Logo design has been around for many years and so far, we have seen some really incredible and great logo designs created for businesses which have gone on to become highly successful. We already know of iconic and great logos of highly successful brands that have been around for so many years like the likes of apple, nike, amazon, Microsoft, fedex and more. If you look at these top brands with iconic and memorable logos, you would see that they all have something in common which is “identity”. A business logo that doesn’t have identity is already a failure because it is the identity of a business logo that gives it its value and makes it stand out from the crowd.
The Logo Process
When it comes to a business logo that is effective and helps a business achieve its ultimate goal, there are a number of factors that need to be in place… A business logo is the face of any business… It might have a number of different objectives, however, the primary objective of a business logo is “identification”… its purpose is to give a business identity which is key for branding - standing out from the crowd. As someone who wants to start and run a business, you need to have in mind that a business logo is not creativity, it is not promotion, it is not a magic fix symbol that automatically solves the problems of the business…
A business logo is identification… no matter how stunning or creative a business logo looks and it doesn’t solve the primary objective which is “to identify” then it is already set up for problems. Every other thing is secondary… that is why you look at some of the most iconic logos out there like nike, national geographic, apple, Microsoft, adidas, amazon etc, there are not the most stunning looking logos but one thing that is guaranteed is that they are memorable… almost everyone know these companies just by their logos… these logos have engraved in the minds of people (their target customers). Once a business logo solves the problem of identification, then it is what matters. If target customers are able to identify a business just by looking at the logo symbol, then that logo is already a success.