Czy suplementy diety sa zdrowe? || Are dietary supplements healthy?

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 


Czy suplementy diety sa zdrowe? || Are dietary supplements healthy? ||
jozef230 (72)w Ecency • 2 minuty temu

Witam wszystkich! Riposta do postu @emsonic

Ze sportem mam do czynienia od mlodych lat. Gralem w pilke siatkowa, nozna, a pozniejszy etap silownia byla na pierwszym miejscu. Moze nie probowalem wszystkich odzywek dla sportowcow ale troche tego swiata supli liznalem. Kiedy nie bylo telewizji, a wiedze czerpalem z gazet to lykalem wszystkie informacje jakie tam sa. Wierzylem w te magiczne suplementy typu gainer, hmb i inne. Dopiero po latach czlowiek otworzyl klapki.
Kolega @emsonic znowu ma zajawke na sport( swietnie!) Widze siega po suplementy i zastanawia sie nad ich wplywem na organizm. Duzo jak nie wiekszosc supli jest nie badanych. W USA rzadzilo inne prawo. Mozna bylo dosypywac wszystko a na etykiecie pisac ze produkt zawiera dany sklad.( Ale to bylo np1-5%) Nie wiem jak jest teraz. Czy nam zaszkodza? Bralem kreatyne firmy X po ktorej zawsze mialem roztoje zoladka. Po niektorych proszkach whey jelita byly napompowaly powietrzem😀 Czy spowodowaly uszczerbek na zdrowiu? Nie😀 Oczywiscie mozna przedawkowac. Najczesciej sa to spalaczw tluszczu z dodatkiem geraminy, ktora jest juz zakazana. Sa tez suplementy z dodatkiem zakazanych srodkow dopingujacych gdzie testy na mocz wykaza wynik pozytywny. Po takich suplach watraba jest obciazona. Moga pojawic sie stany goraczki, niepokoju lub agresji.
Osobiscie probowalem tabletke z niedozwolona substancja po ktorej moj trening na silowni wygladal jakbym dostal nadprzyrodzonych mocy😀 Doslownie. Zero zmeczenia, checi, sila. Czy zaszkodzila mi jedna tableta? No nie.
Sprawa suplementow to naprawde dlugi temat i wrazliwy zwlaszcza dla osob reklamujacych te suplementy, a osobami ktore to ujawniaja.
Obecnie testuje suplementy roslinne jak bialko z konopii, bialko dyni czy sezamu. Dodatkowo biore witaminy firmy OLIMP, kwasy omega, aszwagande, beta alanine.

Hello everyone! A retort to @emsonic I have been involved with sports since I was young. I played volleyball, football, and later the gym was on the first place. Maybe I didn't try all the supplements for athletes, but I licked a bit of this world of supplements. When there was no television, and I got my knowledge from newspapers, I swallowed all the information that was there. I believed in those magical supplements like gainer, hmb and others. It took me years to open my eyes. My friend @emsonic is into sports again (great!) I can see he's using supplements and thinking about their effect on his body. Many if not most supplements are not tested. In the USA there was a different law. You could add anything and on the label you wrote that the product contains a certain ingredient (but it was for example 1-5%) I don't know how it is now. Will they harm us? I was taking creatine by X company after which I always had stomach upsets. After some whey powders my intestines were inflated😀 Did they cause damage to my health? No😀 Of course it's possible to overdose. The most common are fat burners with geramine, which is already banned. There are also supplements with banned doping substances where urine tests are positive. After such supplements the liver is stressed. You may experience fever, anxiety or aggression. I personally tried a pill with a banned substance after which my workout at the gym looked like I got supernatural powers😀 Literally. No fatigue, no desire, no strength. Did one tablet hurt me? No. The issue of supplements is a really long topic and a sensitive one especially for people who advertise these supplements, and people who disclose it. I am currently testing plant-based supplements like hemp protein, pumpkin protein, and sesame protein. I also take vitamins from OLIMP, omega acids, ashwagandha, beta alanine.

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Kiedyś amfetamina, dziś beta-alanina (taki żart :D) . SPortowa siła ;D