Are comments on our posts really important?

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

Many communities recommend, and some even require, that we spend time reading and commenting on other bloggers' posts. Is it that my vote is no longer enough? Some will ask. Ultimately, one more comment, a few fewer comments will not make a bigger difference or generate more rewards for the writer of a post.


If you are one of those who have an opinion similar to the previous one or at least you have not stopped to think because of the insistence of some of our comments, I think it is good that we talk and reflect on that topic.


What are the comments?

The answer seems very obvious, but I think it is worth reviewing this concept in the context of our social network. At the end of each publication, we have the opportunity to interact with the creator of it in three ways, the first and most desired through voting, then we have the opportunity to re-post the content read on our blog and finally respond to the post (these are the comments).

I'm sure you knew the above, but have you noticed that each comment you make counts in your user statistics as a post? which therefore increases your reputation and therefore your positioning within the platform. Are you starting to be interested? There is more.

Did you know that comments have the potential to generate as many or more votes as the publication itself? Now if I caught your attention? then let's get on with what is important.

The benefits of the comment

Most of the bloggers on the platform have the illusion of generating great rewards through the votes of their publications, hence the more exposure you can have the better, so re-posting is another goal we long for, but What about feedback? Does it bring us any benefit?

Imagine for a moment that the "likes" that were given to your publications will stop monetizing, that each vote does not become a reward, would you continue to post? What would be your great incentive?

Putting aside the financial component of our posts, one of the biggest benefits we can get from writing is getting recognition and congratulations from the rest of our fellow bloggers. If, in addition to recognition, we manage to establish a true connection with our readers, we receive a strong dose of incentive to continue doing it better and better, we begin to feel like part of a true community and even, why not, of a great family.

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Quality feedback

It is not my intention, nor do I have a way of determining the quality of a comment. Everything will depend on the intention of the person who performs it and the assessment of the person who receives them. But when you go to comment, think that you are commenting on the work of another person, this does not mean that they should be hypocritical or condescending, it is, in my opinion, to be sincere, honest, and as far as possible to contribute elements that stimulate the healthy debate, expanding the content or the quality of the article read.

The idea is to know each other and for this, we must show ourselves as we are.

Let us avoid as much as possible those "garbage" comments that contribute nothing positive, either because they are full of hatred because they show that we were not interested in what we read or because they seem written to comply with a formality, simply to fill in space with words hollower than emptiness.

My friends, we are here to offer, but also to enjoy the intellectual effort of our colleagues, be it a story, a poem, an essay, a photograph or writing, behind all content there is a human being, a person like you and how I, someone who I assure you will be very encouraged to continue doing it better and better if he receives real feedback on its content.

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Do you recognize the character?

I want to close the article with a bit of humor, I challenge you to identify in the publications that read some of the types of "commentators by trade" that I mention below:

  • Daddy Yankee guy: follow me and I'll follow you mommy ... it's not that I don't like rumbas (although with the pandemic I haven't been to one for a long time), but you know how hateful it is for someone to write you a comment where you almost forced to follow it ... or vote for it.

  • Maple Syrup type: maybe a little in our pancakes are nice, but when you meet these characters who do nothing but flatter and flatter, suspiciously "influential" users or "whales" makes you think: are those comments really sincere? ? Are they being too "cloying"?

  • Resentful Professor type: I particularly appreciate the criticism, I appreciate it very much, as long as it is constructive, unfortunately, I have seen many comments from people who only write to "correct" the author on things that sometimes, not even they understand to "highlight" or even make a bad writer look.

  • Droopy type: yes that one, the little white dog of the comic books, the one that appears in every one of those who publish, those who comment on the comments, of everyone. We already know that you want to attract our attention and give us your opinion, but how many times?

I say goodbye inviting you to give you the time to read and understand the publications of your writers, photographers, singers, artists or whoever has the happiness of being followed by you and in addition to voting for them, give them a very well thought out comment that lets them know how much you value their work, I'm sure they will be able to appreciate it.

By the way, I love talking with you, reading your opinions, and listening to your suggestions, so if you think it's a good idea, see you in the comments.

Greetings and we keep reading

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definitely one of the purposes of commenting is the monetary reward, but for those of us who dedicate ourselves to writing, the comments and opinions of our articles, essays, works are extremely important, they make us grow and correct.
comments are the basis of maintaining the spaces and also to grow our quality of publication.
thank you

Thanks to you @ joseph1956 from my own experience I know that your comments are always aimed at stimulating the growth and improvement of the author's writings, they are criticisms that are always welcomed by those who want to improve the quality of what we write, a pleasure to see you here and for any of my publications and I will always appreciate any observation you can make regarding my articles.

Best regards!!!

Another interesting read @karupanocitizen

I always keep saying: it's not possible to build active community without active and engaging people. People who would participate and be part of such a community.

After all, posting our own content is one thing. And we all want our content to be "consumed" by others. So we shall learn to invest our own time to read and drop valuable comments if we expect others to do the same.

I didn't really understand "Do you recognize the character?" part.

Cheers buddy,

So many people have underate the importance of comments on people post recently. One thing is even through comments, you can acquire knowledge much more than the one you acquire through the post

I agree with you @mandate, even many times the author in the same comments from the observations of his readers can develop and improve the explanation or the topic he discussed in the publication, thank you very much for giving me your honest opinion on this.

We keep reading!

Greetings @ karupanocitizen, It is important to be able to comment with criteria (of quality), as this stimulates the writer to continue sharing his knowledge and helps to have a healthy feedback of knowledge that strengthens the human being.
Excellent publication...thanks for sharing it.

Thank you very much to you @dgalan for taking the time to interact in this publication, I give equal or even more important to quality comments than to publications, why? Because when we think we contribute our particular criteria, we do not use the neutral language that we usually use in the post, but rather we show who we are, what we think and that is how we end up knowing each other, appreciating each other and even establishing true friendship relationships.

Thank you so much for sharing your opinion

For sure comments are very important because this is a way to connect with the author and also a way to get additional information that we cannot get through the post.

@tipu curate

Very well said @alokkumar12, it also serves the author not only to receive feedback from his readers but to establish links with them based on opinions and appreciations they share, I think that for all of us who like to write there is nothing more pleasant than knowing that our ideas were understood and that somehow bring significant changes in who reads us.

Nice to have you here, greetings.