The Biggest Lie In HAPPY LIFE

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago 

A happy life is a life that many or all long for. in the spirit of happiness, they are lots of things or factors that need to be in place for this to be achieved. The concept of a happy life differs based on how individuals see it. some see a happy life as a private life, while another person might see a happy life as a life of being able to travel to different places. Some people believe that happiness is the ability to get everything they want from life.



Regardless of whatever we think happiness is, there are still some myths to debunk about it. They have been some lies which have been said regarding happiness, and this post shares more light regarding them. These biggest lies are:

  1. Happiness does not mean settling for less: This is one of the biggest lies ever about happiness. Just because you want to be happy, you have to be contended with where you are, but that does not mean you should not aspire for more. Happiness is being happy with where you are while you work even harder to arrive at where you want to be. It is acceptance of your current position while hustling for greener days. But most people have gotten it wrong this age and believe happiness is staying where you are.

  2. Happiness comes with Marriage: This is a crazy concept of happiness, and it has ruined many lives and resulted in many broken homes. Most people rush into marriage, and they believe that marriage, in a way, takes all the problems that they have been encountering during the courting period of a relationship during their single days. Marriage does not fix a human if the said human is broken. You have to work on yourself to be better. The only advantage of being married is that you get an extra hand to support and assist you in becoming better, but not all partner wants progress for their spouses. Marriage is sacred and should not be rushed or lured into.

  3. Happiness is determined with Cossy pictures on social media: Social media, to me, is a distraction-filled with lies. Many depressed people take the most beautiful pictures and capture unforgettable moments. It is hard to tell what is and is not on social media. That ranks top as a significant reason never to judge happiness based on the narrative of what is seen on social media. Some people even believe that you have a bad or sad life if you do not share your life moments on social media. well, that is false. A happy life is a secret life, and in today's world we live now, it is essential to keep your wins secret, as many will be envious.

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Happiness, to me, definitely comes with a deep feeling of satisfaction, relaxation and peace of mind. The definition of happiness also differs amongst humans, the most important thing is never to define your happiness based on other people's lifestyle, but genuinely on how you feel.

Happiness, has different definition to different people, some people believe that happiness has to be attached with a material depending on the moment or situation they cherish the most, but for me, I strongly believe that, however we describe happiness has to be personal on not dependent on other people's definition of happiness.