Greetings and welcome dear users of this prestigious platform, the topic that concerns us in this opportunity, is related to our leadership capacity and how we use our influence to encourage the lives of the people around us, either at family, work or the team that accompanies us to exercise the various functions in our daily lives.
So if we define the term leadership, we realize that it is assumed as that set of skills that we put into practice individually and that allow us to influence the rest of the people or, failing that, a work group, allowing them to focus on achieving the objectives and goals set, where enthusiasm and the ability to collaborate reign.
Based on the above, it is valid to ask ourselves: What should we do to influence a different behavior in the people around us? And to answer this question, it is enough to know that a true leader is the one who knows those small aspects of life that allow him to influence people's value.
So that a good recognition, an adequate congratulation and an enhancement of values, will mark the personality of the group of people around us and consequently they will work to improve every aspect of their life and the work relationship.
Author: @madridbg:
Undoubtedly, in the different interpersonal relationships that we experience in our life, we will find people who, when discouraging others or when making them see the mistakes in an abrupt way, feel some kind of pleasure, when this happens interpersonal relationships end up being affected to a point that damages the work environment or otherwise the environment with the group of people that make up our work team.
Consequently, it is necessary to focus on our strengths and highlight the strengths of the people around us, since this behavior will lead us to the achievement of true success and the true objectives that we have set for ourselves and in this sense, we must seek real solutions to our problems and a better way to do this is to give that word of encouragement, that good advice, that enhancement of the values of each of the people around us, We must look for real solutions to our problems and a better way to do it is to give that word of encouragement, that good advice, that enhancement of the values of each of the people around us, so that these are the actions that a true leader must fulfill and that will undoubtedly generate a change of perspective in each of the people around him.
Therefore, we must learn to value the behavior and lasting behaviors, because undoubtedly these are the ones that will allow us to achieve success and for this, we must learn to reward each of the efforts and work that our trusted staff performs for us and if we apply these principles to any area of our lives, we will realize that each of the people on this planet, has the ability to exert influence, what we must ensure is to seek the method or appropriate strategies to implement them.
So to get into context, I would like to highlight a question that was asked to Steve Jobs, co-founder of APPLE, how was it possible to build such a flourishing firm? And he surely answered, it was very simple, it was enough to hire great people and create a work environment where the option to make mistakes was present, because it was the only way to correct the shortcomings that could be presenting and otherwise enhance the effort and commitment that each of these people showed to the company.
Author: @madridbg:
Undoubtedly, these are very wise words that demonstrate the true leadership within a figure that in a certain way has achieved success and which has been accompanied by a true system of influence that has been implemented from the management of this great company.
All it takes is a word of encouragement, a public recognition and an enhancement of the values of our work team for these words or attitudes to change the behavior of each person and demonstrate a true commitment to our leadership, which we can see reflected through actions and tangible results in terms of the objectives and goals we have set for ourselves.
Author: @madridbg:
In such a way that a true leadership that encourages, must leave aside the senseless conformism and must begin to promote a commitment to an intelligent success, remembering that success is not achieved by the amount of hours of work that we can implement, on the contrary, it is based on the effort, dedication and intelligent work that we as individuals can promote.
Thus, the leadership he encourages challenges his employees to their personal and professional growth, providing the ideal opportunities for them to grow and for the work team to grow together.
Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.