Financial Education: Planning Personal Finance

in hive-175254 •  5 years ago 

When it comes to building wealth, the aspect of money management can never be overruled. The generation of a lasting wealth except it is inherited has a lot to do with how we manage the resources we have.


Finance Management.

Everything in life has a rule that should be obeyed, if anyone is determined to attain financial liberty, then he or she must be ready to obey the rule of money. One generally proven theorem about money is, when money is utilized properly it comes back to the owner in a good and reproductive way and when the money is spent lavishly, it leaves the hand of its owners and may never look back.

For a person who is concerned about attaining financial stability, it is important to understand the rule that money listens to when you want it to remain with you for a long time. When money is made, only proper budgeting makes the money become valuable and lasts for a long period.

Almost every adult earns salary or a certain means of income, the difference between two people who may be earning the same salary but living differently, is in both their abilities to manage the money they earn.
Half of the money earned, should be dedicated to meeting needs, there are regular daily needs and if one is not careful, everything made will go into sorting out those needs. To avoid spending all we make on the need, it is important to designate half of the money made into catering for constantly growing need. In the process of saving, some individuals totally ignore their health or safety but there is no good life without good health. Health, safety and housing insurance has to be included in the list of the needs set.

When needs are settled, the next thing to consider are our wants, if care is not taken one will end up spending more on wants and neglect needs. Wants can be easily ignored unlike needs, learning to differentiate this two entities will help one focus his or her finance properly on the required areas.

Focus on Savings and Debt.

When needs and wants are settled, the next thing to focus on is savings and debt, but there have been a controversy on this topic. ‘’I know of some people who have lots of savings and are in debt, I will like to know your opinion about the topic, do you think it is appropriate to have savings while one is still in debt?

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I agree that money has rules and anyone who wants to attain financial liberation, must be ready to be play along the rule of money.

Regarding your question - I believe it is better to pay off debt before saving, debts could be life sucking you know.

believe it is better to pay off debt before saving, debts could be life sucking you know.

I really have to agree with you on this one, thanks a lot for the contribution.

Financial education is a knowledge that needs to be gained in order to learn how to manage finance, it is unfortunate that we are not taught this in school and we just need to look for a way to learn ourselves.

I think it is wise to pay off our debts completely then we can begin to save with our minds at rest that we can meet up with a targeted saving plan instead of rushing to pay off loans at every call we receive.

think it is wise to pay off our debts completely then we can begin to save with our minds at rest that we can meet up with a targeted saving plan instead of rushing to pay off loans at every call we receive.

I agree with your point, thanks for sharing your opinion.