Are you a workaholic entrepreneur, or you do not know how to balance things?

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

Becoming an entrepreneur is a big job and almost another world on its own, it is an achievement that people want to get to and a place of sacrifice. Yes we all know that in order to become an entrepreneur, we must be willing to make necessary sacrifices and dedication of the mind but in our aspiration for success should we totally forget about other things that are also important in life?


Young entrepreneurs are taught that they need to sacrifice all they have in order to attain desired success and this incudes other things that guarantees happiness such as spouse, kids, vacations amongst others but the big question is, does it have to be like that all the time, can’t we have entrepreneurs who are successful in their businesses and also successful with other things in life?

Most of the entrepreneurial role models we have always tell us to put in more hours of hard work into whatsoever we do, we are taught that it is important to just work hard, hard work is all that it takes is what we get to listen to all the time, but just before we completely place our lives to look like their own completely, give room to a quick re-think by carefully analysing the lifestyles of these role models you have chosen and ask yourself if it is the type of lifestyle you want exactly.

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That an aspect of a person’s life appears radiant does not mean that everything about the person should be completely emulated, we should always be able to sieve out certain characters and ask ourselves questions on what we really want from life for ourselves instead of just practically following other people’s way of life.

Pushing too hard is one thing that entrepreneurs often consider as a habit, taking the role of a machine and totally not considering the effect of the tedious work on their health and family, their major idea is that the amount of success they will ever be able to record is equal and proportional to the effort put in place.

As entrepreneurs, it is time to realize that there is more to life than the success we hope to achieve with our business, there should be periods of break and total relaxation, there are people who focus on productivity within the few hours they set to work and they put in the remaining hours to spend time with friends and loved ones and their business is doing really well also. Rather than becoming that entrepreneur who only knows how to work, you should rather become that entrepreneur who knows how to put in his best into good work hours and also enjoy life afterwards.

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Ha friend, certainly everything in life can not be work, there are other aspects that are also important such as our personal life, our knowledge and fun, we must always seek a balance to have a good quality of life.

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I completely agree with this, so many entrepreneurs work everyday of their lives without getting a moment of rest and the funny thing is that productivity is far from so many of them.