Role of our mind in protecting against disease

in hive-175254 •  5 years ago 

Many people find it curious that although I am a doctor, sometimes I write about medical topics, particularly I answer, that a career does not define you, it only gives you a certified knowledge of something, but the limits of knowledge do not exist, and that is why I write more about other topics than about the scientific.

However, this time I want to make a medical publication, but with a focus that is not only and exclusively medical. Why? The answer is simple, because we are not only a body, but the psychological aspect is also very important for us to maintain a good state of health.

I want to share some thoughts with you

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What inspired me to write about it?

The current pandemic situation, yes, I know what the issue is at the moment, but in a way I think that all the attention is being focused on the problem, on the chaos in countries like Italy and Spain, which does not mean that we should ignore this reality, but I do think that it is necessary to help our organism to become stronger from the mental point of view.

How so?

Well, our immune system, which is the one that defends us from diseases, works well when it has no other occupations. And practically "everything starts* in our brain, our mind. If we focus on the problems, and see them above us, we create a stress situation in our body that makes the immune system depressed and makes us more susceptible to disease.

So, yes, we have to keep our feet on the ground and know that there is a hard reality but not focus on what will catch us up because we would be facilitating the process for that.

Is it possible to improve our immune system with the mind alone?

Let's see, as I said at the beginning, we are not only a body, but it is important that it is also healthy.

Our organic defense is done through antibodies, and these are molecules composed of proteins, which are responsible for identifying the infectious agents and participate directly in their elimination. That is to say, we must eat well in order to make this possible.

But the question I started with was if using our mind we can improve our defenses, the answer is yes, in fact there is a branch of medical science that is the psycho-neuro-immunology, and among other things it is about teaching people with or functioning (through videos) our immune system to protect us and once they know and understand, by visualizing "act " indirectly on this system and improve it. Strengthen it.

I will insist, we are not only body, but a set of qualities that being in balance with each other improves our game in this world.

We can as a society, as humanity, advance and overcome this hard reality that we have to live, but we must do it healthy both in body and mind, it is our task to do so.

Let's think positive, it's the best.

Thank you very much for your reading.

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Great article. It is actually scientifically proven that when our sympatetic nervous system is triggered, our immune system is weakend for up to 7 hours.

This means that we should avoid getting angry, scared of fearful to keep our imune system powerful.

Best Regards,

Whoever got weak for seven hours didn't know, I confess.
But I do know that the stress that causes all those negative emotions affects you in many ways.
Thank you for the support.

@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 10/15 - need recharge?)

Thank you

Resteemed already :) Upvote on the way

Dear @josevas217

Somehow I forgot that you're a doctor and for some reason I thought that you're an IT kind of guy ;)

we are not only a body, but the psychological aspect is also very important for us to maintain a good state of health.

Very well said. It's very important to stay mentaly healthy during difficult times.

ps. Do you have any opinion about Wim Hof breathing techniques? Have you ever heard about it?

Great read. Upvoted already.
Yours, Piotr

Friend @crypto.piotr
the Truth didn't know this character Wim Hof, and you had him read a little. Interesting proposal, and no doubt that mastering the breathing allows us to master many more things. I believe that we do not have the true conception of what we can really do with our body, we settle for the normal and everyday and those who dare more, often get more.

Hi @josevas217

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. I have always been a great believer in the power of positivity and I am sure it does strengthen our immune system.

It is so difficult for many of us to stay positive at these very difficult time when every day we are faced with more bad news. However, there are always positives in life and we need to concentrate on the positives and not worry too much about what we cannot control.

Be positive my friend.

Thank you very much for your comment. I agree with you, completely.
Focusing on the positive will help us keep our bodies from getting sick.

Being a bit spiritually, the bible says that "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he"

This shows that our mindset has a hand in whatever befalls us. Many person are so fearful and this makes them vulnerable to sickness and diseases.

My baby sister has been so concerned about the spread of covid virus that she started dreaming about it.
Our mind certainly had the ability to control so many things and the moment we allow fear creep in, it begins to damage other things as well.

The mind definitely has a great role to play when it comes to the way our body reacts to disaster and happenings around us, you have done a great work in analyzing this concept.

This isn't about spirituality, it is about the mind. The mind affects a lot of things just like even medical practitioners will say that panic kills faster than the disease.

Thanks for sharing.

I loved reading this, my friend, because we share the same essence. Body and soul are one, but not everything has to be a concern, many times we focus more on what overwhelms us, and we leave aside the elements that amuse us.

The mind and thought have power over our internal systems and organs, physical exercise distracts us, makes us happy, I think it would also help us strengthen the immune system as long as we enjoy it. Thanks for sharing such important information friend @josevas217.

Grateful for your comment friend @carlos84
We certainly have the mental power to be healthy permanently.
It's just largely up to us.