Importance of the delegation of functions in business behavior

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 
Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.

Author: @dgalan,through Power Point 2010 tool, and using public domain image Pixabay

Today, in the era of business globalization, technological development and organizational dynamics, we can say that the concept of human resources has changed radically, people are no longer seen as static and passive beings within the administrative process, but on the contrary as agents of change that dynamize organizational resources, contributing their knowledge and skills so that they can maintain their competitiveness and sustainability.

Undoubtedly, people are not resources but human beings, they are the most valuable talents of the organization and add incalculable value to the company. In addition, they are a resource endowed with their own capabilities that guarantee organizational growth and success.

Image taken from:Pixabay

In this regard, Chiavenato (2009) points out that organizations "constitute one of the most remarkable social institutions that have given rise to creativity and human ingenuity...they present, in addition to an enormous diversity, a surprising complexity". Indeed, they are not absolute and do not exist in a vacuum as open systems; they operate in an environment composed of resources and talents that must be strategically managed to achieve their objectives.

For this reason, it is inescapable that people are the ones who represent, give life to and imprint their own personality on companies. On the other hand, they have begun to realize the value of maintaining policies where delegating functions has been fundamental to achieve success and improve organizational behavior. Thus, people will be the perfect gear that pushes and maintains the success of the organization.

Image taken from:Pixabay

In other words, to manage human resources in the organization there must be the ability to manage the knowledge and ingenuity of people to ensure organizational behavior appropriate to the needs of the company.

In view of these considerations, the process of delegating functions is essential to dynamize people's organizational behavior. It allows leaders to grant responsibilities that require a greater contribution from those employees with capabilities and competencies that allow them to face the challenges of the environment. It also ensures that the workforce and human talents required for the activities that the organization expects to achieve in the future are available.

I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments.

bibliographic reference:

1.- Alles, M. (2013). Organizational behavior: How to achieve cultural change through competency-based management. (1st ed.). Editorial: Ediciones Granica. Buenos Aires.

2.- Chiavenato, I. (2009). Comportamiento Organizacional. (1st ed.). Editorial McGraw-Hill Interamericana Editores, S. A. Mexico.

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Hello my dear friend @dgalan, undoubtedly human talent is essential in any organization, therefore, whoever leads the leadership of the company must pay attention to the skills and abilities of each of its employees, this will allow delegating certain functions according to the profile or performance of each of them.

Excellent article brother, have a great start of the week !

Greetings friend @ amestyj Maintaining a policy of delegation of functions is essential for all companies today, to achieve success and improve organizational behavior, all this happens if you have a department of human talent committed to business strategies otherwise management must take responsibility for the good of the company.

Thank you very much for your comments

Very good publication friend, it is important to be clear in every company, we need to delegate the necessary functions according to the skills that our employees have, this will undoubtedly increase the production of work and deliver a good service. Thanks for sharing.

Financial Markets Analyst.

greetings friend @ lenonmc21, your comments are very true, it is important to place in each job position the people who can be in charge of it so that there is cohesion in the company's plans.
Thank you very much for your comments

Greetings @dgalan when talking about the importance of the delegation of functions, it is very relevant to highlight that people are the ones that form a company or organization, each of them contributes a grain of sand, with their effort, creativity, own initiatives, for an improvement within these institutions, which is the generator of trust that allows leaders to go delegating functions, which help to better business development and human growth, thanks for your article.

Greetings @ chucho27 The delegation of functions allows the Manager or boss to have in each position the most capable and prepared personnel for the business achievement, each one contributes as you say a grain of sand to reach the established goals.
Thank you very much for your comments