to more partnership of Steemit blockchain with other crypto project in future. This is really a very lovely idea and I'm highly impressed with this.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💞💕

Hello @crypto.piotr, it seems to me an interesting strategy that could influence the improvement of the steem price.

So long, have a great week.

Hi @cripto.piotr.

In unity is strength, I had not read of this type of marketing, but I understood with your explanation, your idea has coherence to impact the current price of steem, I hope it can be realized for the benefit of all. Greetings.

Hi Piotr

I strongly believe that currently what we need is to bring more DEMAND for STEEM token. We do not necessarily need more users creating content and cashing out their rewards ASAP as this would only increase already existing selling pressure.

I share the same thought and yes need to create more demand for steem rather than selling pressure.
I like the idea of affiliate programs and this is a good option that can be helpful to create some good revenue and that can help to buy and burn steem. I am in and will connect with you in discord. Resteem done. thanks.

I am very familiar with affiliate marketing and for me, i think it is all about testing and making conclusions based on the results and feedbacks... Anything to bring great value to the steem blockchain is in my opinion welcomed.

I am very familiar with affiliate marketing and for me

I would love to hear more about it. Let's chat on discord ok? :)

Hii @crypto.piotr,
This seems like a really solid idea to grow steem and the marketing idea makes sense ^^ , I don't have much knowledge in the domain of marketing but then I remember it's one of your forte's .
So if there's anything I can help with let me know , will try my best to accomplish it . Small things add up so hopefully steem grows even bigger eventually

As much as I like to see steemit as a platform grow I also desire a stable price flow in steem token this is a good idea as a community when we put in effort together anything is achievable.

I haven't tried any affiliate program, from look if this is well implemented we can do well by generating good capital to buy back and burn steem token thanks for having good passion about this project.

One thing that I love about life is that change is the only constant thing. If we are ready to grow this community and blockchain forward we should work together to promote it with the strategies that @Project HOPE have said, it will go along way to help out.

Hello dear @crypto.piotr. Very interesting proposal as well as being very novel and unique so it can work. I think that any proposal that can help to generate a demand for Steem to pressure its price should be welcomed and supported, so we are willing to participate with you in this.


it's a great idea, affiliate marketing is a motivation to share those links on our social networks, there can be a great profit and then that profit buying the steem and sending it to @null is a great idea, you have my support dear friend

First of all I think the idea of involving a community to create and promote steemit is a good idea.
Saying that, I see some problems with your initiative:
The idea of promoting binance in order to buy steem tokesn and butn them is only an artifical way of increasing the steem demand. I understand your thought process but the holy grail should be to generate organic demand for steem by giving the token utility. (at least that is my point of view)
A second thought I had is, that this affiliate programm must be transparent in termas of how much money was earned and how it was spend. I think it is a lot of work to document everything correctly.

In terms of suggestions: I think an organic demand for steemit can be done by attracting more users to the platform. I feel like this could be the only way of getting more "organic" demand for steem.

I understand your thought process but the holy grail should be to generate organic demand for steem by giving the token utility. (at least that is my point of view)

This is something people like me and you cannot do. Even if we would want it. Lack of funding, lack of programming skills - those are just some obstacles on the way.
We could all simply sit and wait until some utility will be added ... and probably we would sit for very long time :)

My goal is to bring some idea of building "pockets of demand" for steem while using strength of community on Steemit.

I think an organic demand for steemit can be done by attracting more users to the platform.

Wouldn't attracting more users only create more selling pressure instead? I'm failing to see how more users = more organic demand. Life seem to prove that it's otherwise.

I would risk a statement, that more users is not what we need. On the other hand - we should focus on current userbase and ensure that those who see STEEM as a long term investment will stick around.

Again, thx for sharing your thoughts buddy

Even if I'm not highly involved in affiliate marketing, your explanation of the concept helped me understand a major point, which will aid in the growth of Steem.

I srongly believe that currently what we need is to bring more DEMAND for STEEM token. We do not necessarily need more users creating content and cashing out their rewards ASAP as this would only increase already existing selling pressure.

According to my minimal understanding of the cryptocurrency industry, the higher the demand for a token, the more the value/price of the token increases. In the crypto ecosystem there are numerous ways to generate or uphold demand for a given token.

  • Developing a project that will allow the participants or individuals use the given token as payment or transaction fees. For instance, the gamefi is a great idea, this allows users to play game and earn, if STEEM can create it own play2earn game and the token is being used for payment on the gaming platform, this will increase demand for STEEM.
  • Let take a look at DeFi, STEEM doesn't have an active DEX or marketplace where other tokens and DeFi protocols can be performed and the STEEM token will be used for payment or transaction fees. NFT marketplace should also be consider, we have digital creators out there who are willing to invest and showcase their skill, having a NFT marketplace where STEEM is required as payment will create a big demand for STEEM.

Considering the DeFi protocol, a liquidity pool should also be put in place with good APY that will attract investors to invest and stake their STEEM token thereby earning other tokens at a certain percentage.

Finally, I'd like to add a web2.0 idea, which is adsense. We should think about running ads on Steemit because of the site's daily traffic and high user count. We can make a good amount of money from ads, and we can use that money to buy and burn STEEM, which will significantly lower the amount of Steem in circulation and raise the value of STEEM.

Thank you @crypto.piotr

Analyzing your proposal, I dare to assure that within the set of initiatives that I have known in Steem this is one of the most viable, of course this does not mean that the rest are not, but nevertheless lack clear objectives, and capture revenue in this way that you propose would become a good way to create greater commitment to the stability of Steem in the future. I think the next step will be to define the objectives well, build the identity of the account, find a promotional team, define marketing strategies, build an audience that redirects the links in other social networks to capture potential customers.

Mr. @crypto.piotr counts with my support.


@crypto.piotr the idea is good , but it has many underlying points to be work out.

As per my analysis and thinking instead of increasing the number of users we need to Focus on growth of the steemit , like we don't have any dapps like we have before steem mosters now spliterland. No games we have no application we have We need to work on creating this type of dapps.

2.Apart from that we need to attract more investors wo buy steem and stake.

  1. We don't have pools were we can stake steem and can get more Apr. Other projects are doing that and bringing demand for the token.

  2. Lastly community incubator program.

If we can work on this few points we will definitely see a good price of the steem and growth of the platform.

Hi @adityajainxds

As per my analysis and thinking instead of increasing the number of users we need to Focus on growth of the steemit , like we don't have any dapps like we have before steem mosters now spliterland. No games we have no application we have We need to work on creating this type of dapps.

Hard to disagree. However, in my post I'm not really asking about ways of supporting Steemit. But I suggested some particular initiative which I like to discuss. So let's stick to this topic please :)

Thanks anyway for taking the time to read this post,
Cheers, Piotr

I love the idea and I believe that the idea shared will promote steemit community and I am fully in support and ready to play my part in the vision.

Greetings @crypto.piotr,

by promoting Binance we may end up earning some percentage of all trading fees that come from the trading activities of all users introduced to Binance by us. We may also promote VPN services and earn a % of all monthly fees paid by those users who register themselves using our affiliate (referral link).

I personly agree with you on the point that something needs to be done if we want this platform to grow along with the members,

I think it's a wonderful idea, we'll promote their product whatever links or ads and in return, we'll get rewards and we can attract more people to this platform,

you always come up with great ideas, hats off

No, I don't agree with that. if the people just came here to earn money they gave up one day it is because steemit is a very vast platform. everyone should understand that they should learn it properly. and also participate in club5050.
As you also mention 1st need to create the highly quality content and power up .

Without a doubt, this is very interesting. Marketing from any point of view is ideal for growing any project or company, in this case #steem and #steemit as part of a whole.

Teamwork is the one that leaves the best results, in addition, any effort that is made in order to make our platform and even more our currency grow will always be the best and will give good results with willingness and collective work.

From my possibilities I have promoted #steemit and I have managed to attract new users, I think that the idea of ​​affiliate marketing can work and thus make the new ones more Investors than common users, and with that we will have achieved a lot.

I hope this project is a success @crypto.piotr many blessings and my unconditional support

Hola saludos @crypto.piotr, he leído varias ideas que han dejado los participantes, cada una valiosa. Siguen llegando participantes nuevos pero ante la baja de las cryptomonedas se desengañan, creen que se van a ser ricos. Hay que vender otra ideas a los nuevos y motivarlos apoyar a otros y crecer en la plataforma. Muchísimo éxito y un abrazote

Hello greetings @crypto.piotr, you read several ideas that have left the participants, each one valuable. New participants continue to arrive but given the drop in cryptocurrencies they are disillusioned, they believe that they are going to be rich. You have to sell other ideas to newcomers and motivate them to support others and grow on the platform. Much success and a hug

Greetings from me @crypto.piotr, I read the whole article and your thought is really awesome. Now it is demanding for steemit community. In this recent time affiliate marketing is best option to promote anything. It should start it immediately and my suggestion is that you needs full concrete step and support from total steemit community not only from your team. Thank you

Hello @crypto.piotr I think this idea is pretty good, at least that steem burning will be used to increase the price of the coin and give a better stability to the community itself, it is also important that when you see how the coin rises the users do not automatically withdraw everything so that later the coin falls again, the truth seems pretty good your idea to invest part of your time to monitor the entire project.

I wish you good luck in this new project, because it will be a very tedious task that will need a lot of time and vigilance to burn so much steem so that the currency can rise and so everyone wins, the truth I see very important that new members arrive to this community and contribute with good content so that the community is not lost and only becomes a community of, Come, write and win! because the truth is very nice.

I hope you are recovering well and that your family is healthy, greetings and thank you for giving me the opportunity to give my personal opinion on this topic that I don't handle very well

Hello, being a marketing professional I have worked on this concept both personally and professionally. I have also experimented as a user in the past of various writing websites like Hubpages. I have experimented with promoting affiliate links for websites like Amazon and Flipkart that allow referral links to content writers.

I strongly believe that if you choose any site like Binance on a mass scale, it should work. I am also sure a regular effort in a group, planned way, and constantly is the key. Thank you.

Dear @dove11

I wasn't aware that you're a marketing professional. I would love to be able to get in touch with you and hopefully we can collaborate together in the future.

Is there any chance to contact you? Do you use Discord by any chance?
Perhaps you could add me (crypto.piotr#3426) or join our community server ( I will gladly welcome you once you do :)

Yours, Piotr

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

I read this initiative of yours with interest, and I decided to tell you how I really think and What are the pros and cons in my opinion.

meanwhile, from my point of view, we must also understand how much steem there is in circulation, I haven't been on the platform that long, but I still don't understand this, and from my point of view it's a bit pointless to go and buy Steem again if you don't know the final circulation.

The other discourse is related to the fact that the video I made was mainly made to not only make steemit known as an investment, but also to make it known to those who want to share their travel content, in fact in the end what I deal with in my youtube channel, I don't deal practically with cryptocurrencies, but I would like to make a fixed income for those who travel indefinitely and want to create content.

So the initiatives that other people have done I still consider good because anyway and talking about steemit in the most popular social media is always a good thing in my opinion.

It's true as you say that unfortunately many people don't think of Steemit as an investment but rush straight to cash in, so for the affiliate marketing talk I think it's something to try, but I don't know if it will be successful.

However we can try it and then see the results.

The thing I would like to achieve is to attract important content creators (travellers who need an income) to this platform so that those who follow them come here and click on steemit pages, this could generate traffic for the site and bring in advertisers.

Thank you @hotspotitaly for taking the time to get familiar with my initiative and for your valuable feedback.

ps I already replied to you on discord. cheers :)

Namaste my friend @crypto.piotr
It is very important to work as a team only then we will be able to increase the value of steem.

I am interested in affiliate marketing. You introduce a Nice initiative with us. Somedays back I also introduced steem tokens as various offers among people to promote Steemit at my jewelry shop.
post link-link of the steem promotion by offers

I think if we all work with team then this Affiliate program will really work to our ecosystem

Appreciate your thoughts senior

I am also developing a steemdapps web. User's could see all dapps at one place.

hi @blockseater

I am also developing a steemdapps web. User's could see all dapps at one place.

I would love to hear more about it. Let me message you via discord and let's talk over there.

cheers, Piotr

Maybe I have a hard time commenting. Maybe I'm just not familiar with affiliate marketing. But the spirit of perfection is yours, who wants to raise the steem to a level that is very high.
I agree that all of us who have made videos have made them just to introduce new people to a platform where you can earn by sharing posts. Apart from that, neither I myself made such a video to say something else about the platform and say something different, nor did I watch anyone's video. I don't fully understand how you want to do affiliate marketing or whatever.
But one thing that I have seen for a long time is that many users follow their account by paying some amount of dollars to a giveaway creator to increase followers on Twitter. But I think that way is not very sustainable.

The rest is the way you want to do it if I need a little more explanation. Rest of you, wherever you need steem users, I try my best to be with you. Thank you, for all these steps.

Greetings @crypto.piotr, your idea is not bad at all, if we all together bid towards the same side no doubt it will be a great success since generating revenue to buy token and then burn would increase the demand for Steem. What you should focus on is the platform to which the Affiliate Marketin will be applied, that is to say, it should be a very important platform like Binance, which is your proposal.

I believe the initial will work well and I am fully in support of the idea.

Your affiliate marketing plan is great and I think it is quite successful. As the revenue generated from this will help to burn the steem, thus the value of STEEM will surely increase.

Here I would like to give a suggestion that people mostly pay attention to video nowadays they don't pay much attention to reading post or stories on Instagram.

According to my opinion, Steemit team should create their own YouTube channel where they should inform people about this platform, After that Steemit team tell their users through @steemitblog update so everyone should subscribe to this channel.

After that, everyone should ask their friends and relatives to subscribe to this channel, then steemit upload the videos of some of the biggest steemians out there, because steemit users are from all over the world, So we can promote the STEEM blockchain better and we can bring us some new and big investors.

This is my suggestion about the promotion of STEEM. I also agree with you that a lot of people in the videos say that Steemit is a place to earn money and I don't think they should. Because it is also a better social media.


Hi @malikusman1

Your affiliate marketing plan is great and I think it is quite successful

Big thanks for taking the time to share your feedback and your encouraging words. I appreciate it a lot.

I agree with you, that in current days it's much easier to reach people with videos. Something to remember.

Is there any chance to contact you? Do you use Discord by any chance?
Perhaps you could add me (crypto.piotr#3426) or join our community server ( I will gladly welcome you once you do :)

I hope to be able to establish communication channel between us.

Cheers, Piotr

your idea is good. I have told people about Steem Tokens every day. But we have some problem here. That's why I introduce myself. I am a resident of India. I live in a small village. But here people buy other tokens. Because they have problem in buying steem tokens. The reason for this is that even steem tokens do not come here in India's wallet. But for some reason the token starts coming. So everyone can buy as many Steem Tokens as possible.

But some people are like this. Those who have trouble buying. We have some wallets like Wazirx and Zebpay, this steem token does not come in rupees. So there is a problem in buying Steem tokens.

Thanks for dropping by @ahlawat

I hope that one day situation regarding crypto space in India will be more stable and easy for people to participate.

An interesting idea that can be perfected to bring it to fruition and with benefits for the chain. I have read several comments and I am sure that together we will be able to compact an adequate and effective idea and strategy.

Great initiative, Piotr. Reesteem.

Hello friend Piotr.

A pleasure to read again one of your posts, really Steemit's economy has been very affected by this bear market that has hit it in such a way, so we have to look for solutions that can improve its price and maintain a stability of the platform for a long time more.

The idea put forward is very good, the search for more profits for the token and the constant burning of the same can stabilize the price, on the other hand, we must remember the large number of tokens that are constantly created and are not burned, we must find a large team to make a difference in this situation.

As always, you have my support for whatever is needed.

Dear @chucho27

we must remember the large number of tokens that are constantly created and are not burned, we must find a large team to make a difference in this situation.

Of course it is going to be challenging to have a meaningful impact on the price. This is however not what I'm hoping to achieve at current stage.

Right now we already have a working structure of approx 30 people (all part of project.hope community). We already have solid experience promoting few crypto projects and we've learned to work together as well organized team.

We're happy to involve others and hopefully reach group of >50 users, who would commit long term into this initiative.

That's all that matters at the moment. We need to start somewhere and that would be already an amazing start. I think,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me,
Yours, Piotr

This is really a great idea. So far I've seen so many efforts from different parties and groups towards promoting STEEM as well but yet, here we are. I believe with this initiative and also with collective efforts, we can have a better result. I am all in to support once everything is set.

Proposed idea would definitely help out once this is implemented with the whole community working together in order to obtain better results. Despite we might be seeing commissions as small amounts, in a large time of course would be considerable to maintain perfectly the economy of Steemit Blockchain.

Dear @alegnita

Proposed idea would definitely help out once this is implemented with the whole community working together in order to obtain better results

Of course it is going to be challenging to involve many users right from the start. This is however not what I'm hoping to achieve at current stage.

Right now we already have a working structure of approx 30 people (all part of project.hope community). We already have solid experience promoting few crypto projects and we've learned to work together as well organized team.

We're happy to involve others and hopefully reach group of >50 users, who would commit long term into this initiative.

That's all that matters at the moment. We need to start somewhere and that would be already an amazing start. I think,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me,
Yours, Piotr

You're Welcome. There's nothing like acquired experience. This surely gonna work then. Regards once again 👍🏼

Affiliate marketing or Commission based direct marketing can help a lot to spread steemit around the World.

Thanks for dropping by @engrsayful. Great to still see you around.

ps Check out your discord DM whenever you can :)


Hello @crypto.piotr.

I strongly support your idea and Affiliate Marketing is a good strategy and this marketing is done by a lot of people to earn a passive income and that income will be used to buy steem and burn them.

Your idea is great as Many new users join this platform every month and We can guide them about Binance platform and then they can join them through our referral link. For this, I want to give a suggestion that We need to guide all the new users first about Binance platform as after they would understand about Binance, then they can surely join Binance and trade in it.

And I am also satisfied with some of the comments I have seen on YouTube Marketing. It is one of the best marketing as We can generate serious amount of income through YouTube videos but It needs consistency. We will need a hundreds of users to make and publish content on YouTube and then, We can use that income to buy steem and burn them.

Dear @sachin08

Your idea is great as Many new users join this platform every month and We can guide them about Binance platform and then they can join them through our referral link.

You are indeed reading in my mind :)


To View YouTube Playlists: 24 Videos of my collection @waterjoe which are performed every time as part of the Steem Promo

👉Klik ULR ini


I don't understand your comment @waterjoe

Is it in any way related to discussed topic?

Hi @crypto.piotr!

The suggestion you made is a good initiative for me as far as the PH community is concerned. If we are to handle this issue as a community as you indicated in the post, within 2 to 3 months, the results will determine if we are actually doing the right thing or not. I think we should try it out as there is no harm in trying.

Great Idea. I use affiliate marketing every day… from Amazon to Adsense on YouTube. It adds up.

One of the best ones so far is Earncrypto and HideoutTV…

People get paid in crypto for watching videos (with Ads)

I set my crypto to earn Dogecoin and accumulated about 10,000 Dogecoin so far just from watching short videos.

You watch the videos on HideoutTV:

And set the crypto you earn with Earncrypto:

With Earncrypto you can actually set it to earn Steem and SteemDollars !!!




Oh, really? This sounds good to earn the crypto you wish to.

I'm currently mining BTC every 4 hours while I trade with this awesome exchange called StormGain:

With this invitation, you'll gain your first 3 USDT for trading and once 10 is completed as minimum, you can trade them and then withdraw profits. Mined crypto can't be cashed out.

Interesting @alegnita

Could you perhaps consider writing a post (and publishing within Project.hope community and sharing link with me?

I would love to learn more about this and I will get you some solid upvotes :)

Cheers, Piotr

Sure. I was thinking about to prepare it in order to also share this in my social media.

Thanks for your amazing comment @offgridlife

I must admit, that I was not aware of such a sites.

Is there any chance to contact you? Do you use Discord by any chance?
Perhaps you could add me (crypto.piotr#3426) or join our community server ( I will gladly welcome you once you do :)

I hope to be able to establish communication channel between us.

Yours, Piotr

Sure…. I will connect on Discord

Greetings dear @offgridlife

How long did it take you to collect the 10000 DOGE?

about 1 month

Thank you for the invitation to your post.

Affiliate marketing is a great option.
From all the replies I've read I must agree with @o1eh, YouTube affiliate marketing is the quickest, easiest and most cost-effect way to start.

From my side, shout if you need help. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Thank you for dropping by @patjewell and sharing your point of view

I wish youtube affiliate marketing was a solution to consider. Problem is, that our resource = people on Steemit. And we are all bloggers more than youtubers..

From my side, shout if you need help. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Is there any chance to contact you? Do you use Discord by any chance?
Perhaps you could add me (crypto.piotr#3426) or join our community server ( I will gladly welcome you once you do :)

Yours, Piotr

Dear @crypto.piotr ,

It was a very good read as it made me think aspects about the future of this platform.

I have watched a number of Youtube videos that were published in response to that contest and my impression was that most of those people promoted Steemit as a platform to make money.

100% agree with this point. Even I reached this platform because of this income. That's a true point for almost all of us. That's the reality. But the users should be more educated on benefits of powering up Steem.

MY GOAL is to set up an account on one such paid service and organize a large group of Steemit users who would help me share that link on their social media platforms and on Steemit itself.

This sounds very positive and as the profit is used to burn some Steem it's very positive for the platform. As a group PH is very strong. Let's try this.

Resteemed !

Hello @crypto.piotr friend, I also have just a basic knowledge about affiliate marketing, but I think this idea would really work in a network as big as Steemti where many people have been working hard to keep users encouraged by posting and working on their growth.

I support this idea.

You have a great point and a good marketing strategy, I must say. Affiliate marketing will boost Steem and Steemit, which will be an excellent way to attract more investors.

Steemit is the best ever. I think the affiliate program would be the best way to spread Steemit to the world, and something we users can do is have some meetups in our various locations so other people can be aware of Steemit. Your suggestions are very very okay. Thank you for such a brilliant suggestion.

BIG THX for sharing your feedback with me @josepha

Glad to know we're on the same page. Hopefully we can find ways to collaborate in the future :)

Cheers, Piotr

It sound nice and practical. Burning steem may increase its price. However, burning is not a single solution. Without increasing user base nothing can bring steem on top.

No doubt it's a very good idea And I think it will be good initiative for Steem future.Influencers who have been promoting Steemit in various ways for a long time will now get more extensive Steem promotion opportunities through this initiative .

Nothing bad about that, however, it is hard to expect that more users who would need to earn and cash out their earnings would help to build more demand for steem.

Wouldn't you all agree on that?

Yes i am agree with you.carry on brother i am with you.

hi @mostofajaman

it is hard to expect that more users who would need to earn and cash out their earnings would help to build more demand for steem.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but people who need to earn and cash out their earnings are creating selling pressure. It's opposite to building demand for steem.

Greetings dear friend, I find your approach interesting and innovative, but it does not cease to raise concerns in my person.

The central idea in my opinion, is to achieve a better escalation in the price of Steem, hence it encourages the massive burning, so to generate a real impact must be able to convince much larger projects or communities so that the economic incentive obtained is sufficient to achieve burn a large amount of the token.

On the other hand, and assuming that the initiative will be a success, is there any way to re-invest the capital obtained without the need to generate the burning, but at the same time boost the price of Steem?

Some great points there @madridbg

Let's discuss this topic via Discord :) I'm going to message you right away.

Also check out my reply to @carlos84 (he have similar view to yours):

Greetings @cripto.piotr to all participants of Ph, I do not have much experience in marketing but if I understood that the cryptocurrencies grow with its burning, ie when there is a way to invest the token in productors or services that provide, if you create a method of investment or a virtual store where only accept the steemit as a form of payment, could generate that long-awaited burning, NFT, get an exchange with some other currency as the bit of Twitch.
example exchange of Steemit for Twitch bits.

Great to see you around @rubenp

I've been trying to reach you via discord for quite sometime lately. Can you double check if you're receiving my messages?

As I have experience in affiliate marketing I think it's a good idea to utilize affiliate marketing to promote different cryptocurrency exchanges and projects. Since the money made through affiliate marketing will be used to burn and buy back steem, there's no doubt that this will have a huge impact on the price or worth of steem.

And I welcome one more good idea that we promote Binance here as the 40% commission is charged on all trades, therefore the revenue generated over time may amount to thousands of dollars.

Hi @jyoti-thelight

I wrote to you via Discord already. I would love to learn more about your experience in area of affiliate marketing.

Hi friend @crypto.piotr

Certainly we have to look for new alternatives to contribute to raise the price of steem, collecting USD through the binance promotion link seems to me a good idea, and even better that this USD is used to buy steem and burn it, that would lower the supply of steem and potentially raise its price, of course you would not see the results quickly, but it would all be a matter of having patience.

You can count on me for this important initiative. Greetings.

It is a very good idea and as a proposal for growth both individually and collectively is really profitable. When you promote products and services you earn a commission and this works perfectly. I think it is an opportunity to strengthen ourselves in the medium and long term.

greetings @crypto.piotr
No doubt that affiliate marketing and token burning is an idea that will revolutionize steemit and help to improve the price, many of us already have experience driving projects to improve the ecosystem and this would be a new one for the benefit of all of us who make life in steemit .

  ·  2 years ago 

I'm glad to see a new project from an old friend, @crypto.piotr

Honestly speaking, Steemit needs more new blood to join and affiliate marketing would be one of the methods to make this become reality!

Keep up the good work bro!

This is a very good idea, working with the members of that team will achieve very perfect results.
Keep running your project well, we will always support you.

Very interesting idea, I think most people join this platform for profit. And on this platform, there are several ways to get those benefits and maybe the addition of an affiliate system will attract more new users.

This is quite an interesting initiative @crypto.piotr, I'm already visualizing the outcome and i must confess it will be very great. I support this movement or campaign 100% to help grow the steem economy. I'm always available if needed for any assistance to build the steem blockchain.

Hi piotr, interesting proposal, it is certainly important to go beyond simple promotion. I think if the big investors of the platform join your idea it would have a greater impact. Since they are the ones who could do a massive steem burn.

If I know this affiliate system, maybe you can offer users more than a product, a master class for which they can pay something or some course and thus reach many more people. It is an idea that could work.

Thanks for your input. Currently the marketing team consists of 7 people. It is an honor for me to be part of this team. :)


It is an interesting proposal, I think it is very likely to work because it is a collective power as Mr. Piotr rightly points out where everyone can get a long-term gain but the immediate reward would be shown in the increased voting power of the community.

Thanks for dropping by @tomaspalomo and for sharing your thoughts.

The other day I've actually have been trying to reach you via discord. Can you check if you're receiving my messages?

I think this is a very bright idea, create an affiliate by getting % of the affiliate and then we buy more steem in the market to burn so that the price of steem continues to be stable, wow this really surprised me to hear that, I totally agree with this idea.

Excellent initiative, there is nothing bad if we can try the affiliate marketing. To be honest, i don't know much about it, but i have heard few folks talk about it some times ago. Maybe we can explore. It's good to have a try.

Will you say more about this in your subsequent publications?

Hello friend, I like the idea of looking for strategies that seek to increase the demand for STEEM, I think we should measure how effective can be the strategy of using the profits generated by affiliate marketing to buy and burn STEEM, you could also look for use cases, perhaps use part of the profits to pay a programmer to develop a game on the blockchain, which generates demand and also allows to burn part of the profits of the game.

It is indeed a great idea @crypto.piotr and we shall fully support it as a team.

It's a nice idea, IMO, but you'll need to convince a lot of people. Besides, this affiliate thing doesn't really work as people are saying it.

But overall, the idea of buying back steem is genius. Only that the source of funds is where the million-dollar question is asked.

I'm making a research on this and will present my findings soon. I think it's high time we started an ecosystem on steem. If steem has other apps that can offer one value or the other, we'll definitely have increased demand for steem outside steemit.

I also thing steem can have strong DAO like maker, it must not been for steemit but probably for a new app but this DAO will be a collective of innovative and product driven minds who understands crypto, finance, social media and Web3.

Hi @jehoshua-shey

Seriously, I appreciate all the time you invested to write it all down. BIG THX

Besides, this affiliate thing doesn't really work as people are saying it.
I wrote to you via Discord. I hope you don't mind (as I would like to discuss this topic a bit futher)

Cheers, Piotr

@tipu curate 3

Greetings friend @crypto.piotr

We must always be careful when we try to promote Steemit, although the rewards are an interesting reason to attract users, it is always necessary to make it known that an investment plan can be generated that allows growth on the platform, and not simply arrive, try earn and spend

Your approach seems very good to me, I think it would be of great benefit to redirect the rewards generated by the advertising activities that can be carried out for the benefit of Binance.

Thanks for dropping by @adeljose

ps. Can you please check your discord? I'm not sure if you're receiving my messages. Or perhaps you're not much on discord? (it has been almost a month since last time you replied :P)

Cheers,, Piotr