Crypto and the Importance of Representational Governance: The Case for Fractally

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago 


Photo by Kendall Hoopes from Pexels

Individuals who seek out crypto recognize that fiat money has struggled to keep up in the digital age.

Why Does the World Yearn for Crypto?

We no longer live in a world starving for information. The days of local libraries being the first and last source of a community's information are long gone. Yes, the printing press propelled the world into a race for education. And yes, the television brought states, nations and the world together- at least to a degree.

Internet access as a staple for modern living takes an even greater leap. People gained access to a world as individuals. No longer is curated information required at the local library because of limited space. Curated television shows no longer need be the reality in a world pressed for time.

The problem with the Internet's free flow of information is one of value. The Internet of Value needs encrypted currencies that enable any individual to trade with anyone else around the world. P2P networks can thus grow unencumbered both in ideas and value.

Why is a New Form of Representational Governance Important?

So crypto means a world as free as money can provide...right? Well, maybe. Cryptocurrencies are useful for exchanging value, but alone, they are unlikely to solve all the world's problems. Those who tout artificial intelligence and believe that blockchain technology hold's part of the key still must content with dystopian sentiment of an AI/robot uprising. A bit fanciful, but you get the point.

Crypto offers opportunity, not a finish line. Along the same line, America was the opportunity for a global melting pot. The undeveloped frontier had its problems to say the least. Ideas, documentation, and monuments helped spread the spirit of freedom. Even then, to this day, many still long for what many Americans take for granted.

Since crypto centers around P2P value exchange, a representational governance that more closely connects peer groups is needed.

The Case for More Fractal Governance

In a sense, the United States operates within the construct of fractal governance. Like fiat money that's been out paced in the digital age, traditional government structures fall short of meeting the needs of today's citizens.

One merely needs to look at the role that social media has played in recent elections to know that digital technology has become the new power broker. The actor Ronald Reagan was thought by many to not have a chance against lifelong politicians. He won and became quite popular (well... more than he already was).

Like crypto, the goal is not for the digital age to dictate a new, unjust system. No, crypto advances the effort made by Federal Reserve Notes. It does so by a wide margin from previous advancements, but nonetheless, crypto is a more efficient value delivery system. Consider this change similar to the increased efficiency of disseminating digital books vs. hard covers.

Fractal governance based on distributed digital technologies can empower more people. Just like crypto enables people to directly own more of their valuable contributions, so too can a focus on fractal governance liberate individuals to direct the course of their lives.

Who better to know the needs of voters than each individual citizen. The Internet of Value provides unparalleled opportunity to make use of the world's resources. Joining fractally offers the opportunity to network with one's peers to directly affect change not previously possible.


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