The world economy on its knees before the CoronaVirus

in hive-175254 •  5 years ago 

What we are experiencing today was not predictable for anyone at the end of last year, most economists made projections regarding the growth of the global economy, the reality that we live is that the world economy is on its knees before this pandemic and some experts They affirm that the worst has not yet passed.



So far the blow that the global economy has received is very strong, we are talking about factories that have stopped working, flights suspended from and to various countries, suspended sporting events, leagues that have decided to stop their course because of the CoronaVirus, all These actions have a direct impact on the economy.

COVID-19 in numbers.

General data.

There are already more than 130,000 cases of contagion in more than 120 countries around the world, with more than 5,000 deaths across the globe, with Asia being the continent with the highest number of infections, China has reported more than 81 thousand cases, and 3,170 deaths ; China is followed by Italy as the second country with the most diagnosed cases, about 15 thousand confirmed cases and around 1,016 deaths.

This virus has hit the world economy and most countries are expected to go into recession due to the consequences of the CoronaVirus.

In Venezuela, the first two cases of contagion with the virus have been detected and from now the effects are beginning to be felt in an economy that has been depressed for several years, these effects are felt in the drop in oil prices, since our economy It depends mainly on the sale of oil, a situation that makes us much more vulnerable.

According to President Nicolas Maduro, the price of crude oil fell from 48 or 49 dollars a barrel to 24 or 25 dollars.

"We have taken the forecasts as far as the criminal sanctions allow us (...) We demand that President Donald Trump lift the criminal sanctions so that Venezuela can go to the market to buy the kits and tests necessary to face this situation," he said.

On March 12, President Donald Trump suspended all flights to Europe and Asia, concerts, events, religious and countless public events around the world are suspended.




As I write this publication, the first cases in Venezuela are confirmed and without fear fear invades me, our fear became reality and the answer to the question that we have raised before will soon be known... This Venezuela is ready to respond to this virus? I pray to God that we are prepared and that this virus does not reach the number of infections registered in other countries.

Note: So far I leave this publication, it is really disturbing to read what is happening in the world, the case of Italy for example where people are dying faster than expected as a result of the virus, although the authorities insist that the "virus does not it is so lethal "in relation to the number of infections and deaths, it is still worrying for all of us.

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This situation is beyond the reach of the ordinary citizen. Therefore, we must prepare with preventive actions. Eat healthy, rely on natural medicine and keep your body and mind positive.

Hello dear @yonnathang, thanks for your comment.

You are very right, if the most powerful countries have had a hard time this battle, we only have to follow the recommendations and entrust ourselves to God.

In Canada, we have reached 200 cases today!

Did your authorities close down events, gatherings, boarders etc @chesatochi?

Yes, for two weeks in Canada at least.

Yes, this virus spreads very fast.

100+ confirmed cases in Brazil

Did your authorities close down events, gatherings, boarders etc?

Not officially, like a quarantine, but a lot of events are being canceled or postponed by it's creators, like Loolapalooza, a music festival that would happen this weekend.

Insurance? It is very fast, I thought that in Brazil there were only a few cases.

It's already inside the country and spreading through community contamination (spread inside the borders).

Some medic reports (my wife is a nurse, so she gets more detailed information) are expecting an increase to 45k cases on the next 4 months on São Paulo only.

Altough it spreads fast (that is why isolation is needed), the lethality isn't all that high on average, but the problem lies on people with a low immunity system (like elders and childrens).

Greetings brother @fucho80.

In Venezuela we are totally defenseless against this virus.
There are no medications and we do not have the financial resources to administer treatment.

The hospital network is an empty shell.

The health conditioners of the majority of the population make them vulnerable due to poor diet.

The authorities are not technically or logistically prepared to serve the population.

We can only cling to our faith and the natural treatments that we know from ancient times.

Your friend, Juan.

Sad reality :/

Hello @juanmolina, it is our sad reality.

We can only cling to our faith and the natural treatments that we know from ancient times.

I think that faith is fundamental in these cases, within all your preventive kit faith cannot be lacking. For me, God is real.

In these current moments two possible things would happen:

  • Faith in God is reaffirmed.
  • Many will stop believing in Him.

The effect of this COVID-19 pandemic is really being felt on the economy of the world. Some businesses have been suspended because of this and many more may follow suit. I just hope a permanent panacea will be found soon.

It is everyone's wish that something be found that not only stops progress, but can eradicate this virus.

Resteemed already. Upvote on the way :)

Friend @fucho80
Although I am in Colombia, my country is and will be Venezuela.
I do not stop thinking about the hard situation there and all that this implies, including the fall in oil prices, which as you indicate is key to the economy of our country.
The hard part has not yet arrived, I also think, and it is regrettable to even think about it.

Hi @josevas217, thanks for your comment.

The hard part has not yet arrived, I also think, and it is regrettable to even think about it.

Unfortunately we are in a very vulnerable situation, however we must maintain confidence that everything will be fine, strengthen our faith and believe that we have divine protection.

Dear @fucho80

Indeed the worst is still ahead of us. One thing I'm very confident is that for many nations and millions of people across the globe - life will look very different once this crisis is over.

As I write this publication, the first cases in Venezuela are confirmed and without fear fear invades me, our fear became reality

Lives of many will change and it may be end of some chapter in human history. Chapter called "globalisation".

ps. I wonder if Maduro will still receive financial support from struggling China. Without their money he won't be able to afford to pay army. So he is stepping on very thin ice and his days may be numbered. That may be good or terrible for Venezuela (power vacuum need to be avoided). Time will tell.

Stay safe my dear friend,
Yours, Piotr

ps. I wonder if Maduro will still receive financial support from struggling China. Without their money he won't be able to afford to pay army. So he is stepping on very thin ice and his days may be numbered. That may be good or terrible for Venezuela (power vacuum need to be avoided). Time will tell.

Dear @crypto.piotr, the government is living very difficult days and with them all of us in the country, since many nations do not want to buy our crude oil for fear of sanctions, the government is forced to offer it cheaper to find buyers.

With the drop in the price of oil to $ 25, it is below the cost of production, that is, it begins to produce at a loss.

Time will tell how far we will go.

2 cases in Nigeria, both cases are foreigners and we hope they are properly treated, Nigeria cannot handle a large incidence.

Nigeria cannot handle a large incidence.

That is the problem in many countries, which apparently do not have the capacity to respond to a very rapid spread of this threat.

The spread of this virus is greatly alarming and I feel so sad about it, I just hope God helps us.

The spread of this virus is greatly alarming and I feel so sad about it, I just hope God helps us.

Correct, it spreads very quickly, although the death rate is low, the speed at which it spreads is worrisome since it can collapse any public health system.

The most scary part is that, most African nations do not have the medical facilities to combat this deadly virus.

It is very worrisome, it distresses me personally, since I have had the symptoms of covid-19 for days. I have not left the house avoiding infecting my neighbors (I live alone).
I am distressed that they close all the businesses, and if they declare quarantine where the hell and how are we going to get food if all the businesses are closed?
It is something that is very worrying and a very hard blow to people's lives, especially in Venezuela, that with the lack of food, services and help in public health centers, we are in very bad shape.

Well brother, the situation we face is really sad, if you believe in something I advise you to hold on to your faith and pray a lot so that all this does not cause great damage in our battered country.

Everything that happens is very worrying, and now more than that virus is in Venezuela.
We just have to be calm and sanity.

Hello friend, read your publication and I really like the call not to despair, to stay calm and sanity.
We have no other choice.