Los ciudadanos nos preguntamos: ¿Que riesgos existen al combinar vacunas?
We citizens ask ourselves: What are the risks of combining vaccines?
Panorama Mundial: Cifras actuales // Global Overview: Current Figures
Una gran incertidumbre invade a la población de muchos paises cuyo suministro de las vacunas han sido significativamente retrasado y en algunos casos como es el continente Africano representa solo 1% del total de las vacunas administradas a nivel mundial, según declaraciones de Gian Gandhi, coordinador de la División de Suministro de la alianza COVAX para UNICEF.
Sin embargo, en América Latina algunos paises privilegiados tienen un alto % de la población vacunada con las dos dosis tales como es el caso de: Chile 54,51%, USA 46,85%, Canada 26,32% y Uruguay 45,20%.
A great uncertainty invades the population of many countries whose supply of vaccines have been significantly delayed and in some cases such as the African continent represents only 1% of the total vaccines administered worldwide, according to statements by Gian Gandhi, coordinator of the Supply Division of the COVAX alliance for UNICEF.
However, in Latin America some privileged countries have a high % of the population vaccinated with the two doses such as: Chile 54.51%, USA 46.85%, Canada 26.32% and Uruguay 45.20%.
Capture de pantalla el 28-06-2021 Fuente/Source
Por otro lado, se evidencia el bajo % de ciudadanos vacunados con las dos dosis en paises como: México 14,79%, Brazil 12,13%, Perú 8,93%, Argentina 8,72%, Ecuador 7,55%, Bolivia 5,09% y Paraguay 1,89%; donde se evidencia la releentización en el proceso de vacunación, que se traduce en un largo y agotador camino a la recuperación de la economía de América Latina.
Este panorama, es visto con preocupación por miembros y personalidades reconocidas a nivel mundial, donde se acrecenta cada vez mas la brecha de la desigualdad en el suministro y aplicación de las vacunas a la población, encontrandonos ante un potencial riesgo de que la enfermedad mute y alcance rumbos desconocidos que puedan ocasionar mayor daño que el ocasionado hasta la actualidad.
On the other hand, the low % of citizens vaccinated with the two doses in countries such as: Mexico 14.79%, Brazil 12.13%, Peru 8.93%, Argentina 8.72%, Ecuador 7.55%, Bolivia 5.09% and Paraguay 1.89%; where the re-election in the vaccination process is evident, which translates into a long and exhausting road to the recovery of the Latin American economy.
This scenario is viewed with concern by members and personalities recognized worldwide, where the gap of inequality in the supply and application of vaccines to the population is increasing, finding us facing a potential risk that the disease mutate and reach unknown directions that may cause greater damage than that caused to date.
Países que no han empezado a vacunar a su población al 19/05/2021 por © France 24 Fuente/Source
Dosis Mixtas: ¿La solución?// Mixed Dosages: The solution?
Ante esta posibilidad, la Universidad de Oxford ha venido realizando estudios sobre los potenciales efectos secundarios asi como de la inmunización al virus con la combinación de la vacuna AstraZeneca y Pfizer.
En terminos generales, los resultados obtenidos en el grupo de estudio en relación a los efectos secundarios, se evidenciaron un incremento leve de sintomas como: fiebre, escalofríos, fatiga, dolor de cabeza, dolor articular, malestar y dolor muscular; durante las 48 horas posteriores a la aplicación de la segunda dosis, los cuales fueron superados con paracetamol.
Otras evidencias en estos pruebas realizadas por la Universidad de Oxford, demostraron que en el grupo de 50años o mas que se hicieron las evaluaciones, se obtuvo mayor inmunización que si se hubiera aplicado las dos dosis de la misma vacuna.
Finalmente, esperemos que los paises logren aplicar politicas que permitan un avance mas rapido en la aplicación de las vacunas a su población.
Faced with this possibility, the University of Oxford has been conducting studies on the potential side effects as well as immunization to the virus with the combination of the AstraZeneca vaccine and Pfizer.
In general terms, the results obtained in the study group in relation to side effects, showed a slight increase in symptoms such as: fever, chills, fatigue, headache, joint pain, malaise and muscle pain; during the 48 hours after the application of the second dose, which were overcome with paracetamol.
Other evidence in these tests conducted by the University of Oxford, showed that in the group of 50 years or more that the evaluations were made, greater immunization was obtained than if the two doses of the same vaccine had been applied.
Finally, let's hope that the countries manage to implement policies that allow faster progress in the application of vaccines to their population.
Fuentes Consultadas // Sources Consulted
1.-Frances 24: Estos son los países que no han accedido a las vacunas contra el Covid-19. Link
3.-BBC: Covid-19: por qué mezclar y combinar las vacunas podría resolver muchos problemas. Link
Hmm... I really love the fact that you were able to cite some references and case study of the covid - 19 vaccine side effect in some part of the world. I think some people don't really have the cure or vaccine as they claimed to have it but I'm extremely optimistic that there will definitely be a long term solution to it.
Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️💕
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Hello @hardaeborla
I agree with you, I also think that a solution will be found to all this sooner than we think.
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Excellent analysis, full of questions and possible answers to this uncertainty that burdens us countries that do not have the manufacture of the vaccine.
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This is @joseph1956, a lot of unease and uncertainty is the atmosphere that we see in many countries.
I hope that we will overcome this in the short term.
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Certainly, an advance in the application of vaccines is vital to slow down the advance of the pandemic since its beginning, and we hope that countries will apply strategies that are fundamental to increase the speed at which they are vaccinated.
Greetings friend and thank you for your contribution.
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Hello @carlos84
I agree with you, I hope they will accelerate the acquisition and application of vaccines (both doses), that is essential.
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Greetings @janettyanez. A very important topic the one of the vaccines against covid-19, that without a doubt has made more than clear the great inequality that exists between nations, something that was already manifesting when some governments made massive purchases of the vaccines when they had not even come out yet, while we see that many others have not even begun to vaccinate today.
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Hello @emiliomoron
A big gap that seems to be deepening in recent months. I hope that a solution to all this can be found.
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You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!
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Hello @janettyanez, the inequality that exists at the present time with vaccination is enormous, since the most economically powerful countries are the ones that have acquired the largest amount of vaccines, leaving the countries with few resources with practically nothing.
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Hello @carlir
A reality that is causing increasing concern among the population of the least-favoured countries.
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In Venezuela the vaccination process is beginning, on June 24 it was my husband's turn to attend a public center to get vaccinated since he received a telephone text message where the government platform told him that he was one of those selected, and a second dose It is July 15th and apparently there will be vaccinations until December, but that does not rule out the situation that seems to be a raffle, note that out of a family of 6 only 1 person was summoned to vaccinate, the rest of us were left without the option for the moment.
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Hello @alanasteemit
Sad reality that our country, in fact it is one of the ones that has the lowest percentage of vaccinated population as well as they do not provide real information to the organisms.
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You have done a good job of research, certainly there is a lot of inequality in the application of vaccines, and even many people did not receive them if not when they were already infected, that is another point, since in such circumstances, the vaccine is not effective because the immune system is previously compromised. As we say here in Venezuela "if the "chingo" doesn't get you, the "sin nariz" gets you".
By @hojaraskita
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Hello @hojaraskita
Unfortunately she is so friendly, I hope that a solution to this situation can be found very soon.
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good post
follow me
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Una realidad y muchas preguntas inquietantes @janettyanez. Nosotros aquí en Venezuela esperando poder ser vacunados en algún momento.
A reality and many disturbing questions @janettyanez. We here in Venezuela hoping to be vaccinated at some point.
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Hola amiga @sacra97, lamentablemente la situación en mi país esta muy dificil, Dios proteja y ayude a todos los venezolanos.
Un abrazo amiga.
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