I'm tired

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 

Today I want to get something off my chest. Although a few days ago I published this post in Hive, but the essence remains, so I share it with you. I know, I'm a bit dramatic sometimes, but what can I do, it's part of me. If I stop being like this, I lose my charm. Which one? I don't know, but I lose it.



A few days ago I was telling my wife that I'm tired. That I need a vacation, maybe not to go to France, the Los Roques archipelago or South Africa. What I need is to rest. Rest my mind, my fingers. There are days when I just want to do nothing, but not just one day, but several days in a row.

I also commented to my wife that "luckily" I like my job, I love it, if I didn't, believe me, the level of frustration and bitterness would be the size of Everest. And just imagine being tired and wishing for a vacation, that by the way, the work you do every day you hate and you have to get up every day of your fucking life to work on something that makes you feel miserable, that does not excite you, that you do not see sense or purpose. It's horrible, I've lived it at some point and you've probably been there too.



Anyway, as I was saying. I am tired. I wish and I even think I need to disconnect from everything. To do nothing or, in contrast, to do some of those things that give me indescribable pleasure: watch a movie, read a book (and smell it from time to time), sleep late, write without pressure, without that sense of obligation or duty, go to the river or the mountains, to the movies, etc.

I may not be able to do that right now. It would be a luxury to take a vacation. My family needs sustenance and at the moment I am the only income in the house. As long as that doesn't change and as I continue to grow in Steemit, Noise Cash and Hive with my account @garybilbao and @ elcomentador, I will continue to have fun with my work. You will continue to see me around to keep sharing on this wonderful platform.

Thank you for reading these complaints. If you have felt or feel this way, do catharsis in the comments and between all of us we encourage and help each other.

Until a new catharsis. A hug.

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At some point we always feel tired and need rest and that's where nature comes to play because we can't avoid nature.

The key is to know when one need rest and utilise it because when next the body might ask of it, it might be dreadful

I think that at some point we have all pronounced the phrase that serves as the title of your publication friend @garybilbao, it is normal, the theme of constantly working generating content, "fresh ideas" sometimes exhausts, that is why the brain demands a certain periodic "reset" , so feeling how you feel is not only normal but a logical cause of the work you do, a little rest and distraction is not only good to "recharge batteries" but to generate new ideas for content and even share experiences.

Do not worry, I put the fatigue will leave that hardworking body xD

Hi @garybilbao
We all need a break from time to time, more than necessary. About 3 months ago I went with my wife to a house, apart from the city of Bogota, warm weather, and with pool, we spent 3 days there, it was necessary.
Something that I think we should all look for is sources of income that allow us to generate even without working, that really gives us a great peace of mind. Because the pressure to write is partly because of that, because it depends on an income in which we must do something to generate. At least that is what I believe.

Greetings @garybilbao, I identify with what you write, with the difference of wanting to have a vacation from housework. Ufff I really need them urgently there are days that I just want to be resting in my room watching a good movie with my husband and children and more now that I started in this world of writing recently. I feel so exhausted.
But anyway if I organize myself a little I know I can have some time to enjoy.

I know I do. With organization everything is possible. We need rest and distractions, the body and mind need it.

Thanks for commenting.

Thanks for sharing such a wonderful write up. We all feel we need a vacation every now and then. But we've got to keep pushing. I believe in working hard, and taking some short rest. One day everyone will definitely rest in peace. So until then, we keep working. That's the name of the game.

It's a normal feel like we all know this our body is not stone it will need time to rest if not it will break down. I will advise you take a few days off and rest it is good for your health and when you resume you will be two times more active than before or alternatively, if you love online activities so much that you cannot live without them just like me, set time and cut off all visit and going out we have 24 hours in a day dedication 4 hours for online activities and used the remaining 20 hours to rest just lie down or sleep, rest and zero your mind from all though and worries. This also work too.

We can feel identified or not, but it is clear that you need that break, it does not have to be very long, I think that 3 or 4 days will recharge your batteries.

Hi @garybilbao

Finally, I've managed to find some time to catch up with previously bookmarked publications.

I know, I'm a bit dramatic sometimes, but what can I do, it's part of me.

Would you consider yourself a drama queen? :)

You've mentioned that sometimes you would like to do nothing. For several days in a row. Did you ever try it? Did you actually ever try to do nothing (and be non-productive) for that long?
I found such a time to be an awful time. Long and boring.

It's horrible, I've lived it at some point and you've probably been there too.

Indeed. That's an awful feeling to do something we hate for living. I rather earn less, but end up not-hating my own job. Mentaly it's just so unhealthy.

Enjoy your weekend buddy,
Cheers, Piotr

Thanks for taking the time to comment on my post. When I talk about drama, I'm talking about the fact that I like, at times, to express what I feel or what happens to me, without necessarily playing the victim.

About taking breaks and doing nothing, yes, I have. boring? Yes, but sometimes necessary for mental and physical health. That's why I have to find a balance between being productive and resting or recreating.

Thanks for stopping by