Revolutionizing Healthcare: AI's Role in Streamlining Diagnosis Through Images

in hive-175254 •  last year 

Hello Project-Hope community, a big greeting to all of you, hoping this is a great week for each of you.

Today I want to talk very specifically about something that I was reviewing and that seemed to me a breakthrough, but at the same time something of care, and it has to do with a use they have given to artificial intelligence in the health area, which is very good, because it helps to streamline the diagnostic process through images.

I know that with the pandemic there was a great advance in this area, but today they have just approved something that is a sign of where this is going, and that is what I would like to talk to you about.



Something that is very evident is that AI is here to stay, and that the capacity and especially the speed of processing information far exceeds that of the human being, which proves to be a great tool, which has been used for the assessment of X-rays.

A tool called Chest Link, being the first of its kind to be approved in the European Union. Of course, it does not mean that it has replaced the doctors, its job is to assess the X-rays of patients, and if these, after comparing it with millions of X-ray images, and determine that there is nothing abnormal, it writes a report and sends it to the patients.

But if, on the contrary, the X-ray he analyzes shows something abnormal, he will send it to a specialist radiologist for further analysis.



Finally, it is a doctor who attends the patients and gives the respective orientations, at least for now, we will see later on.

In spite of everything, I think it is a good advance, it is a great tool, but like everything else, you have to know how to use it, and keep a record of how it evolves, and hope that everything goes well.

Next I will leave you a video where they talk about it. Thank you for reading my publication.

First AI Doctor Approved By FDA | Oxipit Explained


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Greetings we can see it as an advance for the speed and greater care in terms of the number of patients, fortunately still need a human being radiologist for definitive cases, I found the publication very interesting, it's good to know where the world is going especially in areas such as health, success.