Bureaucracy vs. The Opportunities, entrepreneurship in underdeveloped countries

in hive-175254 •  5 months ago 

Hello friends of Project HOPE, I would like to share with everyone a particular vision of some things that I have been realizing lately, making comparisons between underdeveloped countries, like the one I live in, and more developed countries, at least in the amount of opportunities that exist.

Let's see, I know that I have not lived in developed countries, not yet, but I undoubtedly have very close references, and for this reason, I can give a point of view on the matter. I will share a very particular experience in relation to a personal experience.


About three weeks ago I started the procedures to legalize a business, first was the preparation of the document by an accountant, then carrying out a procedure to have the personal tax information number, and then the registration in the Bogotá chamber of commerce, So far so good, although I must say that the process took about three weeks, partly due to the slowness of the counter.

But once this was done, that I paid everything necessary, to start working with my venture I needed to open a bank account, but it was not possible and it was due to the fact that I am Venezuelan, that is, I do not have Colombian nationality, nor an immigration card or anything similar, therefore, I could not do anything else with this process.


I have known that in other countries people who want to undertake, who open businesses, simply make the processes easier, because they will benefit the country in question in some way, but we can see that in developed countries, at least according to what some friends have told me, but the reality is that in undeveloped countries, all the bureaucratic procedures simply make everything impossible, it makes it complex.

Of course, perhaps this has been my experience, it is likely that other people can do certain things without setbacks, they probably have more luck, or better orientation, or I don't know, but for my part, I can say that there are considerable differences, and that the More developed countries will always allow more things if you want to advance than countries that are third world. I would like to know your opinion on this, greetings.


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There is so much of awareness that a lot of us need to be aware of but we are not aware of actually