Technology and the loneliness of the human being

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

Hello community of Project Hope, I hope you are having a good weekend, I want to talk in this publication about something that came to me from a sentence, very reflexive by the way, and that I want to share before developing my publication, is the following:

"We refuse to turn off our computers, our phones and sit in silence, because in those moments we have to face what we really are. " Jefferson Bethke

Do you find it interesting? It particularly caught my attention and got me thinking about a few things.



It is a reality that technology is an important part of our lives, that it is difficult to find a person who does not have a cell phone, and that it is a necessary tool for their daily organization, just like a computer.

The truth is that many people the first thing they do when they wake up, before they even get out of bed, is check their cell phone or check their social networks as if it was a big deal, will they be more interested in seeing other people's lives on the networks than in taking care of their own? I just wonder.

I am not a regular user of social networks (instagram, facebook, tik tok, etc), if I have one of the first two I named, but I don't really use them. People largely use that to create a false vision of their life, at least that's how it is for me, that's how I see it. Although I recognize that the impact of networks from a social and economic point of view, and as a tool for dissemination is of great magnitude.

However, what I want to highlight from all this is that technology, the easy access to social networks through a cell phone and I can even mention television, to a large extent have produced a distance between human beings, but the biggest impact is that less and less people take their time to be with themselves, as if they were afraid of each other.

Reading a book (even if it is digital) is something that enriches you, makes you think and by doing this you are making contact with yourself, getting to know you, expanding your capacity to think, but I don't think that spending the day watching the photos and videos that are uploaded by acquaintances or strangers will leave you with something truly important and relevant.

Of course, I am referring to most of the junk content that can be seen on the networks, I know that there are those who spend time creating educational videos, with the full intention of being able to share knowledge with others in different areas, besides that there are those who base their businesses on the use of networks and marketing through, is not precisely what I mean, but, I think that today there is so much content that could keep you entertained that you do not often give yourself the time even to know you, and it does not have, as humans that we are a logic, not for me.

For me it is important to be alone at some point in the day, doing nothing apparently, thinking about things related to me, meeting with me.

This is a very personal vision, which you may agree with or not, everything is respectable.

I would like to know your opinion about it, you can leave it in the comments.

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Social media has created lots of things we can use to our advantage and others to the detriment of humanity, it all depends on how well we choose to make use of it.

YES, the point is that unfortunately not everyone has the vision of when they are manipulated by the networks or mass media. That is the detail.
Luckily, being on this platform, I think we have a different kind of thinking.
Thank you for commenting @ojerinde

@tipu curate

thank you a lot @alokkumar121 for support

According to my Mum social media is just a medium to drain us of our wealth and time and even after I tried making her see the difference, she still maintained her opinion.

I understand that my Mum is correct but it all boils down to the way we decide to handle things.

The more advanced we get into the use of technology, the more we forget the need to interact with one another and lose our self worth.

Certainly the use, or abuse, of the easy access to social networks through a cell phone, produces a distancing even between people who share a room, husbands distancing themselves because each one is on his phone before going to sleep than share that time.