The business strategy of "all you can eat" restaurants

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

On several occasions some questions about some business idea may have popped into our head, there are businesses that operate in weird ways and we often wonder if they are making any profit at all, before I go any further, let me quickly provide an hint as to the mode of operation of this restaurant.

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Mode of Operation.

All you can eat restaurant is a name given to a type of restaurant that charges a certain amount for entry, after that amount is paid consumers can eat anything and everything they want. Servers are not required in days like this because customers will serve themselves and take their plates to the table by themselves.

The trick is to get people to pay little amount and allow them eat much. There is a high level of hunger in the society this days and people will usually get up to the sound of such announcements as friends and families rush into these restaurants to get the food they have been dreaming about for a long time as there is usually varieties on the table and no one is been hindered from taking rounds of plates filled with food. They provide different varieties of food ranging from Indian to Chinese and varieties of pizza.

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The question on the lips of business oriented people however is how these businesses make their profit, the first time I heard about it also I asked a similar question, if food will be made available at a reduced price, does that mean the business will be running at a loss? Clearly, these businesses have a way of making profits even while running a scheme of making lots of food available at a reduced price.
Let’s move straight to answering the questions in the mind of everyone.

How all you can Eat Restaurants make Profit.

The need for food servers is eliminated, this way there is no fund associated to paying those who will serve meals.

Meals with low cost post is usually arranged first so by the time you pick from the variety of those post, your plates is filled and you might not be able to choose from the other rich food items that are made available, regular announcements are also made to make customers go for more of the cheaply made food during the course of the program.

Little dinner plates are made available, the regular restaurant plates are usually bigger than the plates used during such services, the plates are presented in smaller sizes as this will limit the amount of food served.

Bigger soft drink cups are made available, this will help customers drink more soda and this will fill them up and customers may not be able to eat much food.

Sometimes, food quality is reduced, this does not mean the food made available is bad but the quality cannot be as strong as normal restaurants, cheaper meats and fish are usually used.

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A lot of people will certainly jump on this offer, I consider it a good business strategy.

Haha... I can Imagine people wanting to devour everything they find there like immediately.

It is a great business idea, and like @ajewa mentioned, people will certainly jump to the offer.

Thanks for the comment.

@tipu curate