Lessons I learned About Starting Small in Business

in hive-175254 •  3 months ago 

I have learnt a few things in this short time I have spent in the business world. It isn't like I started business 20 years ago but it been a short while I started. With one failed business, I have been able to gather the mistakes from that, make corrections, and infuse them into my current business endeavor. In all this, I have learned a few things and I intend to share them with you.

Before I begin sharing let me say that the chances of successfully surviving when you start a second business is high compared to when you start a first one even if it is just a 2% increase in chance. This I have noticed and studies from Harvard Business school confirms same. So, let me share my observations.

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In my journey as a business person, I have noticed that because you started a small business doesn't mean that you are not or cannot solve big problems. Helping to solve a problem doesn't matter if you are starting small or big, you just need to start and once it is solving the right problems, it will grow.

Because you see a lot of people claiming to be business tycoons and experienced lords for years doesn't mean that your inexperience is a disadvantage completely. This is because people new in the industry are the biggest innovators coming in with solutions to problems that people with the experiences aren't ready to solve because they enjoy how things are at the moment and do not want to cause any breakdown in how it has been.

While you might want to stay offline, I have seen that the online world is a great stepping stone, so it is important use it to your advantage. While the real world will help you make money, the internet will help scale the business and bring money to your doorstep with less stress.

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Another way to make money is to turn small inconveniences into profit even though you are not starting a large corporation. We humans do not like inconveniences because we just want to live our lives without hurdles but then, hurdles are part of the game and we find every way to make sure that these hurdles disappear and this is where you can come in.

Remember that authenticity sells just like mass appeal but be certain that customers are not loyal to any brand just like they left blackberry for iPhone, they can switch to the next brand that meets their appeal. So being authentic while doing what will solve a problem will mean hitting two things, satisfying your authentic goals and meeting customer appeal. Stay true to your stories and you will have your customer that will always love your business.

You see, as a small business owner, uncertainty is not news in fact it is expected and this is because we are humans and we want to be certain about every step we make but we live in an uncertain world so starting start and putting the necessary work in that business can take it to the world making your dreams come true, instead of sitting or running away from it completely.

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Most of the time, we want to start great not knowing that there is so much power when we start small and grow

Starting great doesn't mean that we should start big. A lot of people mistake the two. One can start small and great and then become big and still be great.

Starting small doesn't mean starting useless, it just means knowing your strength while making impact in your world.

  ·  3 months ago (edited)

Yes ooo... We just need to learn the power small and medium enterprises hold in the business world and in our lives generally.