What if we stay? What happens if we stay?

in hive-175254 •  5 years ago 

Hello dear readers!

What will happen if we decide to stay in steem? Since the recent fork we have sailed the sea of ​​uncertainty, having to get used to publishing on both channels; The week before the break, if the term applies, there were many publications that I read where the authors affirmed that after this steem would die, the price would plummet and it could never recover, some with joy and others with concern for their investment, they expressed that this is the end of steem.



It is still too early to know the true consequences of this bifurcation, Hive is moving forward, working to establish the foundations for a successful chain, and today we can find publications that reflect the worst of their authors (respecting their opinion) expressing their open desire for failure of one or the other chain, my question is: Can not both chains coexist? Is it wrong for both chains to be successful?

Duplicate benefits.

I know that it is very difficult to maintain the rhythm of work on two blogs, and to do quality work, this requires a great effort from the person involved, however, I am sure that with practice people can adapt and be successful, from Then I'm talking to the community that benefits from creating content, those of us who don't have a fight with witnesses and the community or with Justin Sun and his team.

That part of the community that continues to work, giving their best in both chains, publishing topics related to their usual work in steem, and they have not taken the latest events as a personal declaration of war, those who would be happy to commercialize and benefit from both HIVE and STEEM, because at the end of all this is a business where we all somehow make a profit.



We should see this as a duplication of your resources due to the separation of the chains, and the opportunity to take advantage of our experience to get the best out of both Blockchain and add value to both, we should not necessarily beg the death of one for the other succeed, or make war on one for the other to succeed.

We are the same ones that a few months ago gave ourselves the courage to continue fighting, those of us who tried to make this platform a successful chain that would benefit us monetarily, I continue reading and supporting the same authors who also support me, people who dedicate time every day. and effort to make a publication hoping it will be read and supported by many to get some reward and among them I do not find many millionaire investors.

Let the experts speak.

Is it true that we are facing STEEM's death? There is no hope for this platform anymore? That is the affirmation of some experts, it was these affirmations that led me to ask myself these questions that I am asking you today and I hope with my heart that you may have answers:

What happens if we stay? What if the majority of those who are turning off their STEEM decide to stop their withdrawal and continue publishing? If the COMMUNITY remains active in both chains?



According to the recent history of cryptography, no fork of a Blockchain, meant the death or destruction of either of the two chains, both the main chain and the one that arises from said fork continued their way as separate projects, some with greater success than others; This in the cases that I have read.

I think both chains will continue and people will eventually continue to join both chains. Regarding prices, I think that the cryptocurrency market has behaved capricious and somewhat unpredictable.

What if we stay what can happen?

PROJECT #HOPE An Initiative to give hope!

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I'm waiting to decide and using the #steemexclusive tag to curate from

Ok, thanks for the support, I think it is a good decision to wait, I am going to try to stay on the two chains as far as I can.

So you're going to stick around on botch chains @whatsup?

I'm resistant to choosing until things calm down.

I was already on Steem, so for now it is a non-decision.

I'm curating a bit on HIVE but that is it. I'm still posting on Steem.

Late thank you for your comment @whatsup

I've been quite overwhelmed with work lately and I just had a chance to read your previous reply a moment ago

Perhaps you could consider posting within our project.hope community in the future. I think most of your content would fit out interests and I can easily imagine that we could help each other grow futher.


Yours, Piotr

Hello, @Crypto.Piotr!! First of all is needed to say that your work has been inspirational for many in this blockchain. Such efforts are admirable. Grateful!!
It will be a pleasure to stay in touch to provide further information about this project focused in the growth and education about the operation of this blockchain for new and little accounts. It will count with 2000 sp from @leveuf's account to start with a group of ten users. A roadmap is in progress for input and discussion.
Best regards!

Late thank you for your comment @knitrias

First of all is needed to say that your work has been inspirational for many in this blockchain. Such efforts are admirable.

I feel flattered :)

I've been quite overwhelmed with work lately and I just had a chance to read your previous reply a moment ago

ps. are you from Venezuela?

Yours, Piotr

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Hello Piotr!! Here I am, and of course the admiration is great for all the efforts yuo've made in this blockchain. I'm from México and I've been here for almost three years. Now I think is time to cooperate as I can!!

The situation right now is back and forth in steem, it needs time. You've visited the RoadMap in @Knitrias, I'm planning to launch the announcement for candidates next monday and will be 15 days to get max 25 and min 10. I'll keep you informed with any news!

Best wishes for projects, friends and family in these special times for our world!!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Hello, @Whatsup!! It will be a pleasure to stay in touch to provide further information about this project by @leveuf. It will be mainly focused in the growth and education on the operation of this blockchain for little and new accounts, launching a delegation of 200 sp (Founds in @leveuf's account will provide the start for 10 users in the group). A roadmap is in progress for input and discussion.
Best regards!

P.S. Your tag is a good idea and incentive!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I found steemit first before the whole drama thing happened, but I will like to watch how things unfold before i make my decision about the both.

I am of the opinion that the both sites should run without affecting each other in any way.

Both chains have the potentials to succeed. For me, I remain present on both chains. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Very good decision brother!

I plan on staying on both chains

I plan on staying on both chains

Hello @davedickeyyall it seems like a good idea, I will do the same.

Good choice @davedickeyyall

Estoy con el corazón agradecido de encontrarme esto, @Fucho80. Tengo un plan que quiero poner en operación. Lo voy a cocinar y te mando la propuesta para difundir. Por ahora estoy con un problema técnico, no encuentro la herramienta adecuada para hacer delegaciones, steemworld parece estar haciendo ajustes. ¿Me podrías recomendar alguna?
¡Es de agradecer y apreciar ese sentimiento pacífico que todos necesitamos en estos momentos difíciles en nuestro mundo!

Hola amigo @leveuf, que bueno saber que el mensaje esta llegando, creo que es un momento histórico único y debemos aprovechar y disfrutar lo que estamos viviendo en ambas cadenas evitando caer en confrontaciones inútiles.

Con respecto a lo de las delegaciones, ahora están ocurriendo muchos cambios y todavía hay inestabilidad, para ser honesto, ahora no se de otra herramienta para eso, en el pasado mi amigo @crypto.piotr me facilito otra herramienta pero no se si aun funciona, de todos modos perdí el enlace.

Paciencia y mantente enfocado, si se de algo te informo.

¡Gracias por tu comentario!

¡Ahí le vamos dando, que vengan las buenas ideas es lo que se necesita!
Abrazo grande!! :)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Let me start first by saying "i love the write up". Back to the steem and hive thing. In just one week, hive have been able to get a lot of interfaces and dapps which were running on steem before which could be a major success on a new chain. On steemit, new dapps and interfaces have emerged within a week.

The next few weeks will be very unstable and messy for steem as there might be massive pull out but at the end of it all, steem will be okay (even doge at its least price isn't regarded as a failed project).

The trending page on steem has changed within the last few days but i guess the same copy of old steem trending followed them down to hive. What will keep hive token is people moving money from steem to hive (little wonder whales like gandalf are spamming the platform and trying to reap the reward pool because they know hive success depends on selling steem to buy hive) and only if investors buys. For steem, for every selling there is a buying, steem would get investors (i presume) and users are willing to buy steem.

I believe the two chains will succeed, i love the two chains as they are both home. One is a changed home believed to be centralized but has a change in contents that get to the top while the other is said to be decentralized but still carries the genetic copy of the old steem (the same players, the same skills).

Note: this is a free speech, it shouldn't hurt anyone.

Thanks friend @gbenga, good that you liked this publication.

I believe the two chains will succeed, i love the two chains as they are both home. One is a changed home believed to be centralized but has a change in contents that get to the top while the other is said to be decentralized but still carries the genetic copy of the old steem (the same players, the same skills).

Very well expressed in this paragraph, I think the same and it is very correct when you say that to be in the two chains is to be at home, so that the conflict and the attacks end and we enjoy this historical moment.

I think I found a lot of captivating and motivating elements in the reading of this content that you publish amigo @fucho80.

What can happen if we stay in steem?

I think it would be great if we stay in steem, because we would be maximizing efforts with our publications so that each platform (steem and hive) succeeds in both regardless of the success or failure of either platform, the effort made by communities such as the project -hope to vote content on both platforms, is a vote of confidence for many authors to give their efforts to develop their maximum potential and contribute to both platforms, many depend on both platforms can succeed, so we must be optimistic and bet on staying in steem and make good contributions.

Greetings friend and happy to read you once again.

I will be staying on the both platform. Non is going down unless there is no interface to access them anymore. The two projects will be successful so there is no need to burn down an old street because you moved to a new street which is what most people on hive are doing. Burning down steem because they moved to hive.

Very well, very well that is correct, we can work on both chains, although this represents a challenge of time and effort, we can do it.

I'm here stay in steem.

I will continue in steem, I am betting on staying in both chains until I can.

Hi, I don't think you should forget once again that Steem is not just Steemit, but it is undeniable that the damage Stemit's actions have done to Steem's blockchain is quite remarkable, after all, Steemit was the first frontend of this chain and it was his first Dapp.

Personally I am thinking of focusing on the new blockchain, I am not going to abandon Steem completely (at least for the moment), but I am turning it off and I will see in the future what I will do about it.

As for prices, well, I think the example of Etherum and Etherum Classic already shows that two blockchain born from a fork can survive, but certainly one of them can be very successful and the other can be stagnant. You have to wait to see, because if the other Dapps of the Steem blockchain remain working in it, it may not be a significant crash, instead if the Dapps decide to migrate massively and the Steem blockchain is reduced to Steemit's blogs would collapse in prices, at least that's what I think.

Hello @pedrobrito2004, thanks for your comment.

I am also turning off but for reasons of need, for food, however, next week I stop the power down and plan to continue growing in the two chains.

We do not know the future but if there is a willingness to raise steem, although some Daaps move completely and leave the chain, you may find developers who are willing to create new applications based on steem.

Time will tell.

I am sorry to hear about economic problems, I know what it is, after all, like you, I live in Venezuela and not for nothing we are classified as the country with the most miserable economy in the world for four years in a row.

I am not sure what I am going to do, for now I write in Hive and I use my account in Steem as a mirror account, just as sometimes I also use my account in publish0x and on other platforms. It may take a few weeks to shutdown and I will get some voting power, but for now I am not sure of anything at all.

Steem and hive have caused a lot of drama in the last few days. I know that there will be a lot of power down on the steem blockchain and there will be a lot of power up on hive but at the end, the two chains will survive.

the two chains will survive.

We want both chains to survive, but not only that, if not that they succeed.

Thanks for the inspiration and all the work that you and @Project.Hope have gifted to this blockchain. It will be a pleasure to be in touch!!

Dear @fucho80

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this particular topic. Obviously, I'm very interested what people who are part of project.hope think.

Can not both chains coexist? Is it wrong for both chains to be successful?

I stronly believe that those 2 chains can do better than STEEM could achieve alone. Especially knowing, that power-struggle is over.

Is it true that we are facing STEEM's death? There is no hope for this platform anymore?

I would say, that STEEM without old witnesses have higher chance of survival. At least Justin can follow up with whatever plans he had, without being confronted on literally every single step.

enjoy your weekend,
Yours, Piotr

Hello dear @crypto.piotr, I am optimistic that everything will improve, the success of both chains is our success, the confrontation must end.