Don't confuse lower with lowest!steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago 


People confuse “lower” with “lowest” a lot. And that's going to lose them so much money.

Crypto prices are being suppressed because credit is tightening. In order to suppress inflation, central banks will have to tighten for a while, maybe 12 months, to determine if tightening is doing the job. Which is going to keep crypto prices suppressed for at least that long.

People think crypto is at a good price, because it’s lower. They think they're getting a discount. They think it's an opportunity of a lifetime. It's not! Yet.

As long as the Federal Reserve keeps raising rates, assets are not a good buy. You're just buying it from wealthy hedge fund managers and other whales that want to unload their risk on you…don't take the bait.

When credit contracts, accumulate cash. When credit expands, buy assets.

Making money in a down market is possible by selling the market short, but this requires debt, and debt I never condone.

But if you are hard pressed in doing it, don't use options, or any other derivative, because there's time horizons with that, and you don't need that headache.

Borrow some shares/crypto (carefully), sell back into the market, and just ride it out until inflation comes down and the FED plus other Central Banks start dropping rates again (so far the FED has only raised rates).

Buying assets now sucks…raising cash is good. Because cash is going to be really useful when prices are much lower when credit stops contracting and starts expanding again.

Stay frosty people…and solvent.

35% allocated to ph-fund.

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With what you have explained let us see how it goes. It will be sweet seeing everything catching up.