Is crypto space MATURE ENOUGH for another BULL RUN? Let me share my concerns ...steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago  (edited)




The other day, I had the pleasure to watch a video called, "Bitcoin All Time High Coming - Should You Buy Now?" by Mark Moss and it inspired me to write this publication. Mark is a very well known and reputable person and his video does sound quite inspiring and surely very optimistic as well. So if you're not feeling well and you want to improve your mood thinking of how bright the crypto-future can be, then DO NOT MISS watching it:

However, while I'm on the same page and I surely would like to see Bitcoin at a new ATH (all time high) - watching this content did raise some questions, worries and serious concerns too. Concerns, which I would like to share with you all today.

FLASHBACK FROM 2017 and 2018


I've been following developments within the crypto space since early 2017 and I've witnessed a huge HYPE followed by a dramatic crash in 2018. One thing I've learned about that period of time is that it attracted thousands of fresh investors, who had very little idea and knowledge about bitcoin and blockchain in the first place. It attracted those who cared more about only making money.

Any sort of development became almost unimportant, and as a result, development-wise, the entire year of 2017 and partly 2018 has been WASTED. Most projects out there didn't care much about delivering their promises. Focusing instead on pure marketing and attracting more new investors. This is what everyone cared about in 2017!.

And when we've experienced the 2018 CRASH -> we've witnessed a wave of politicians, governments, regulators and central banks turning their EVIL eye towards the entire crypto industry.

And those flashbacks prompted me to ask one CRUCIAL QUESTION:



I'm fully aware that this is what many dream about. I'm not any different, and part of me would surely enjoy witnessing another wave of optimism and global euforia (similar to the one in 2017).

However, I'm concerned that as a result, the crypto space will once again bring unwanted attention of all those central parties (goverments, regulators, central banks) and focus will be shifted once more from development to "making money".

So, perhaps this industry needs more time to MATURE before another bull run would take place?

Perhaps the last thing we need is mass media picking up on this topic. I honestly think that repeating that HYPE from 2017 would slow down most development which has been taking place within the past 2 years. And personally, I rather see slow and steady Bitcoin price growth instead of going through another intense BULL RUN.



Please share your view on this particular topic. I like to know what you, dear readers, think about the mentioned challenges and what's your view on the potential upcoming crypto bull run? I read all comments and I will place solid upvotes on a few most interesting ones.



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As a a developer, I always evaluate a blockchain project from a technical perspective first. Maybe that's right, maybe that's wrong, but doing so and being guided by marketing I've been pretty much able to avoid those project that surge in popularity overnight and then they fall to the ground the very next day.

Regarding Bitcoin, I've always been more cautious than probably other people in crypto that talk with, and that's primarily because from a technological standpoint, Bitcoin is bland to say the least, if not even straight up unattractive.

Regarding the market I'm once again a little more conservative in my views and I don't think we'll see a major price increase this year and that's due to the economic backlash that the Covid-19 restrictions had. I think that once there's a major decrease in the number of cases, we'll see a bullish response from the crypto market, though as you've already said, I don't think either the projects or the community is mature enough for this yet.

Dear @alexbalan

Thank you for your amazing comment and for taking the time to read my publication and share your view with me.

Bitcoin is bland to say the least, if not even straight up unattractive.

Is that how you see BTC? Interesting. Would you mind to elaborate?

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Have a great monday ahead :)
Yours, Piotr

Hi Piotr, when I said that Bitcoin seems bland in terms of their technological advancements I was referring to the fact that the chain is so big and important that it can't risk adopting any exciting new feature. Take for example Ethereum, they are starting the transition to PoS, which is cool and has numerous advantages over PoW. Since they are the second biggest chain they also can't afford mistakes so they have a 3 years plan to transition, right?

Bitcoin however will probably never transition to anything more performant than PoW because the community will oppose it. And by the community I mean all the companies that poured millions of dollars in Bitcoin. Such a drastic change won't ever happen because investors value stability more.

Honestly I'm glad that Ethereum started transitioning now, because they'll soon become the new Bitcoin in my opinion and processing only 12 transactions per second would have been an absolute nightmare for them.

Hi @alexbalan

I only realized that I've never read your reply (somehow I didn't notice your comment) till now.

Honestly I'm glad that Ethereum started transitioning now, because they'll soon become the new Bitcoin

I don't think it may happen. For reasons you've mentioned above. Bitcoin will be still a store of value, and ETH isn't considered store of value (neither is any other alt). Wouldn't you agree?

Thanks for always being so responsive buddy
Yours, Piotr

I see none as a store of value, they don't seem to behave like gold for example. In my original comment I was actually thinking about Bitcoin and Ethereum as platforms rather than coins. What I meant was that Ethereum, in my opinion will become the number one platform for anything crypto and it will see a lot of attention from companies. I also think that beginners will start with the Eth platform rather than Bitcoin when they first enter the crypto space. I think that this is already happening to some degree

Hello dearest friend, Piotr.

You have put my thoughts in another perspective and now I understand you and share your concerns.

The 2018 crash affected us all. Not in the same way of course, but it affected all of us who were in any way related to the crypto space at the time.
But it also negatively affected those who subsequently joined in and embraced crypto. Even today we continue to suffer the effects of that disastrous fall.

Levels of mistrust increased, affecting potential investments.
This was interpreted as a weakness of the crypto space and both governments and traditional financial institutions took this opportunity to discredit crypto, seeing it as a sleeping giant, who upon waking up could eclipse all dominance over international financial transactions, that they owned so far.

As you well said, at that time investors who adopted BTC only saw the way to easy money. But BTC is much more than that.

Bitcoin promises the democratization of access to finance.

Much of the world's population is unbanked, so crypto put the power of decentralized finance in those hands. This is the power of crypto.

On October 31, it was 12 years since the creation of BTC. Since its launch in 2009 until today, the crypto space has experienced all kinds of events, some repetitive, others totally unpublished, all of them have helped to consolidate a serious criterion about its true usefulness and scope.

I don't know if the necessary market maturity already exists.
I'm sure of something, all BTC holders are like racehorses seconds before the start. The levels of uncertainty resulting from a 4-year wait (since the previous halving) are insane.

I hope that investments will consolidate once prices reach new all-time highs and that there will be no fraud that will cause a new setback or stagnation of the global crypto financial system.

I've just noticed that I've never actually thanked you for this amazing comment @juanmolina

BIG THX buddy! :)

Don't mention it, my pleasure.


Hi @crypto.piotr
This is a truly interesting and contextualized topic, more so if we consider that we are before a possible bullfight according to some analysts.
Without a doubt it is a still immature market, it has not had a long term development to say that there is a great attachment to the blockchain. In fact, I believe that despite the large amounts of capital that exist in the crypto market capitalizations, a large part of this is given by large investors, and not by the masses, who really contribute a small percentage.
The big corporations could come in and damage the environment, sure, but it's something that would be difficult to fight. Currently with DeFi and people making money quickly, I think it's good on one hand, because it has made the crypto world better known, it has reached more spaces, but at the same time you can create a kind of vision that says this is to make money fast and get my capital out, regardless of the real basis of the project in question.
However, it's not something we can control.

I've just noticed that I've never actually thanked you for this amazing comment @josevas217

BIG THX buddy! :)

ps. consider using enter more often in your future comments ;) it's hard to read long blocks of text

Congratulations on this text @crypto.piotr. I've been int the cryto markets since early 2016, and I've seen a bit things since then.
Regarding your text I have some thoughts, though

  1. Unfortunately crypto market was linked to scams and/or money laundering for quite some time in 2016 and 2017. This happened because of the propaganda goverments made about these assets, and also because of the ICO hype that took place in 2017 and 2018 where lots of scams took place. "Projects"didn't really care about delivering their promises and dragged lots of "investors" with fake and/or unrealistic promises.

  2. Media has its share on the problem, since it didn't back up serious crypto projects, like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

  3. Goverments tried to stop the crypto markets by regulating or trying to ban cryptos on their territories, since they knew they wouldn't have control over the money transactions and wouldn't be able to track and tax those people.

When media highlighted markets, they were already at ATH, and they really didn't explain their audiences what was crypto about (the philosophy behind libertarianism), but only focused on price and promised those people a get rich quick scheme. They just forgot to tell them that there's no such thing in any kind of investments. This was a huge misinformation campaign backed up by governments to keep small investors outside the market, since they bought at ATH and lost they little money.

From 2019 on, a fourth wave of people got interested in cryptos and tried to study the market (which is awesome). This is contributing to the crypto markets. Also in the late 2018 and early 2019, many institucional investors like big companies hopped in as markets crashed in 2018.

My veiw is... we're about to experience a new bull run, but now different from the previous ones, since companies will help to drive prices up. It will be a bigger bull run this time, but regular people should take care of their money, study TA and fundamentals and diversify their protfolios, since there are still many shitcoins in the market.

Hope I contributed to you with my view

One more time congrats on your text.

Best regards


Dear @aotearoa

Late thank you. I trully appreciate your time and I loved your feedback.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Stay safe and enjoy your monday :)
Yours, Piotr

For a moment, I did thought of watching the video first, but decided to continue reading, finished the piece and reply before I go and watch it. This way, I will reply with my first impression on Piotr view rather than influence by Moss video.

I had some early experience in faucet mining. Back then where miners are trying to get rid of their "worthless" BITCOINS so they came up with an advertising APP, where users can play with their phone by hitting the touch screen where a miracle worker trying to scrape the wall, some coins getting extracted. Animation is super attractive, the sound effect is fun too, like playing a real computer games. At the same time, the advertisement playing at a special frame on the game screen. After X amount of advertisement streaming time, certain amount of coins credited to your crypto wallet, and it can be exchanged with "worthless" BITCOINS. One of my colleague broke his 3GS, banked 26BTC and sold it off for like couple of hundred which can't even fix the phone he broke 😂

It was a fun story wasn't it? All I'm trying to say is, that era has came, and gone. Whoever choose to "come in" to the bitcoin world, are purely on speculative reason. And when it losses it real intention for usage, hodling automatically became a speculative model. At this point of time, any kind of "investors" that decide to join crypto world by buying BTC is not because they have a purpose to use it, that's because the sole purpose is buy low sell high.

Bitcoin has came to a position where it achieve its real intended of existence. It is now a real digital assets that people will weight it with American dollar. Given any country, when disaster struck, either they dump their own currency, buy BTC and leave the country, or they sell their BTC and try to survive with a small fortune with their devalued local currency. BTC had become a digital gold. Just like gold, will you buy grams after grams, ounces over ounces of gold or gold bar with cash, and store it? If yes, good for you. You are a real investor, that you believe over a period of time, these gold bar will preserve value. But if war breaks out, or a huge economic downturn happen in the country like Venezuela, any coin is better than their own Bolívar, not to mention BTC is the best coin but too "expensive" to own.

Before I end my comment, I still haven't really answer is crypto world ready for the next bull run? It will, when it's ready. The other way round if not. Will I or will I not buy? Frankly, I will not save money to buy these asset no more because it's "too expensive" for me to buy in. But, I don't mind to faucet mine, like doing a job and getting paid in digital assets and exchangeable with BTC. Bull run or not, it's not up to us to worry and we can't do anything to protect it from being attack by the real life authorities.

Who knows, the entire BTC realm were created by the super powers themselves? Rockefeller's? McCormick's? You and I sitting here thinking the world finally came up with something brilliant that will defeat the banking system, who knows this is what the bank came up with, to create an illusion for the public to push their money into the BTC hole instead of the bank? 😂 I'm just sayin. Peace ✌️

[WhereIn Android] (

I've just noticed that I've never actually thanked you for this amazing comment @davidke20

BIG THX buddy! :)

(comment upvoted already)

Great post. I agree with the view and attitude that priorities steady development of things and ideas instead of rushed financial craze that can leave things slightly devastated or end up in a damaging anti - marketing after a period of exaggerated euphoria lacking in depth understanding ... and not only in Crypto stuff, in other aspects of life as well. While blogging in this crypto space during this year and a half now, I'm slowly learning and understanding details and potential of the technology and social environment that it can create - and I can tell you, that I have never been so excited and fascinated by something new.
It will be great to get rich, or richer at least, suddenly ... and then travel around the world and blogging about exotic plant and animals ad example, in my case ... but even right now, have a motivation to do so around home, and getting rewarded without being into super popular, commercial themes like on YouTube ad example, while communicating and having fun with others - it's fantastic, and is something I never dreamed about until I discovered Steemit ...and ok, now I'm based on HIVE ... but whatever the platform, the system can be very inspiring and potentially liberating for many. It's great to have a possibility to earn and invest not just invest what you earned somewhere else.
:) That's it from me ... a few words from my prospective.

Hi @borjan

I would like to say: BIG THX for taking the time to read my post and for your comment. I trully appreciate it.

Stay safe buddy
Cheers, Piotr

Hello, Mr. Piotr.
It is interesting to read these kinds of publications, especially because despite the fact that I have been looking at the crypto world from the outside for about a year, this year I have started to follow it closely and I always feel enthusiastic to continue learning about it.
Well, from my point of view, just as you wrote referring to what happened in 2017/2018, this time I see it differently, since, as you point out that the crypto world is attracting unwanted attention, it has also allowed that people who are not only looking to "make money fast" (because I really don't see it easy to make money like that) bet their trust squarely on the cryptocurrency that is already the future.
On the other hand, it is practically impossible for governments not to seek to control or centralize this space, however, I believe that it is up to us to allow it or not, this is what I mean and taking into account what is happening in my country which the goverment want also take a piece of this, well, at the moment the only thing that occurs me would be not to use the platforms that they seek to take advantage of hahaha.


I would like to say: BIG THX for taking the time to read my post and for your comment. I trully appreciate it.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Stay safe
Cheers, Piotr

Hello friend @crypto.piotr the truth would be great to witness that time of rise but as you say is preferable a slow increase, so you can value more projects and not everything would be about money, it is time to put first the quality of the platform and not only what can benefit us economically speaking.

We all want to generate profits, that is true, many people depend on it, but it is important not to fall into the same as everyone else and be one more of the bunch, we must make a difference and I think our project has been a pioneer in that, we have made a difference with respect to others.

Hi @franyeligonzalez

I would like to say: BIG THX for taking the time to read my post and for your comment. I trully appreciate it.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Stay safe
Cheers, Piotr

Actress Mae West’s said:
“It is better to be looked over than overlooked.”

Crypto is definitely being looked over, and that comes with a lot of financial chaos, and that's good. As they say, there is no such thing as bad press. The more they talk about crypto, the more its price goes up.

Crypto is exciting. And people usually don't go into something exciting smoothly. They stumble around and trip over a table or two trying to get to the party.

I think people (press, gov't, traders, the public, etc...) will always entertain their worst fears and best hopes. And that's a good thing. It keeps the crypto conversation going, because there is nothing more devastating to an industry than indifference, hence, being overlooked.

And even though the 'money chase' hype of 2017 and the terror selling of 2018 (2011 & 2014 as well) gave us an awful case of whiplash. I think bull markets will be more tempered and sustainable in the future because:

  • The industry is more mature and bigger.
  • It's participants are more seasoned.
  • And governments, businesses and the public are more welcoming.

Outstanding post @crypto.piotr.

Dear @fijimermaid

Late thank you. I trully appreciate your time and I loved your feedback.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Stay safe and enjoy your monday :)
Yours, Piotr

Hi @ crypto.piotr.
You invited and I came. I think you are right. Anyone who is interested in the development of the platform, cryptocurrency, crypto world should not focus on market zigzags. Speculation has always been, is and will be. Any dynamics has a sinusoidal appearance, the peak is replaced by a decline and vice versa. Apparently we hit some bottom some time ago. Now the sinusoid has gone up. Potential investors will also come, but not with the aim of developing the crypto. They will only come to earn money. History is likely to repeat itself and there will be a new recession. It's unavoidable.
I think the challenge is to make the most of the uptick in the crypto market to provide it with an airbag when it crashes again.
Those who are engaged in development, not speculation, should simply work and use all the new opportunities.
This is my opinion and not necessarily it will be correct.
Привет, @crypto.piotr.
Ты пригласил и я пришёл. Думаю, что ты прав. Тот кто заинтересован в развитии платформы, криптовалюты, крипто мира не должен ориентироваться на зигзаги рынка. Спекуляции всегда были, есть и будут. Любая динамика имеет синусоидальный вид, пик сменяется спадом и наоборот. Видимо мы достигли некоторого дна некоторое время назад. Теперь синусоида пошла вверх. Возможные инвесторы тоже прибудут, но не с целью развития крипты. Они придут только для заработка. История скорее всего повторится и будет новый спад. Это неизбежно.
Думаю, задача заключается в максимально возможном использовании поднятия рынка крипты для обеспечения его подушкой безопасности при новом падении.
Те, кто занимается развитием, а не спекуляциями, должны просто работать и использовать все новые возможности.
Это моё мнение и не обязательно оно будет правильным.

Hi @bambuka

I only realized now that I never thanked you for taking the time to read my post and share your thoughts with me.

Appreciate it. (comment upvoted already)

Cheers, Piotr

A very good question. From the last bull run I noticed some strange actions. Suddenly brokers took a 'break', they needed to teach new employees first and more blah blah.
Each time I tried to invest, sell, and value increased I noticed the same tricks. If I was able to sell at all it took days before the transition was realized and if it came to earning/buying it took longer as well.
The banks, governments did change a lot and if it comes to the Netherlands I doubt cryptocurrencies are a threat. Tax everyone earns and the banks improved as well. Transactions within one country are done within a second (way faster than the broker's work) and within Europe, it's within a few hours.

If you ask me there are too many cryptocurrencies to make it a big success but with some luck, it will distract the governments and banks.

I doubt the number of serious investors increased. There are many platforms, they all say they "pay for writing". Most articles are badly written or plagiarism. If you promote a platform this way it will not motivate people to write, to improve their skills but you attract them with the possibility of getting a few coins. The earnings will not be invested because those people do not show any interest in investing. What they want is fast money, a way to survive.

Poverty increases fast and there's a long way to go before the common person will change his bank account for cryptocurrency.

It is way too difficult, you can hardly spend it without changing it first (and if cryptocurrency is accepted it's by organizations which charge you high prices which no one can afford). I checked it on a short holiday it was shocking what they asked for a bed without sheets and towels, no food included.

Cryptocurrency can be great, save one's life in a corrupt country but most people are not willing or able to take the risk to lose it all. Besides you need a good, strong internet connection to act in time.

As long the ways to are not made easier to understand for everyone, there are no ways to spend without changing and fees are asked for every swap and transaction, the world of crypto currency will not increase. The way it's promoted isn't the right way, way more is needed and if you ask me we need 5-10 more years.

A bull run sounds great but I doubt the time is right.

Dear @wakeupkitty.pal

Late thank you. I trully appreciate your time and I loved your feedback.

From the last bull run I noticed some strange actions. Suddenly brokers took a 'break', they needed to teach new employees first and more blah blah.

Interesting. I wasn't aware of that.

It is way too difficult, you can hardly spend it without changing it first (

True. Crypto as a form of payment isn't very popular and I would rather think of it as a store of value.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Stay safe and enjoy your monday :)
Yours, Piotr

I have alook. Thanks for reminding me.

Hello, my friend. Long time no see.

This is a good question.

While some wait for the fantasy of seeing the BTC rise to 100K or more, others are enriched by trading, taking advantage of its ups and downs. It seems that this is the most attractive feature of crypto currencies today, besides the casino games. I guess that bull run is what keeps the interest in crypto currencies alive. I didn't see the video, they look like the kind of people who claim to have gotten rich by investing in crypto currency and convince you to join in with a plan they have to make you "rich" too. Obviously you have to pay them a fee.

I guess there are already many companies and exchange companies that have invested in BTC, so I think they know it is safe to keep investing in crypto currencies. Besides, many sectors have already accepted the use of them. So I think it is always good to invest or have a part of your money in crypto, even if it is to save as I have done.

Glad to hear from you ^_^

I've just noticed that I've never actually thanked you for this amazing comment @jadams2k18

BIG THX buddy! :)
(comment upvoted already)

YOu're very welcome my friend :D



Its the money printing machine, stupid! ;-)
While many of us have not those rich guys problem where to park your money, its important to understand their view to guestimate where cryptos could go.

The rich and wealthy these days have direct access to the money printing machines of Ben Bernanke and Christine Lagarde...

so they end up with even more money than they had just months ago..

and if you got a lot of money these days your banker calls you and begs you to withdraw some of it or they will charge negative interest (in Europe), or no interest (in the US) or pay you little interest (in China).
Now subtract the rate of inflation from that interest rate of zero / negative and you can easily calculate the years when you will have lost halve your money just buy doing nothing...

So what do you do with it? Government bonds? no interest; corporate bonds? nearly no interest; real estate? very very expensive; gold? hard to get, high transaction cost and high price; stock market? ..well and there was this thing called corona...

so at the end whenever the bank print money some of it will end up in the crypto market.. so for newbies BTC is the place to go but it will finay flow over in the other coins, too..

just wait and see...

Dear @solarwarrior

Thank you for your amazing comment and for taking the time to read my publication and share your view with me.

While many of us have not those rich guys problem where to park your money, its important to understand their view to guestimate where cryptos could go.
Very wise approach. Always follow the money and see where money goes.

However, after reading your comment I'm still unsure if you think that this market is ready and mature for another bull run or not?

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Have a great monday ahead :)
Yours, Piotr

Good morning there :) I don't really fear the bullrun in itself, because that will normally be followed by a bearish cycle... It is cool for those investing, and for those, it will often be all about money. But, I also believe that if you take a look at the leading cryptos of our day, then you can learn a lot by seeing which tokens and projects have remained standing of those that were present in 2016-2017. Many of them stopped developing and just had fun with money, and they have mostly drowned.

Others kept building throughout the storm, and they enjoyed the heights, but they were also strengthened throughout the fall. As a result, I believe we need those bullish and bearish cycles, they are all a part of the game, and they will help shape and mold the entire crypto-world, making sure that only those projects actually working hard to deserve their place will remain standing.

That is also why it is important to do research before investing (of course), and maybe even chat with teams, check up on the community. If you find a coin that still exists, but not much has happened since 2017-2018, that is for sure a coin I would avoid...

Dear @unbiasedwriter

Late thank you. I trully appreciate your time and I loved your feedback.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Stay safe and enjoy your monday :)
Yours, Piotr


@crypto.piotr. Interesting article and take on the issue of bitcoin and blockchain hysteria. I also agree that what this industry needs is for the "crypo currency" growth rate to match the "block chain technology" maturity. If both are misaligned, then the "hype" is inevitable and the higher the degree of misalignment (like we saw in 2017), the higher the risk for hysteria.

Having said that, I do not think this form of hysteria is unavoidable especially with a technology like the blockchain. This is because, almost everyone understands its potential but very few understand what it will take to even get close to achieving that potential.

This has been the story of almost all ground breaking technologies such as artificial general intelligence (AGI) that I write about frequently. As far as this dichotomy exists, the hype/hysteria will persist. As far as the hype/hysteria persists, many will continue to loose their shirts in the game while the few who understand the game will continue to get richer. It's been a human tendency since probably the existence of the modern man and we've not evolved from it. As Daniel Kahneman says in his excellent book, Thinking Fast and Slow, we humans, tend to overweight avoiding a loss more than a gain, hence the fear of missing out on another crypto currency bull run will drive many to another crypto currency hysteria in the not-too-distant future.

This is not all bad news for the many however. We just have to spend time learning about the blockchain technology and making informed decisions on how it can scale (if at all it's possible) to sustain trillions of dollars in crytpo currency value. If your analysis (and learning) supports this belief, then by no means go ahead and jump in into any crypto currency hysteria, but if your analysis does not, then, like me, always wait for the drop to pick your crypto currencies. Like how picking an apple that has already fallen from a tree makes your life so much easier in the apple eating adventure than climbing a tree (and risking a fall yourself), your life will be so much easier no matter the level of hysteria.

Yours in learning,

Dear @aiplusfinance

I only realized now that I never thanked you for taking the time to read my post and share your thoughts with me.

I've also noticed that you didn't post on Steemit for quite sometime. You used to publish within PH community, but not any more :(
Also I've contacted you via Discord but you didn't reply to any of my recent messages :( Hope you're okey and you didn't give up on Steemit

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Yours, Piotr

Hi @crypto.piotr,

Thanks for reaching out and the appreciation. It was an interesting article and happy to chime in my 2 cents.

I've actually not posted in steemit (not only in project.hope:-) for a while due to being busy on some other projects. I am one of those who don't just write for writing sake and generally prepare both in thoughts and materials before I write. I've just not been in that mental space in a while given other commitments. However, I expect to be back blogging on steemit (and yes, project.hope:-) soon.

Keep up the great job you are doing!

ps: I read and commented on the BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation? article. Take a read:-)

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and share your view with me @aiplusfinance

I've actually not posted in steemit (not only in project.hope:-) for a while due to being busy on some other projects

Was any of those projects related to crypto or blockchain? (Just curious)

However, I expect to be back blogging on steemit (and yes, project.hope:-) soon.

I would definetly like to see you posting more often within our PH community :)
Join our server (if you're using Discord):

Stay safe,
Yours, Piotr

Greetings friend @crypto.piotr.

An extraordinary content that we share in this opportunity, the world of cryptomonies is becoming more and more appealing to governments around the world, that is because from my point of view the financial world in the coming years will belong to the cryptomonies in a short to medium term.

I have some friends who work with Bitcoin mining and are passionate about the subject, and they tell me that they prefer that this market is mobilized little by little instead of another bullish run like the one that occurred years later (2017), we agree that any market should grow with real foundations of development and mature and therefore will become solid and constant in all senses, especially trust and investment to their own development, of course this from a vision of belonging and not just making money.

Therefore, to close I share what you very well express:

Perhaps the last thing we need is for the media to refer to this issue. Honestly, I think repeating that HYPE in 2017 would slow down most of the development that has taken place in the last 2 years. And personally, I'd rather see a slow and steady growth in Bitcoin prices than go through another intense BULL RUN.

I have been able to read several opinions on the subject and people with a true sense of belonging to the cryptographic world have the same opinion as you have expressed, thank you for allowing us to know your appreciation and share such important content of the cryptographic market.

Dear @rbalzan79

Late thank you. I trully appreciate your time and I loved your feedback.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Stay safe and enjoy your monday :)
Yours, Piotr

Hello friend.
This is a very nice angle of discussion, but I do not think there is any level of maturity that the cryptospace may attain that will still not attract the attention of governments, the media and some other unwanted attraction when there is a bull run.

I quite agree with you on the idea of a gradual and progressive appreciation in the prices of Bitcoin and other crypto tokens, as this will encourage more Investments both financially and in building the block chains.

My personal observation of the bull run in 2017 is that it encouraged many projects to be built on the blockchains, but most of these projects could not be sustained because of the crash in prices early 2018. Most of these projects therefore failed and have not been able to rise again ever since.

The fear therefore is that this could be repeated if there's a sudden appreciation in the worth of crypto tokens. A gradual and progressive rise is better for crypto.

Hi @tolustx

I only realized now that I never thanked you for taking the time to read my post and share your thoughts with me.

Appreciate it. (comment upvoted already)

Cheers, Piotr

All these work with servers and all are developing their own blockchain. Many through Ethereum (Hyper), but like Google, EOS is now being leveraged.
United States Federal Reserve
China Central Bank
to name a few

Smaller ventures might be too innumerable for any database to count of traditionally-fiat dependent companies planning or currently leveraging crypto:
many private banks

And probably every relevant industry.

Corporate adoption forces a bull run. Past problems were that only the most wealthy benefited. Are you familiar with what crypto is about? Then you know what's different.

TY Piotr for the inspiration.

Hi @machnbirdsparo

I would like to say: BIG THX for taking the time to read my post and for your comment. I trully appreciate it.

Stay safe buddy
Cheers, Piotr

Very good article @crypto.piotr and the truth is I share certain points of view that divide my opinion a bit about the behavior that cryptocurrencies should have.

From my heart, I would be more than happy to see another bullish season repeated like the one experienced in 2017, but it is more certain that its growth is measured, not slow, but measured.

My fear is that this time will be taken advantage of by those threats that grow at an accelerated rate, in a matter of months it may be a terminal cancer that manages to stop even that momentum that is had with Bitcoin.

I refer to recent examples, with the pandemic many things changed, in days, and only with technology could we obtain those changes that are now part of our new reality. The crypto space is not the exception and many of the initiatives are practically ready to be direct competition of Bitcoin and cryptos, the digital Yuam is an example of this.

We are clear that we need to mature, but we cannot keep waiting for that maturity to arrive in the next 10 years, the competition will not wait so long.

Bitcoin was born out of a crisis, its consolidation, in this 2020 is more than certified (hence the possible idea of ​​another bullish season), we cannot expect much another crisis for now if we mature with it. Governments won't wait that long, neither will we.

Dear @alquimista1501

I only realized now that I never thanked you for taking the time to read my post and share your thoughts with me.

ps. do you use discord? Consider joining our PH community server:
( I would like to keep in touch closer with you)

Stay safe buddy
Yours, Piotr

It is difficult to compare the situation that was in 2017-20018 and what we have today. In those days, few people were familiar with the world of cryptocurrencies and this was actively used to bring bitcoin and all altcoins in a negative light.
Now, against the background of a constantly working printing press and colossal inflation rates, people are looking for an alternative to fiat money, and here, by “accident”, the growth of cryptocurrencies begins.

I, too, have been following bitcoin since 2017, and during this time more and more I catch myself thinking that cryptocurrency is a much more attractive tool for controlling capital movements. Thanks to its transparency, it is very convenient to control who and what has, and this suggests that cryptocurrency is a new option for the world economy to switch to in order to more reliably control society.

Although, this is just my opinion. By the way, I went back to the original STEEM posts. What content can I post to your community?

Сложно сравнивать ту ситуацию, что была в 2017-20018 годах и то, что есть сегодня. В те времена мало кто был знаком с миром криптовалют и это активно использовали, чтобы привнести биткоин и все альткоины в негативном свете.
Сейчас на фоне постоянно работающего печатного станка и колоссальных темпов инфляции люди ищут альтернативу фиатным деньгам, и тут по “случайности” начинается рост криптовалют.
Я тоже слежу за биткоином с 2017 года, и за этого времени все больше ловлю себя на мысли, что криптовалюта намного более привлекательный инструмент для контроля движения капитала. Благодаря ее прозрачности очень удобно контролировать кто и что имеет и это наталкивает на мысль, что криптовалюта - заблаговременный вариант, на который перейдет мировая экономика, чтобы более надежно контролировать общество.
Хотя, это только мое мнения. Кстати, я вернулся к оригинальным публикациям на STEEM. Какой контент я могу публиковать в Вашем сообществе?

I've just noticed that I've never actually thanked you for this amazing comment @cranium

BIG THX buddy! :)
(comment upvoted already)

It's me again @cranium

Although, this is just my opinion. By the way, I went back to the original STEEM posts. What content can I post to your community?

Topics that are close to our hearts:

  • technology,

  • blockchain,

  • artificial intelligence

  • machine learning

  • economy,

  • business,

  • marketing, psychology, etc.

Consider joining our PH community discord server:

Yours, Piotr

Greetings @crypto.piotr, we are certainly going through a strong economic transition that is influenced by the current pandemic. In this sense, I think that it is inevitable that the new market of crypto-currencies and block chains will come out of the magnifying glass of the big governments, beyond whether or not the bullfighting race that many of us are waiting for will take place.

If we analyze the market in general, we can see that there are governments that have gradually adapted their economies to the digital markets. The question is:

¿What is the reason for this effect?

I believe that we all know the answer and that in your lines we can glimpse it. This is merely attributable to the interest and economic growth that the digital markets have had in the last 2 years and whether or not the upward trend occurs, high governments are inevitably involved in the digital world. It is all a matter of time and adaptation on their part (Governments). Excellent contribution, congratulations.

Dear @madridbg

Late thank you. I trully appreciate your time and I loved your feedback.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Stay safe and enjoy your monday :)
Yours, Piotr

Over the past few days, I have been watching the news that Bitcoin has become adopted by some US-listed companies.
Some of them allocated millions of dollars to buy Bitcoin and hold it on their balance sheets (I already wrote a post on this topic]
While I'm so bullish on this news as it helps Bitcoin grow in the corporate and institutional space, I still have some concerns that it could attract some greedy big investors flocking into Bitcoin in droves for nothing but making speed fruity profits.
I really like to see Bitcoin more than $20k again, but I wouldn't be happy if that caused it to be viewed by the media as a pump-dump asset.

I rather see slow and steady Bitcoin price growth instead of going through another intense BULL RUN.

You nailed it
Thank you for sharing your thoughts @crypto.piotr

I've just noticed that I've never actually thanked you for this amazing comment @qsyal

BIG THX buddy! :)
(comment upvoted already)


Hi Crypto.Piotr @crypto.piotr

I think my opinion would be very consistent with that of several who are here giving some excellent point of view.

However I am sure and very much agree with you, there is still not much maturity to face a new bullfight, but I can also tell you that all the people who are behind the positions of financial entities, public government entities as well as terrorist organizations and drug trafficking, they are prepared for a new run, and I repeat again only people and a very small group are ready for that.

Their economic power in FIAT currency allows it because it is the best way they have to be able to launder a lot of money.

Is the crypto space mature enough for a bull run?
Both yes and No that is what my answer is . I say this because the Crypto space is nascent and has little history as compared to fiat.
So it has to take the DIY route and in all probability it is already experiencing a bull run as it as an asset class is doing much better than other asset classes.
It is just a matter of time before the main stream media starts hyping and fueling the FOMO sentiment.
That would be the worst part and probably the point where development takes a back seat and it is all price talk and hype that everyone is concerned with.
Till then we can only hope for that phase to get delayed.

Hi @thetimetravelerz

I only realized now that I never thanked you for taking the time to read my post and share your thoughts with me.

Appreciate it. (comment upvoted already)

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Cheers, Piotr

Dzien Dobre @crypto.piotr ,
Bitcoin has taken the bull market of the Covid-19 pandemic well. A new all-time high can be, because I also speculate on a new all-time high on the gold market. Like gold, I also see Bitcoin as an instrument for stabilizing value, and because the US dollar is no longer tied to the gold price since Nixon, I see great potential for Bitcoin to be more authoritative for currencies in an increasingly digitalized world. Now comes a negative aspect. So far, only Southeast Asian countries are known to me (and isolated attempts in the Netherlands and Sweden) that you can pay with the Bitcoin and the wallet at the baker on the corner. My experiences from ore conservative countries like Germany and Turkey deny a use of the Bitcoin in everyday life. I see in the Bitcoin very much fantasy so far and it reminds me also of the company "Virgin Galactic", whereby the Bitcoin is much more established than a routistic space industry. I know many people who use Bitcoin as a supplement to gold in their portfolios and I think this is rightly so. Another proof of the importance is Facebook's stubborn attempt with their currency "Libra". First European states are already trying to draft first regulations with Mr. Zuckerberg and the interest of the states in crypto-currencies can be seen. Unfortunately the states lack a certain competence, which they are now looking for on Facebook, because Facebook is grateful for open dialogues with the EU and its individual countries. Facebook profits from this.
Now comes the bad news.
The EU finds this jurisdiction, as the EU finds it on Facebook, they find it on no one for Bitcoin. I think it is possible that if the "Libra" becomes established and people accept it, then other crypto-currencies, such as Bitcoin, could be included. Before it stands us however still another far bureaucratic way before it.
I personally consider however your idea with Project.Hope a potential partner for the states.
As a private person, I would like to add that I appreciate the fact that in certain Uh-La-La establishments we cannot pay with traceable currencies. The good old money and also gold have their advantages, which should not be underestimated in the next years. So a bull run is possible, but in my opinion this is only due to the fantasy described above about how Bitcoin could develop.

Beate Sander said:

“Breit gestreut, nie bereut!“
„wide spreaded (the investments), never regretted!“


Dzien dobre :) And guten tag :D

I absolutely LOVE your comment @litshit69
Thank you for taking the time to share your view with me. I always appreciate it.

I personally consider however your idea with Project.Hope a potential partner for the states.

I'm failing to understand what do you mean. Could you please elaborate?

Yours, Piotr

Dear @crypto.piotr ,
I think we chatted about it on Discord. I've meant to work closer with local politician to establish cryptocurrencies more, in the societys.
I thought about what you said and maybe we really should work with criminals rather with politicians.#

Hi @litshit69

I only realized that I've never read your reply (somehow I didn't notice your comment) till now. so BIG THX! I always appreciate.

Thanks for always being so responsive buddy
Yours, Piotr

Hey @crypto.piotr ,well written post on crypto! I will share some of my views also!
The real digital currency is crypto currency all the other monetory actions will be only based on a physical denomination represented digitally. So in fact we need to bring up more innovative ideas in reaching all what is a real digital currency , What is blockchain and so much! Crypto world can be built upon by making understanding the youth about the prominance of crypto currencies in the future world!

Even our steemit community is still small with low number of active users! Everyone will come and leave with some money! But in fact with proper usage this platform is the best futuristic one! But attracting youth into this platform need much more UI attractiveness! These all are my views on increasing the borders of cryptoworld!

Dear @ansaf

Late thank you. I trully appreciate your time and I loved your feedback.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Stay safe and enjoy your monday :)
Yours, Piotr

Friend @crypto.piotr I think that many investors are not seeing 100% of the possibilities offered by the blockchain, but rather they are looking for a backup of their financial assets in the face of the economic recession that will be inevitable once the issue of the issue ends or enters a transition stage. pandemic ... Obviously it is a very delicate topic and in which we would spend hours and endless hours of debate ... Now, the bullfight is a desire expected by all of us who live in the cryptographic world, and who believe that the future of this is today ... We are also waiting for what that BUMP can bring for everyone ... Greetings my dear friend!

I've just noticed that I've never actually thanked you for this amazing comment @elgranpoeta

BIG THX buddy! :)
(comment upvoted already)

Dear @crypto.piotr,
Thanks for your post. Indeed, there are signals that we are in a early bull market. We hit an important target by closing above $ 14'000.
The trend is currently on the rise and imo we should see ATH again in the coming months. I am happy that people will make money, but a little advice to potential new investors, invest what you can lose because +99% of blockhains coins are pump & dump schemes.
Wish you guys the best ;)

I've just noticed that I've never actually thanked you for this amazing comment @lastminuteman

BIG THX buddy! :)
(comment upvoted already)

a little advice to potential new investors, invest what you can lose because +99% of blockhains coins are pump & dump schemes.

I wonder what do you think about STEEM and HIVE so far? Also pump and dump schemes?

Stay safe buddy
Cheers, Piotr

Yea, I understand your worries and think it's well founded, a lot of projects got abandoned over the last bull run and after the price drop I think things never remained the same.

Talking about the bull run, I would also prefer a lightly slow paced price movement, I bet Bitcoin will surpass it's all time high in a matter of months if it continues at this pace.

Government regulations are less strict these days like in Iran and other counties, I think the US primarily are busy with their elections that is why they seem silent about cryptos and would want to have bitcoin under their control.

Thanks for the post it's a nice one.

Dear @whitestallion

Late thank you. I trully appreciate your time and I loved your feedback.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Stay safe and enjoy your monday :)
Yours, Piotr

Yea sure it will be a nice read. I will check it out right away.

You surely are very responsive @whitestallion

No wonder that @steemitblog announced lately that you will be one of Steem country representatives. Great job buddy

Yours, Piotr

Thanks so much boss, I hope to do a good job for the steemit community.

Hello @crypto.piotr

first of sorry for visiting this post late. I was not well so could not go through the post.
I have gone through the post now and it's certainly a great post as the bitcoin market is going up.

2018 crash as big learning for many new crypto investors that time, however, I joined this after the crash so I had no loss of crash but I got to see so many articles in steemit and even outside and many of them have shared the best suggestion and experiences.

In my last almost 2 years in crypto, I have learnt that earning money here is not easy and require so much patience and the right strategy. I was not an investor before but now I find myself in a better position to invest.

We all want a bull run but I don't think that we are ready to handle because we are still in the era where exchanges are getting hacked and fords are stolen. We definitely need to change the situation.

thanks much,


Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me @reeta0119

first of sorry for visiting this post late. I was not well so could not go through the post.

Hopefully you're feeling better already?

We all want a bull run but I don't think that we are ready to handle because we are still in the era where exchanges are getting hacked and fords are stolen.

fords are being stolen? What are "fords"?

Please, check out also my recent post and drop a comment: BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Yours, Piotr

Feeling much better now.

It's a typo..
I meant to say is "funds"

focus will be shifted once more from development to "making money".

That "Making money", quick money is a dangerous thing, when you aspire for it, without being a part of the process. If we consider the mega bull run of 2017, I don't see it like "it just happened momentarily or all of sudden", it is all the hard work and continuous development, and the difficult terrain of the already existing financial landscape traversed by Bitcoin since 2009/10.

In our engagement with Bitcoin, we should be more focused on Bitcoin as a technology than as a speculative asset. Otherwise, it will be a bubble again. When we use it as a technology, we bring utilitarian value, that slowly, each day adds fundamental value, and over time, it grows so big that it is difficult to bring it down.

Thank you.

Dear @sapwood

Thank you for your amazing comment and for taking the time to read my publication and share your view with me.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Have a great monday ahead :)
Yours, Piotr

As long as human greed persists, the crypto space will always be a home to the investors hoping to make a fortune out of the tinniest investment. We might see a repeat of the 2017 events, but in a bit better fashion as people are more informed and the technology have grown much from the last time.

It is not certain if a bull run is around the corner despite the flashes of optimism hovering around the space. But if it happens, we'll be having another marketing break which will be followed by another period of building and development...just like 2017. This pattern will probably last for a very long time before it changes.

That being said,the crypto space is ever-ready for a bull run regardless of the developmental stage.

I've just noticed that I've never actually thanked you for this amazing comment @joelagbo

BIG THX buddy! :)
(comment upvoted already)


Hi @crypto.piotr ,
Was a really interesting read sir and thanks for sharing your idea with the community.

what's your view on the potential upcoming crypto bull run?

We can see that Bitcoin has hit a higher price level after 2018. What I see is Bitcoin passed 13000$ mark as PayPal announced that they will allow US people to buy , sell and hold crypto currencies. That news was the reason. And the second reason I see is the statement by Microstrategy CEO and the movements of ETH. Somehow btc is stable and growing and it's time.
And Raoul Pal stated that

The monthly log chart with regression lines is really something to behold. One of the nicest, most powerful chart patterns I've ever seen

So I think it has already stated !

I've just noticed that I've never actually thanked you for this amazing comment @besticofinder

BIG THX buddy! :)
(comment upvoted already)

I agree that the growth of Bitcoin should be slow and gradual, because a sudden rise generates instability and speculation. In my experience, I've noticed that, as well as a slower growth, it prevents the great leaders of the world from getting their hands into the bottom, generating hardships or blockages in each of the currencies that are more stable or growing. My dream is that the citizens of the world, learn and massify the use of crypto currencies, and that some become independent in terms of value or price and not so much speculative on the basis of the mother currency (BTC), so you can appreciate and leave the really has potential.

Translated with (free version)

Excellent post, @crypto.piotr!

I think that the possibilities within the world of cryptocurrencies are endless, but to explore them in so many ways it will be necessary to walk for a long time.

Mass adoption, popularization and acceptance (mainly by the most skeptical country governments and civilians) is a slow process, but I think that one day it will happen.

For example, here in Brazil the acceptance of Bitcoin is still a "myth" for millions of people. By the way, the vast majority of the population never even hear about cryptocurrencies.

Hi @wiseagent

I wanted to thank you for taking the time to read and reply to my recent post (about crypto space being ready for bull run).
I trully appreciate every valuable comment.

I just posted new article on both chains and I hope you can check out my profile, have a look and share your feedback once again with me.
In this latest post I'm sharing my experience after recent job interview and some questions I've been asked during that interview. Hopefully you will find it interesting :)

Cheers, Piotr

One more question: are you receiving my messages via discord?

Yours, Piotr

I desperately need that bull run so the alts can follow and I can finally buy that damn gaming PC! My old PC needs to be retired. Made obsolete by damn yearly software upgrades.

Hello @crypto.piotr, First of all thanks for your article. You are talking a important issue. I always believe that slow and steady progress is sustainable. My observation is some crypto is raising rapidly and also fall quickly. So in this space stability is a question. It should come new project and huge investment in this sector to boom. So i think it needs more time....

hi @Team007

Morning, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to read and reply to my recent post (about crypto space being ready for bull run).
I trully appreciate every valuable comment.

I just posted new article on both chains and I hope you can check out my profile, have a look and share your feedback once again with me.
In this latest post I'm sharing my experience after recent job interview and some questions I've been asked during that interview. Hopefully you will find it interesting :)

Cheers, Piotr

ps. can you remind me what's your discord now? I cannot find you as team007

From my point of view, the BTC has a solid growth year after year. What happened in 2017 was a bubble created because the value of the BTC could not grow that way, and even more so if the banks were involved.

Best regards @crypto.piotr. Certainly, projects that increase their popularity overnight are likely to have an abrupt drop the next day, which can be interpreted as a weakness of the cryptographic world, and putting it in question before governments and other financial institutions, which leads to losing many potential investors, or worse, attracting only those who are interested in making quick money and getting their capital out. That is why I would also like to see a slow but steady growth of the cryptographic market, to build a solid market.

Hi @crypto.piotr.
Sometime I feel after the peak of bull run we get into the slope and the enter the ravine of crypto space and in my opinion we are look like a volcano which gathering the masses after explotion.
for response this post i also write a post. If you have time you can visit it. It is a honor for me to be visited.

Hello friend @crypto.piotr, I think it's an excellent analysis from your side, of course we all wish that the bitcoin goes up, but if that will bring some attention from bad intentioned political characters, then it's better to take short but firm steps that allow to take a significant value and added to that the necessary maturity that you mention in your article.

The things that are achieved with effort and time tend to be more durable, hopefully all the movements that occur favor the cryptographic world.

See you later my friend, have an excellent week!

Hi @amestyj

I only realized now that I never thanked you for taking the time to read my post and share your thoughts with me.

Appreciate it. (comment upvoted already)

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Cheers, Piotr

Hi @crypto.piotr

thanks for sharing this after long and its so nice that its related to the current crypto situation.

it attracted thousands of fresh investors, who had very little idea and knowledge about bitcoin and blockchain in the first place. It attracted those who cared more about only making money.

I completely agree with you and that time in 2017 I also entered with the same mindset however after the market crash things went the other way round.

Bitcoin is going up and its over 14k as of now. Cant say whether it will make its ATH or not but looking at the positive news and market sentiments it seems like things will move forward.

Thank you.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Good afternoon,
Solid publication. I think bull run comes unexpectedly but the main question is that we are ready for bull run or we are mature enough to face it.

The problem is that by the time bull run comes we sell out our holdings. So i think we have to learn hodling properly. thanks for great analysis on this topic.

Dear @luckyali

Late thank you. I trully appreciate your time and I loved your feedback.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Stay safe and enjoy your monday :)
Yours, Piotr

After seeing the movie The Wolf of Wall Street, I understood that there are super millionaires on Wall Street who conspire to take money from investors, I would not be surprised if this rise in this bull run has the purpose of a fall in prices, after millions of people invest their savings, was what happened when from 25 thousand dollars the btc fell to 10 thousand and it cost a lot to recover the world of cryptocurrency, thanks to DeFi and other situations, it has recovered a little and I think the same way that you think that it is better to rise little by little, to generate a lot of attention and prices to fall precipitously.

There is a say in my country(Cuba):
The one who want to do anything finally did nothing at all
So I think is better to settle a firm ground, win good experience and bring possibilities in places there are not.For example: the small and medium size Buisness, all the countries en Latin American. And then, when the cryptocurrency as Bitcoin make the people need the good things of using it the can make a really focus but at the same time an unconscious Bull Run. That is what I think.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me @manito92

Yours, Piotr

Thanks to you for make us things in all those relevant aspects of the cryptocurrency. Keep bringing those subjects. Keep steeming.

But what is the problem? Most people look for that, a return on their investment, it is also how technology is developed first for war and then for the civil area, it has something like that but in the end beneficial for humanity.

My opinion that those who work hard will enjoy the results, thank you

My opinion that
Those who work hard will enjoy
The results, thank you

                 - johnion

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I think it's definitely something worth keeping on one's radar, but I'm still not convinced yet since we have not really seen widespread adoption. Then again, i hope I'm wrong!

However, I'm concerned that as a result, the crypto space will once again bring unwanted attention of all those central parties (goverments, regulators, central banks) and focus will be shifted once more from development to "making money".
So, perhaps this industry needs more time to MATURE before another bull run would take place?

Well, I agree with you on this I honestly think there will be a long time before they stop being c children crying when they see the other who takes a Candy from them.I think the best thing to do is keep a low profile and get away from the media, I think that this way speculations are avoided unnecessary attention.

Hi @reinaldoverdu

I only realized now that I never thanked you for taking the time to read my post and share your thoughts with me.
Appreciate it.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Cheers, Piotr

The constant increase in the amount of cryptocurrencies and the different applications that are given to it, consolidate the ecosystem, but at the same time, they prevent a generalized increase in my opinion.
Only a few cryptocurrencies and projects can solidly enter a bullish wave in the next year, after the pandemic.

To me I believe though we have witness some strong signals about the upcoming bull run but to me I believe it is not yet fully convincing for me as I believe the crypto space generally now is not that fully ready for the next bull run.

I strongly believe this next bull run will surely be big in fact be one of the best and big bull run in the history of the crypto space but to be fully prepared to accomodate this huge and giant bull run coming.

Probably we might still see the bull run taking place at the end part of 2021 but I don't see it happening soon now.

A lot still has to be in place to accommodate it. That is just my view about it

  ·  4 years ago 

Estimated to fall early next year will down
when That time again to buy it

In my opinion I think the crypto market appears to be attaining that stability level for a bull run and this isn't really going to work for some cryptocurrencies. I won't really be surprise if Bitcoin increases drastically towards the end of this year due to the increase in adoption and increasing number of investors. Let's just keep hoping for the best as regards to steem and others.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💓💕

Good article!!!

Thanks for the great piece.

With all that has progressed since 2017, from clarification of regulation in many countries, Institutional investment as well as crypto trading platforms becoming banks, corporate investment, hashrate wars between countries, floundering fiat dollars along with supply and demand I don't think there's much chance that btc/crypto cannot have a bull run.

Hi @bitshares101

I only realized now that I never thanked you for taking the time to read my post and share your thoughts with me.
Appreciate it.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Cheers, Piotr

Greetings, what worries me the most is that the countries that move cryptographic assets the most are countries of questionable legality, such as Russia, China and Venezuela; technology will continue to emerge and there is the value of blokchain !!

I'll make this short and bitter-sweet...

I personally wouldn't want to be invested in "any" of the Crypto Currencies, once U.S. Electronic Coinage is Activated...

Feel free to visit what I've been writing about for more than Three Years...

November 2, 2020... 14.2 Hollywood Time...

Dear @pocket-change

I'll make this short and bitter-sweet...

bitter-sweet :) my fav taste hehe :)

I personally wouldn't want to be invested in "any" of the Crypto Currencies, once U.S. Electronic Coinage is Activated...
Why? You surely got me curious.

Thank you for your comment and for taking the time to read my publication and share your view with me.

Have a great monday ahead :)
Yours, Piotr

Electronic Coinage will be backed by U.S. Bullion Coinage, Face Value for Face Value...

November 9, 2020... 3.9 Hollywood Time...

@crytp.piotr, muy interesante su publicación y gracias por compartir sus preocupaciones.

Such an interesting article and we already have lots of interesting comment. I am one of those people who are still affected by the 2017 rise and dump. I was still new to crypto then so I never believed in selling when price is good.

I still doubt if we are going to see that bull run again. I am just certain of slow progress.

For me, I would love to see another bull run but maybe one that will not be sudden but strong qnd slowly. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I hope that you won't get missing in action when the time comes.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me @gandhibaba

Yours, Piotr

I once spoke to a friend about this also, politicians may take advantage of the blockchain system and manipulate things to their own advantage and greedy benefits, I believe in a system of growth that is steady and beneficial to everyone not one that will be manipulated by a few person's. Thanks for the mention, have a great day.

Quisiera opinar pero me temo que me falta mucho por leer y aprender sobre Bitcoin y Blockchaim. Apenas tengo una leve idea de lo que significa. Me gustaria saber quienes invierten aqui, como lo hacen, desde donde lo hacen. Con que cantidad de dinero puedo empezar a invertir en Bitcoin. Puedo usar el dinero ganado en Steemit para invertir en BITCOIN?. Gracias por su atencion.




I was kind of thinking the sane thing the other day, but I actually don't know bullish and bearish and stuff...
Crypto space is very unpredictable and I like to see BTC goes to 1 million, but at the same time, I set my own goal for myself and focus on what I am going to do with my cryptos. That is my focus next year. Hopefully crypto is mature enough for me ;)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me @tomoyan

Yours, Piotr

Dear @crypto.piotr,
Although i am not much into the business of Bitcoin, but i really would like it to grow.
I don't want it to grab the attention of those governing and money parties.

The only aim should be to let the development continue and let the Bitcoin grow steadily. This will make the crypto world more interesting.
Yours, @haidermehdi.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me @haidermehdi

Yours, Piotr

thank you

Hello Sir I saw in your post and here is a very important point to mention. But I didn't need to send 0.012 steem, you could send it less. I want to give it back.
#twopercent #bangladesh

Please, don't worry about those 0.012 steem :)

I honestly think that repeating that HYPE from 2017 would slow down most development which has been taking place within the past 2 years.

I strongly agree with you. There is lot of hype on internet that 2017 bull is going to come but it may not be case. Instead, BTC seems to moving slowly and steady towards its ATH.

I see slow and steady Bitcoin growth where Bitcoin price will follow its value and core fundamentals rather than speculation.

Speculation will be always there but within a range/limit.

Hi @neerajkr03

I only realized now that I never thanked you for taking the time to read my post and share your thoughts with me.
Appreciate it.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Cheers, Piotr

I think the major downtime of crypto is from government's political policies and whatnot. I think people (including people in government) should be educated on the need of blockchain technology, so that history will not repeat itself again.

Nice article buddy

In conditions of huge market volatility, I would not dare to enter with a buy. Recently, the market looks less and less predictable. Although, there is a possibility that there may not be such a price as now and bitcoin will fly up to 60k or 300k dollars.

В условиях огромной волатильности рынка я бы не рискнул входить с покупкой. Последнее врмея рынок выглядит все менее предсказуемо. Хотя, есть вероятность что такой цены как сейчас уже может не быть и биткоив полетит до 60к или 300к долларов.

I think new projects such as Brave Browser or DTube are very well made, not only well marketed. And people who were afraid of crypto earlier started to buy it when it became very easy e. g. using Revolut.
By the way, why do You posted it only on Steem, not on HIVE?
I'm sure on HIVE it is going to reach more people.
Thank You for nice text.

Dear @maciejficek

I only realized now that I never thanked you for taking the time to read my post and share your thoughts with me.

By the way, why do You posted it only on Steem, not on HIVE?
I'm sure on HIVE it is going to reach more people.

Im mostly active on Steemit since most of my contacts are here. Also I just posted new article on both chains and same post got me 3 times more engagement on Steemit.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Stay safe buddy
Yours, Piotr

dear @crypto.piotr

I don't say much about this because I'm not an expert.

but in my personal opinion, the future of crypto is very good, many companies will use crypto as a means of payment in the future

Greetings friend @crypto.piotr

It is inevitable that governments or political entities enter the crypto currency business, well if they have not already entered, the sanctions between countries only lead to the path of using this market to generate movements in their markets.

Hopefully, it is not for acts of money laundering but rather for the development of a nation, this would be convenient for all of us, even for the blockchain itself

Excellent publication.

Hi @adeljose

I would like to say: BIG THX for taking the time to read my post and for your comment. I trully appreciate it.

Perhaps you would be also interested in checking out my recent post:
BLOCKCHAIN FOR DUMMIES - what would be your explanation?

Stay safe buddy
Cheers, Piotr

@tipu curate 3

Thanks for making me aware of this. --@satoshi0x

"flash crash"

Hello @crypto.piotr going to support you, good return, cryptocurrencies have saved many Venezuelans, many of us do not know how to use them to their full potential. But here we are learning and supporting in what we can.

Hola @crypto.piotr pasando a darle apoyo, buen regreso, las criptomonedas han salvado muchos venezolanos, muchos no sabemos usarlas a pleno potencial. Pero aqui estamos aprendiendo y apoyando en lo que podamos

I think with all of the recent attention in Bitcoin from the Financial Industry will have a long lasting effect. I expect that at the peak of this run we will see some where around at least 35% price correction and from their Bitcoin price will continue up as always.

I know a lot of people think we won't see a price correction as we have seen in 2017, but I can't rule out something like that given the probability rate. Also the major concern with the current state of the Bitcoin market for me would be the fact that these high profile investors are pouring billions into Crypto, what happens to the market when they decide to rake in as much as they can?

I see the future for Crypto regardless of these "High Profile Investors" being involved. I think that with their support we can accomplish so much more than without.

Hello friend @crypto.piotr the truth would be great to witness that time of rise but as you say is preferable a slow increase, so you can value more projects and not everything would be about money, it is time to put first the quality of the platform and not only what can benefit us economically speaking.

We all want to generate profits, that is true, many people depend on it, but it is important not to fall into the same as everyone else and be one more of the bunch, we must make a difference and I think our project has been a pioneer in that, we have made a difference with respect to others.

@crypto.piotr dzisiaj z perspektywy czasu widać że twoje spostrzeżenia były trafne.