Social networks - A world of lies?

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago 

Hello Project Hope Community, a big hello, in this Blockchain based social network I want to talk about traditional social networks (Facebook, Instagram, etc) and the exaggerated amount of information that through this they share, which in my opinion most of it is false, but it has been transforming into a kind of "accepted reality ", and in which many want to participate.

Social networks can be a great technological tool to transmit information, to sell, to educate could even serve, but the big problem I see is that most of the things that are presented are an invention, I will explain why below.



I'm into trading, and what I know is that most people lose money in the process, and not a small amount, actually between 93-96% of people who do this job lose money, and only a small percentage manage to stay positive.

But, if we look at social networks, on Instagram, we can see that there are "many millionaires" who became overnight and managed to buy their big car of the year, this in general is a big lie, because most of them only sell courses, of which they themselves do not practice, but they make it look through what they sell that they are very well off financially, this is just one example of this.

I also know people who make it look like they spend their time traveling, because they only mount photos on their social networks of trips, or outings, but omit photos of their jobs, which is where they really spend much of their lives. And I could say many more things that I have noticed.



I wonder how true will be what they show, for example, in the publications of the Journal Game on this platform, because it could happen the same as in other social networks around that "half-truth ".

Beyond that, what I want to point out is the degree of manipulation that we can find in social networks, and the information they give, which is generally only what they want to show to show what they want, but it is never the truth. There is something unhealthy in this, it seems to me, but the world is largely like that, with that of "wanting to be recognized" whatever it takes.


Twitter | Instagram | Discord | Youtube | Telegram: @josevas217

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That's why they always say, don't always be quick to believe what so ever on social media. It is very dangerous to believe so because social medias are full of lies

Yes, I have seen many things that have made me check it....

Hi @josevas217 Certainly one of the great current ethical problems is that false exposure of daily life, recently my psychologist told me how a girl with a very strong depression came out super smiling with a big hamburger after her consultation and commented happily, later she explained that he had to do it for his "image" ... it's more serious than we think, greetings