What impact will the stimulus packages that have undergone and will in the future in the US will have in both inflation and cryptos?

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

I´ve been pondering much about what impact will the huge spending packages, stimulus checks and tso on.

relief plan.png

My opinion gravitates towards the following two things:
1.- Since there is quite large amounts of money being printed, and there is almost no increment (if any!) of new goods and services produced, since there is partial lockdowns, that this will generate in the short term, inflation (how large of an inflationI wouldnt know) or pressume to guess.
2.- I think Cryptos will be a good haven to ppotect currencies from inflation, since cryptos like BTC, are an inflation hedge, but if the market becomes flooded, whether this will translate in drastic price changes of the crypto market.

What are your thoughts?

Am I being too negative (sorry I wanted to write it with a possitve tone) with all the inflation opinion?

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