Reasons for photovoltaic self-consumption

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago  (edited)
Hello dear friends.

Our society, in general, is increasingly aware of the need to change the energy model and the need to bet more on renewable energies to deal with global warming, and that is why more and more countries are developing large projects in the field of renewable energy, but at the same time, more and more consumers are deciding to install solar panels in their homes, and although initially the reason that motivates them to take this step is greater economic savings, after the installation seems to awaken a greater environmental responsibility that transcends economics.

It will be more and more common to see solar panels on the roofs of houses. Source:

I was talking with a friend who has a photovoltaic system installed in her home, and although in principle she installed it as a backup system in the face of the continuous electrical failures she suffers in the region where she lives, after talking with her I realize that she has experienced a greater interest in the rational use of energy, since I see her more enthusiastic about not totally depending on the electricity company.

The paradigm shift driven by renewable energy

Taking it as an example, I think that residential self-consumption of photovoltaic energy represents a paradigm shift for people in their relationship with energy. In my country, electricity is very cheap, but we have a terrible service, and in other latitudes the cost of electricity is very high; which has prompted many households to have means of self-consumption. In any case, the current paradigm of residential energy focuses on electricity companies, before whom as consumers we feel neglected or at their mercy, since we have very little to do with their control of energy.

The new paradigm places consumers at the center of the relationship with energy, since they not only learn to generate it but also to use it rationally, looking for ways to optimize the performance of their self-consumption system, and the electricity company moves to a background, as a complement to supply the peaks that the system itself cannot cover.

Reasons to install a self-consumption system

A self-consumption system is associated, in addition to the personal satisfaction that I mentioned, a series of benefits, among them.

1- Greater independence and savings. As I had already told you, one of the aspects that drives photovoltaic self-consumption the most is greater independence from electricity companies, on the one hand, that gives us savings that are reflected in the electricity bill, in addition to making us less vulnerable. to fluctuations in electrical service.

2. Respect for the environment. Photovoltaic energy is a sustainable and environmentally friendly source, we all have our share of responsibility for the problems that have caused global warming, in the same way we can do our part to promote the change in the form of consumption that our planet needs .

3. Easy maintenance. Nowadays the systems have become more compact, easy to install and maintain, not to mention that they have a very high durability.

4. Amortization in a few years. Although this type of system still involves a high investment, those who opt for this form of generation should be aware that they are thinking about the long term, however, there are countries where electricity costs are so high that paying less electricity for 10 or 20 years already compensates the investment.

The installation and maintenance of solar panels has become easier. Source:

Immature but growing sector

Unfortunately, the residential self-consumption sector is an immature sector, at least in my country there are very few companies that operate in this sector, not to mention that solar panels and almost all components must be imported, and unless the potential user makes his own research, there are no reference brands or companies that provide advice and make known their products, prices and proposals, resulting in ignorance and distrust towards this energy generation system.

However, the concern for the environment, and the high rates of electricity service herald greater growth in this sector, which is undoubtedly no longer a risky option, since the technology has already been well tested, but what many of us expect is that a higher demand lowers the costs of the components, since there are many potential consumers who have almost decided on their installation, but who are waiting for better prices or for technology to advance in a reduction in the size of the solar panels to reduce the visual impact.

In the future, homes that generate their own energy may become more common. Source:

While the latter is achieved, many of us will continue to wait to lean in favor of photovoltaic self-consumption, while we rejoice for those who already produce their own electricity and have a better relationship with energy and its use.

Thanks for coming by to read friends, I hope you liked the information. See you next time.

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Greetings @emiliomoron, this topic you share is very interesting, because we can approach it from three points of view, the first is aimed at those countries where the cost of energy is high so installing these mechanisms that self-generate electricity becomes a great long-term investment, the second point of view is in countries like Venezuela where there is a big electricity problem and install equipment that self-generate electricity becomes a relief and finally and I consider the most important the third point of view the ecological, where these teams are installed to contribute to the environment.

In the long run the first two points of view force people to migrate to the third point of view because as you share in your article, you can change the paradigm and focus from the point of view of the environment.

That's right friend, everyone decides to invest in this system according to their own reality, the truth is that we agree on the third point you mention, changing the focus towards a more ecological model.

Hello @emiliomoron
Here in Bogota, especially north of the city, there are houses that work with photovoltaic energy, because here really the services are super expensive, especially towards the north.
That should help them save a lot of money annually, but I know that it is expensive to install this system of electricity production, in addition to the fact that in Bogota is not always sunny, in fact, the weather is quite cold and often spend several days of rain. But, as in everything, it is necessary to adapt. What I can say is that the services rarely fail, they work quite well, hence the high cost.

Certainly the installation of the system is expensive, but in cities where the service is also high it is profitable, and it can be amortized in a few years. It is also necessary to analyze the feasibility according to the hours of sunshine, to see if it is possible for the system to support most of the electrical consumption.

This is an interesting topic @emiliomoron. Use of solar panels is becoming more common today than it was in the last five years. Compared to last 5 years, we have better solar panels and batteries than we had 5 years ago.

I read an article some time ago, and I learnt that the best solar panel can not harness up to 45% of the energy it receives from the sun. This is a big mark, we still have a long way to go, thankfully, lots of scientist and engineers have taken up that task upon themselves.

Hopefully, in the next five years, we will have better solar panels that can harness at least 70% of the solar energy it receives. Also, we will have a better inverter and energy storage that can comfortable carry our appliances just like hydroelectricity without the fear of exhaustion.

Undoubtedly friend, the components have been developed a lot, but it is true that solar panels still do not take advantage of all the energy they receive, we hope that they continue to advance and soon be more efficient and economical.

This post is excellent because it shows us the reasons why we should opt for the use of renewable energy and whose generation does not involve damage to nature. However, in some countries to opt for this photovoltaic system is highly expensive not all people can have this possibility although it would be ideal. I believe that the high costs in obtaining this system has to do with the interest of large companies because people continue to use only the supply of electricity they have as a way to generate a consumerism that keeps them and destroys the planet. It would be interesting that our friends PH engineers gave us some tips to make this system at home ourselves, well you know something like a "do it yourself" post. Thank you.

It would be something interesting, certainly the cost of the components is still very high, we hope that technology continues to advance and costs are lowered so that this system is more accessible and we can all contribute to improving the environment by generating our own electricity