- You can make all the money you needed without doing anything.
- It's your quick way/business to break your financial burden
- Nobody can make money trading forex
- When you started trading forex you have automatically entered the gateway of financial abundance
- Forex trading is for extra smart people
- Forex trading is not a business but gambling
- You can double your investment in one week or one month
- All you need is good market analysis for you to succeed n the market
- Anybody can trade forex
- FOREX trading is a veritable platform for learning so many things about life/business and ministries
- You can make fortune in this business only and only if you are ready and willing to learn the process
- Anybody that has the following 3 key attributes can trade forex:
(I) Willingness to learn
(II) Self discipline
(III) Ability to take personal responsibility - You can loose all your money in the market if you act in a way that is contradict the principle of the market
- Forex trading is not get rich quick business. You must patiently learn the rope and be willing to grow gradually
- The market can accommodate anyone according to his/her resources
- No single individual can claim to have monopoly over the market. The market is a clear example of monopolistic market with free entry and free exit