Talk it, Act it, Live it

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

Last week, I had sent in an application for a particular thing I was looking for. I remember spending several nights watching videos and reading articles that will help me write the "perfect application letter".

I had three drafts before I could come up with a final one, satisfied that I had done my best, I sent in my application.

This morning, I woke up to an email, then I opened it, it read " my application has been rejected". I read it again and again, in between lines so I'd know why I didn't get it.

Just like any organization would say, they stated and I quote "this is no way a reflection of your strength" but they had thousands of applications and all.

I picked up my phone and sent a text message to my sister as she knew I had applied for that role. The words used were "I was rejected". Immediately I keyed in these words, my mind resisted it. I deleted it and rephrased "my application was rejected".

Now these words meant a whole lot to me. For months or years even, I have had a negative outlook on life.

But I got reading the Bible and I was informed that in order for my life to be positive, to be great; my mind needed to be transformed. This is in Romans 12:2.

I read books, and then consciously and deliberately I started replacing those negative thoughts with positive ones. So it was very important to me how I phrased those words to my sister.

Now, it is one thing to believe in something, it is another thing to act in line with it and speak in line with it.

  • I was rejected is different from, my application was rejected,

  • I am good for nothing is different from, I am not good at engineering but I do well with computers

  • I can do it is different from I think,

  • "If" is different from "when" and so the list goes on.

Some persons speak one thing and act differently, it's why they do not have results, it is why things are not going the way they are supposed to go.

Why do you say you believe you can do something, then when there's just one loss or fail you begin to speak negatively?

As you believe ; talk it, act it and also live it.

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