Today I would like to introduce you to a strategy that was developed by my stock market role model Beate Sander. Since she unfortunately passed away last year, I would like to write this article as a tribute to her. Before her stock market success she was a high school teacher and wanted to inspire young people for the stock market.
Source: Picture of Beate Sander
The name is the method!
The name "high-low courage strategy" explains per se what is worth knowing. Buy low, sell high, but Ms. Sander is keen to point out important points, which I rephrase somewhat rhetorically, as she takes it references to other chapters in her book. One of the top quotes from Beate Sander "Ein Crash ist gut - für Leute mit Mut" (eng: A crash is good - for people with courage.)
Don't be afraid, because as Mrs. Sander said, quote: „Meide die gefährlichen vier: Euphorie, Panik, Angst und Gier.“ (eng: Avoid the dangerous four: euphoria, panic, fear and greed.)
Look at the world with your head held high and your eyes open. What is meant by this? This is not to improve your ergonomic posture, but to remind you of your environment. In our environment, various crises have played out over the last 20 years (New Market 2000-2003; Lehman Brothers 2008; etc.) and each time, the world did not end! Each time, the world (and also the economy) recovered from its crises and emerged stronger.
"Aktienkauf auf Kredit – alles andere als ein Hit" (eng: Buying shares on credit - anything but a hit.)
Buying shares with a loan should definitely, definitely and never happen with a loan. Beate Sander has a sub-strategy for this to finance new favorable opportunities. This requires price gains or high dividends already collected. Price gains of 50% or even 100% allow you to finance a subsequent purchase or a build-up of a new position in your portfolio. For this purpose a partial sale is necessary in case of price gains. This way another profitable position remains in the portfolio and a new share is added.
Because the principle of Beate Sander "Broadly spread - never regretted!"
In the next few days, my example of the "high-low courage strategy" will follow using the German company SAP WKN: 716460 ISIN: DE0007164600.
Thank you for reading.
Would you be interested in being able to evaluate the current market situation and apply the strategy accordingly? Let's discuss it in the comments!