A new chapter // my presentation to Project HOPE

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 


For me it has always been extraordinary to transmit my ideas with a few simple words and a few short lines where I can spill a knowledge, feeling and a cause where my readers and colleagues can know my personality and position on certain topics of common interest. Now then I would like to place you up to date with what has been going on in my life the last few years and why I have been away for a while from blockchain.

Since 2018 I have been training academically in the profession of Veterinary Medicine, I have been able to discover passions, uncertainties and a common sense that has always been present in me, but it was important to discover it through these means.

It should be noted that these years I have been able to educate myself with issues of global relevance, such as: the technological progress that we have had as humanity, psychology applied to actions that affect problems of scientific studies and of course viral content worldwide, as I have expressed a little of what I know and my development as a professional ...


Now I introduce myself as a person, my name is Karen Carolina Rosales Castillo, I am 20 years old, my passion is to make people aware about animals, in order to inform the feeling that they have in greater quantity, than we can perceive; bring extensive knowledge to this particular community and of course we can achieve common goals, while we grow as a community and individual.

Without further ado, I hope for an acceptance and support from this great project, that after an arduous research on the platform, I could notice that its vision, mission and objectives are linked to mutual growth and constant support to all its members, which is why I am committed to contribute my grain of sand to this great cause.

Farewell always to you @KarenCarolina

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Greetings @karencarolina.

You are Welcome to Project Hope Community.

We will be attentive to your next deliveries within our community and also to your interaction with other members.
For us, the reciprocal support and the exchange of ideas in the comment section is of vital importance.

Finally, I would like to recommend that you pay attention to the topics that we accept within our work philosophy and try to frame the writings in these aspects.

Again, welcome!

All best, Juan Molina.

thank you very much for the welcome, of course @juanmolina as I expressed in my writing the commitment I have as a member of this great community is to make it grow every day more and within the actions that I will take to execute this fact will be the reciprocity with my colleagues through the comments.

always yours @karencarolina

Hello dear friend.
We will be expected to see your work soon.

Dear @karencarolina

It's a pleasure to meet you Karen. However, im afraid that project.hope community is not what you're looking for.

Topics that are close to our hearts:

  • technology,

  • blockchain,

  • artificial intelligence

  • machine learning

  • economy,

  • business,

  • marketing, psychology, etc.

Unfortunatelly, your content doesn't seem to fit our community.

Yours, Piotr

My dear @crypto.piotr thank you very much for your welcome and for taking the time to read me, it is true that I develop in the professional career of veterinary medicine, but as I could describe in my presentation I handle several topics, which I consider fit perfectly in this community, such as: technology, psychology, social media and digital marketing.

Yours forever @karencarolina

Wellcome to Poject HOPE @karencarolina..!

We are pleased to have a veterinary professional within this great family, we hope to see your publications soon.

See you