in hive-175254 •  2 years ago 


Author: Tumisu

Greetings and welcome dear readers of this prestigious platform, the topic that concerns us in this opportunity presents a reflective character that allows us to understand how people are able to achieve unimaginable things with the simple fact of thinking and believing that we can achieve it.

I once read a phrase of the great Albert Einstein "If you can think and imagine it, you can surely achieve it" if we put in context the thinking of this great scientist, we have to remember that in his childhood he was a very withdrawn child with many limitations, however, the support of his mother and fostering a life based on intentionality, allowed this young man to become a great reference for humanity thanks to his discoveries and contributions in the world of science.

Public domain image. Author Felipe

In this sense, it is necessary to determine the power of a person's mind, since our true limitations are only imposed by ourselves and in order to explain this detail in depth, let's analyze the following scenario.

On a cloudy and cold afternoon a couple of children were playing on the ice of a frozen lagoon, the fun between them was spreading, however, an unforeseen scenario would lead to misfortune.

So while they were playing, the surface of the ice where one of the children was, broke and he ended up submerged in the lagoon, desperation invaded his companion and without being able to think clearly, he ran in search of something that would allow him to help his friend, in desperation, he got a small rock and with great determination and straightness he went in search of his friend.

Public domain image. Author: Julius H

At this point, he managed to visualize the silhouette of his friend under the thick ice and without thinking about it, he began to hit again and again the surface of the ice where he could see the figure of his great friend, it was so much effort that he managed to break the thick layer of ice of the lagoon and consequently managed to rescue his friend.

Some time later, the firemen arrived and when they saw what had happened, they wondered how is it possible that this child could have broken such a thick ice surface with such a small rock? It is impossible that he could have done it with such small hands.

Suddenly the voice of an old man was heard and he said, I know how he did it, the truth is that he managed to break that great mass of ice because there was no one to tell him that he could not do it, there was no one to condition him and consequently his mind and body responded 100% to help his friend.

Public domain image. Author: PublicDomainPictures

Undoubtedly, history provides us with a great teaching, since with the passing of time and as we approach adulthood, we are filled with limitations and fears that prevent us from showing our true potential.

Consequently, we must be aware that the limits are only within us, so that determination and intentionality allow us to achieve unimaginable things.

Remember, "If you can think it and imagine it, you can surely achieve it". Albert Einstein.


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.

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The imaginative power of the mind is almost limitless. If we will put our minds to positive use, then we will make impact in this world.

Nice piece buddy

@tipu curate

The mind is genuinely man's greatest weapon. the Albert Einstein story could still be applied to the world of today. Thanks for the story and walk through history.