Personal training must go hand in hand with financial literacy training

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

"Personal training must go hand in hand with financial literacy training.".

Hello community, happy start of the week for everyone, for me it is a real pleasure to be here sharing some thoughts with you. That phrase that I share to start the post made me think to reflect and I really see it as something very important and is that we can not put aside the personal training if we want to have a financial evolution that allows us to live much better, don't you think so?.

And the fact is that in the same way that we think when we have little, we will think when we have a lot. What do I mean by this? that if a person does not like to share or help anyone when he has little, when he really has the possibility of being in a better economic position he will not do it either, because it is not part of his philosophy of life which will undoubtedly look very bad in the eyes of many people.



And with the above I do not mean that whenever we are going to do something we should always think about what they will say, no, but we must know how to filter the information we receive from others, but despite this we must somehow keep in mind and analyze what they tell us and why they do not tell us.

There is a reality and it is that as we grow, as we become adults we acquire more responsibilities and therefore expenses increase which means that we must increase our income. But it is not logical that we continue in a position in which everything that enters our pockets comes out in the same way, and even many people tend to over-indebt and spend much more than they can generate in a year, and it is absurd, people know it but they continue to do it.

This means that as they were evolving economically, generating a higher income, usually from a job or a business, they did not learn to manage themselves properly, which leads them that regardless of the amount of money they earn they will still be in poverty, and even worse than the one they were in before generating that good income.

But they also forget to help, I believe in the universal law of cause and effect, generally what we give we will receive, and it is not about giving away what you earn with effort, but perhaps a good deed, a help in some way to a group of people, could bring you a great benefit as a gift from the universe, maybe I'm wrong, but I like to believe in that.

This is a clear sign that it is not logical that we forget to train ourselves financially, to be able to manage our money better when we are in the process of increasing our income because if we do not learn to manage small amounts of money much less we will do it when these figures are even larger, and I must emphasize, I can not stop repeating it, we must not leave humanity aside....

For now I bid you farewell, hoping that your week will be very productive.

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hi @josevas217 ,
that is one of the main problems with people who want more money but are not willing to learn how to manage that money they want to earn, usually when a person is in a position of advantage they forget that things can change, the best case I can see is with those who hate the PH community, they have power within the community and instead of helping they only seek to destroy from my point of view they have money but not personal growth.

@tipu curate 3

You are right, Why it is very important for one to undergo personal development, it is also important to have knowledge on finance and management as well

universal law of cause and effect

I also personally believe this theory and concept. whatever we are giving and we shall get that return by any means.

The person should always worry about having a financial education parallel to his general knowledge.I have always thought that these knowledge overcome instilled from an early age, when children are in school they absorb and grasp more all these important values.
And it is essential to have an organization and plan how expenses and profits are going to be managed.Also the way to contribute a percentage of what is obtained to help generate dividends to those who have fewer resources or need more help.
I agree with what you say and you already know that several of these things are within my plans 👍🏼

Yeah you are right, it's from the way you manage the little that will determine how you will be able to manage more.

Excellent Article @josevas217 , and although you mention the importance of giving, II would go deeper on this part and on the ethical part: Educating from a "book" standpoint and from a practical or applicable standpoint is very important, but on this day and age it is not enough, we need to go beyond that and teach all of these important matters, from a humanistic and ethical standpoint, otherwise we end up with great and very well prepared persons who are looking only for their own personal evolution and not a social and country/global evoluion on the right path: Let use a quick example, a person learns how to make more money, and also learns how to administer it, but that person does not add a social component, then that person is not generating integral value over their money, and is generating a hoarding effect. It is important to learn the impact of administering money, but in a correct way. Any how that my two cents.

Good article!