RELOCATING IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC seem to be harder than expected

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 




Just a week ago I've posted a publication explaining the reasons for my recent absence: MOVING INTO A NEW HOUSE. Since then I've received tons of good wishes, for which I'm super grateful. Many of you have also been also asking about the progress of moving my entire life back to Malaysia.

This post is to update all of you who may care about this subject. I haven't been online much lately and I'm fully aware that my discord is full of unanswered messages. Hopefully, you will continue having some patience as my life lately has been quite hectic and I may not be able to reply as fast as I used to.



Unfortunately, my application to enter Malaysia has so far been rejected - which is impacting my plans greatly. The reason provided is quite straightforward: borders are being shut and the entire country is still under heavy lockdown caused by another wave of daily covid cases.

There isn't much I can do about it and it's hard to tell when this situation will change.

To make things worse, I may be forced to rebook and postpone our flight (mine, my Malaysian wife, and our little puppy dog). And that comes with some new challenges: we cannot extend our stay in the current location as it's already fully booked. And since it's summer (following a long period of full lockdowns) - it may be quite difficult to find an accommodation which would still be available.

The entire process is becoming quite a headache. The amount of paperwork one needs to proceed with to be able to travel to South East Asia is a nightmare. And so much of that paperwork is "time-sensitive". Meaning: some documents have their "validity time" and may simply "expire". Therefore, if I postpone a flight ticket then I may need to start some processes from the scratch.


It's almost hard to believe that only 2 years ago one could simply hop on the plane, land at the destination and apply for a visa at the airport.

No such a thing anymore.



I would like to thank you one more time to all of you, for showing your support, patience and understanding.

Currently, I feel like I'm living in "LIMBO". Not sure what my next week will look like. And this uncertainty isn't allowing me to be as active on Steemit as I would like to be.

Yours, @crypto.piotr
Founder of Project.hope community

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Greetings dear friend, you always go out some setbacks when we travel, but with the situation of the pandemic have expanded the requirements to enter a country, I hope you can solve the situation you are going through.

Success brother, God bless you !

I think the lockdown is one of the major reasons relocating to Malaysia seems to be very difficult but I'm very optimistic that you'll definitely achieve your goals. Always remember we are also with you and I hope you accomplish your goals very soon. Greetings to your family.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

God's timing is perfect, sometimes it does not coincide with what we desire but it ends up being beneficial. Waiting is hard and difficult, even more so when it is seasoned with uncertainty. I would recommend that you apply patience and try to do activities that have nothing to do with the trip to detox a little of the stress that this represents.

Thanks for always being so kind and supportive with your words @joseph1956
I appreciate it greatly :)

Friend Piotr, for now the most important thing is that you can travel peacefully with your family and change your lifestyle in Malaysia, and steemit can continue with you from a distance, the only thing I wish from my heart is that you have a beautiful trip, you deserve to be happy.

Greetings my dear friend piotr. Good luck

Friend no matter how absent you have to be from steemit and discord, I know that like me many of the users of PH the only thing we wish with all our hearts is that you can travel to Malaysia and you can be calm and happy as you deserve, may God take care of you, your wife and your doggy, I have faith that everything will get better and soon you can travel.

Greetings my dear friend piotr.

just continue being strong @crypto.piotr . hopefully, everything will work out for the best

Hi buddy, I know that things will get better soon. It is quite saddening that the wave of covid has altered many things but I believe there is still light at the end of the tunnel.
You only need to remain positive.
Cheers and stay safe buddy

Thanks for always being so kind and supportive with your words @samminator
I appreciate it greatly :)

Calm down man, my best wishes for you I hope you manage to solve this chaotic situation, soon you will join the game don't worry we will be fine xd

I am sorry for your situation. Such a situation is faced by many when someone is interested to travel or shift to South Asia or Southeast Asia. You don't know when the situation will be normal but the proper what is very complex because if we just have the covid-19 test then our plane ticket is going to be expired and sometimes plane ticket is expires when we are passing covid-19 test and many more such kind of situations are happening. best wish for you in the upcoming days

Permit me to congratulate you once more on getting a new house. Its quite unfortunate your application to return to Malaysia was declined. The Covid outbreak has made travelling quite difficult. My well wishes are you with you and your wife. Have a nice week.

Well, gentleman, I hope you solve all the problems and I understand what is happening, since I also travel a lot to attend to my clients and now I am hand and foot tied, but hey right now everything will end and it will remain as a memory, I hope to see you write more often a greeting

@crypto.piotr, soon everything will fall in place. Pandemic has certainly changed things.

All the very best.

hello friend @crypto.piotr, you really have lived some very difficult days, but all our good wishes will always be with you and your family... don't worry about your steemians family, solve everything and we will always be waiting for you here.

Thanks for your kind words @yongleantonio

It's almost hard to believe that only 2 years ago one could simply hop on the plane, land at the destination and apply for a visa at the airport.

It feels equally as hard to believe that we'd ever accept that we won't know when we can do this again.

Good luck getting everything sorted out. You could always say you've got to self-isolate to get a few extra days in your current accommodation - I don't think anybody would come to kick you out 😉

thanks for dropping by @the-gorilla

You could always say you've got to self-isolate to get a few extra days in your current accommodation - I don't think anybody would come to kick you out 😉

Im not sure if things work this way lol :)

Congrats on the new place.

Move to El Salvador... joke... in time, BTC and distributed technologies will depreciate those troublemakers (even on high) and empower cross cultural pursuits honest in nature.

Good joke @machnbirdsparo :)

@crypto.piotr ups and down are the part of life. Don't worry soon you will get your application accepted and you will fly to your new nest. The whole PH wishers are with you dear.

Just have some patiance everything will be fine. 😀

Life has taught me something very simple, "Wait and trust in God, for those of us who love him everything helps us well", it's that simple, it's hard? of course it is, but these are the moments that show us what we are made of. Dtb

Thanks for your encoraging words @mariu.espinoza

I wish to believe and trust in God. Unfortunately, I don't. ....

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

You sound quite arrogant and condescending @thedesertartist

And to be honest - I do partly believe in existance of God. Cruel and one having no mercy. God which only want to be praised and is vain.

What always make me surprised is the fact, that those who "trust in God" always act like they know better. Like they are superior towards others.

well my apologies for your misinterpretation of my words. yes, God can be cruel and unforgiving, if it were not for a cruel and unyielding world we would not yearn for something better, to create change, both within our lives and for the bearers of the future. there will always be people who know better, perhaps, they have been/done/lived/known someone who has lived the context. you cannot judge a conglomerate of people, (that would be "isty"), because of a misguided few people, but you have already judged me, because of mis-interpretation. so likely there is nothing i can say to change your mind, so sorry for wasting your time

The pandemic has changed our way of life in a very great dimension, I can only imagine not been able to travel out of a particular country when you want to, it is like being tied to a place where you want to break free from.

I am sure that everything will be fine and will return to normalcy soon then we can easily move around and visit places of our choice as well. Stay safe buddy.

Indeed @gbenga

Pandemic has been a game changer for many. Especially those, who moved around the world a lot.

Cheers buddy

Greetings friend @crypto.piot, you are going through a very exhausting stress, but I am sure that soon your plans will be achieved as you planned.

This pandemic has changed many things and yes life is not easy when it comes to moving from one country to another because of the current restrictions and lockdown situation. I can understand that you are going through tough time and there is no certainty but I'm sure that you'll be able to manage the things and everything will be sorted out soon. take care buddy

Indeed @alokkumar121

Pandemic has been a game changer for many. Especially those, who moved around the world a lot.

Cheers buddy

Hello @crypto.piotr friend, I am sorry to hear about these setbacks that you are having, I hope that you will soon find solutions and you can complete your move.

Thanks for your kind words @tocho2

I kept a count of the times I have moved, never to another country (even though we have thought about it) but in different states of the same country. My account was "10 times" and due to all the experiences I have had for them, I can only tell you one thing:
"God's time is perfect"

how come you were "moving" that often @alanasteemit?

moving house, moving province, changing house, moving province, changing jobs by moving, that's what I mean.

Como dice usted, "reubicarse"

Good things will come out of this, I'm sure they will... patience will be the determining factor... Good vibes dear

It is quite sad that your plans have been altered because of this Pandemic that has lasted over a year. I hope something positive comes your way and you have to remain positive and don't be discourage. Much love and hugs to you. Be safe and strong

Hi @taiwo-writes

I hope something positive comes your way

One can only hope so :)

Hello @crypto.piotr
We are going through a rather difficult situation, I hope you can manage to resolve it very soon.
Stay safe, regards.

I hope that everything is fine with you soon. My best wishes are always with you and your family.

Hello dear friend @crypto.piotr.

It really must not be easy to go through all that paperwork and more in pandemic time, but really the important thing for all of us is that you can solve everything and get to your destination, and so we can count on your great leadership full time, I hope with all my heart that everything goes very well. Best regards.

Thanks for always being so kind and supportive with your words @rbalzan79
I appreciate it greatly :)

It must really be hectic for you i hope things get to cool down sooner its not easy wish you all the very best.

The pandemic has turned the world upside down and made whole things look topsy-turvy. And to add fuel to the fire, there are "mutant strains" spreading in almost all countries.
I fully understand that your activity on steemit will be affected and hope you succeed in moving to your new place very soon.

Indeed @qsyal

Pandemic turned the world upside down. I wonder if live will ever go back to "normal".

Hi Piotr, this is a real problem, everything gets postponed, and just thinking about starting from scratch some paperwork is a real headache.
I hope that finally and soon the situation in Malaysia will be resolved and you will be able to fulfill the plans you have in mind.
Greetings, patience, there is no other way.

Greetings @crypto.piotr It's sad to know that so far it's not going as well as you wish, but really COVID thing is annoying I hope you will be able to go to Malaysia soon so you won't have to be stressed more, and please let us know how things will go in future.

Stay safe.

Thanks for your kind words @lennyblogs

Greetings friend Piotr, the situation you are going through is very difficult and even more so if it was already planned mentally. It is necessary to take things calmly to be able to think and look for a transitory solution. I am sure that soon you will be able to be in Malaysia with your family and have a happy time.

Thanks for always being so kind and supportive with your words @dgalan
I appreciate it greatly :)

This is a very serious condition, I can imagine the type of stress you and your wife will be going through right now especially the emotional stress.

Covid has really changed things and we do not know how long this will last for, please take care of yourself and regards to your wife and your puppy.

only 2 years ago one could simply hop on the plane, land at the destination

Damn!!! What's happening in the world today? I hope everything normalize soonest and I hope you don't start from scratch and you can figure out something soon. Take your time, as much as you need, we would be patient and hoping & wishing you achieve your goal.

i can only hope so too @gifxlove. keep your fingers crossed :)

It is quite understandable that your activity on Steemit will be greatly affected by this new update you have just given us. I hope you find a way around it and be happy and settled with it. The pandemic really shocked the world big time. I wish you courage, wisdom and strength to pass your situation with smile in your face, your wife's and your little dog's face too.

The pandemic really shocked the world big time.

Indeed @menoski

Pandemic has been a game changer for many. Especially those, who moved around the world a lot.

Cheers buddy

Hi my motivator I bring you greeting.

I might not really have much details about you as much but much I know is that all things works for our good.

Unfortunately, my application to enter Malaysia has so far been rejected - which is impacting my plans greatly. The reason provided is quite straightforward: borders are being shut and the entire country is still under heavy lockdown caused by another wave of daily covid cases.

Although the above experience can be very frustrating, on the other hand I thinks your stay at your current location might just unveil you to many more accomplishment.

Just think of it a little more and you might just discover the reason why the lockdown is heavy over and why you have to stay a bit at your current location.

Hi @eldecor

Thanks for dropping by and sharing your encouraging and kind words with me.

That is very serious. Covid has really changed a lot of system around us which everyone is yet to adapt to fully. You must be going through stress in every actions both physically and reasoning. I hope everything works out fine pretty soon.
Best regards

Hi @crypto.piotr

My friend, don't worry, the weather is always perfect for everything.
What is happening in your life is always for some reason in your immediate future.

My grandfather used to say: What is for you is yours, if it is not for you something better will come along.

Im not sure if I know how to understand what your grandfather used to say @lanzjoseg ...

Difficult situation my friend Piotr, you just need to be patient to make good decisions, take a deep breath and take things calmly, you will see that soon it will be just a bad time. Blessings to you and your family.

Thanks @pinedaocl for your kind words



Greetings friend @crypto.piotr it is not easy to cope with the things that you are currently experiencing, however I am completely convinced that you will be able to successfully achieve the plans that you drew up. I fully understand your frustration and the anxiety caused by not knowing how things will turn out in the end, courage and strength, the pandemic has changed many things in the world, complicating everything even more, but you have to stay strong and positive in the face of adversity. Here we will continue to wait for you as long as necessary, take good care of yourself.

A big hug !!!

Thanks for your encouraging words @karupanocitizen

You're obviously quite right by saying that "the pandemic has changed many things in the world". And so many more things will change. Challenging times ahead of us.

Cheers, Piotr

Dear Friend @crypto.piotr
I don't know how you are. Out of curiosity, I chose this comment path. You are the best benefactor of my life. You are my tested friend in difficult times. Now I have a lot of acquaintances. I also got a couple of friends but I haven't forgotten you, I can't forget. I look forward to your next post. So that I can give at least one upvote. Pray for me.


@mrnazrul Bangladesh

So that I can give at least one upvote.
sure thing @mrnazrul

I just upvoted 3 of your recent posts with my account and will upvote with curation trail as well.

ps. do you use Discord by any chance?

I feel light, with an upvote in your comment. Again, it would not be wrong for me to share the same joy as in the past. . I will take your advice about my new community as my title. I want to grow up on Steam. My communication will continue.

Yes, I Use Discord. With my ID name

I Open a community.


@tipu curate 4

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Greetings dear @crypto.piotr
love from PAKISTAN

@tipu curate 4

Hey, @crypto.piotr , what's going on with the community, I can't open it ?

the entire world is going through a transition process, i am glad to be secure in a house, although my life seems more restricted, it does seem to impact my depression little, sometimes these crazy things are God's way of speaking to us, as He is silent, but shows us little things that can make us better, my prayers are inclusive of your family, hunker down where you can, its becoming a waiting game, i am prepped if stuff goes down,.. rural areas are the best. i hope the game changes for you soon, this changing of monetary systems is heavy, i have potential NFT stuff(real world sculptures) w/ideas for more art to be done with them, continually forever, i just cant seem to "get it". i have a TBI, so thinking isnt my best "action"

Es difícil todo lo que cuentas es como para que te salgan canas verdes del pánico a no saber que pasará, espero todo se solucione pronto y puedes resolver cada unos de los problemas de ingreso a este nuevo país que te abrirá sus puertas con bastante éxito en el nombre de Jesús amen