US$ is Confronted by 3-Pronged Threat ~ Birch Gold Group… (Death of the Dollar–27) with Link to Full Story

in hive-175254 •  5 years ago 

Abandon all dollars, ye who linger here.

Birch Gold Group –

"USD Faces this Triple Threat"
(Right-click title to see original story)

  (Image source)

– Flash Points –

1 – Goldman Sachs is telling us to short the US dollar.
2 – China is looking to replace the yuan with a digital currency.
3 – The Fed is digging a deeper hole, for both itself and the dollar.

– Synopsis –

In a recent posting on “,”  the team at Birch Gold Group identified 3 threats that the US dollar currently faces. 

Threat 1 – Goldman Sachs Calls for Shorting US$   

Even Goldman Sachs seems to be losing faith in the US dollar, as it recently advised its clients to “short”  it. “Shorting”  the dollar means betting against it, in the expectation that it will drop in value. Once the dollar plunges in value, those who have shorted it can swoop in and make a handsome (some say, “ugly”) profit on the bet.  

Threat 2 – China’s Digital Currency Could Doom US$ 

The Chinese may be planning to replace the yuan with a digital currency called the “Central Bank Digital Currency”   (CBDC). Depending on how the CBDC is received by China’s trading partners around the globe, it could ensure that the dollar’s days are “numbered.”    (Image source)

Threat 3 –  Fed’s MMMT (Mad Modern Monetary Theory) 

Over the past 8-9 months, the brainless tag team of Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell and Prezint Donald Drumpf has been doing whatever it takes to keep the moribund economy alive. What it takes is a combination of Mad Maniacal Modern Monetary Theory (MMMMT) and helicopter money, in which trillions and trillions of dollars are printed, then distributed in the most reckless and irresponsible fashion.   

Far from saving the economy or even improving it, the Fed’s actions are destroying the dollar. What follows will be the complete and utter annihilation of the US economy.

– Insight from Outside –

When the US dollar – the assumed “global reserve currency,”  which is issued by the “sole remaining superpower,”  whose leader claims “the strongest economy in the history of the world and the entire universe”  – when that dollar is likely to be surpassed by the lowly Norwegian krone, you can be certain that both the US and the global economy are in serious trouble, and will soon be turned upside down.   

Essentially, Goldman Sachs is warning its clients, “Abandon all dollars, ye who linger here.”   (Image source)

Middle Kingdom, at Center of Global Economy  

The dollar became the world’s reserve currency based on the dominant US position in the post-World War 2 global economy. But those days are long gone.

For decades now, China has understood that the un-backed US dollar is doomed. When the dollar finally collapses, China will likely have the most viable replacement.  

Phantom Value 

Printing money creates false money. It can never produce wealth.    

But that has not stopped the wise men at the Fed from printing insanely bloated shitloads of money and distributing it to those who need it least.  

Over the past decade, the Fed’s out-of-control quantitative easing (QE) money-printing programs have brought the dollar closer and closer to collapse. Over the past 8–9 months, its injections of increasingly massive amounts of dollars into the repo market have only exacerbated the situation.

As stated above, the Fed is obliterating the dollar.    (Image source)

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Hmm.... The Chinese government adopting digital currency and blockchain technology can actually be a great advantage to their country even though it may actually affect the US currency itself. But I think what really matters most is the way both government govern their economy and investments means which could add more value to their currency

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead

I do believe that part of Dollar's market niche will disappear, but there is still a long way to go before this fiat currency disappears entirely. Obviously DC/EP is a very strong threat, as a currency, as a digital asset, even as a store of value. Even the Chinese authorities have not clarified that this e-Yuan is backed in gold, but it surely will be and it will be a terrible blow to the fiat's currencies.

I believe more that the centralized concept of a digital currency issued by a central entity is extremely dangerous for crypto's and this will be the true war scheme that we see.

You're right when you say that the dollar will not disappear entirely, at least not in the near future. It will probably survive as a minor local currency, but it's glorified status as the world's reserve currency will surely come to an end.

As for a centralized digital currency, it might be a good alternative to our standard fiat currency. But I don't think any such currency will be able to compete with a truly decentralized, deflationary currency such as bitcoin.

I have to say, when you read that "Death of the Dollar" thing first, you say, "Wow, what do you mean? However, there's a very logical basis to what it says. The world is turning upside down in many respects, and no doubt the economic and financial is being hit very hard worldwide. The Chinese digital currency, I had already read something about it. And of course it promises a lot, considering the important global economic position that this Asian giant has. Now, I wonder what could the United States do to prevent the adoption of the Chinese digital currency as a world reference, as a reserve currency? Because it is well known that the United States plays at bullying with trade-strangling policies so that what they want is done...

That post has made me review some things... thanks @majes.tytyty for bringing up this interesting topic.

Re your question "what could the US do to prevent ...?" The answer is sanctions and bombs. That's the standard US tool box for dealing with threats to its hegemony.

Yes, history has shown that this is the way the United States acts... although to achieve that against the Chinese would not be very convenient for them, neither from the war nor from the economic point of view.

Thank you very much for your comment.

True. In fact, any continued disagreements or confrontations will most likely become very "inconvenient" for all.
... Peace!

Yes, peace... very necessary, it's enough with the hard times we live in to make it worse.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

This post has been manually curated by the Decentralised Sustainable EcoSystem movement by various stake holders and charitable donors to support Entrepreneurs favouring a stable STEEM ecosystem


That is probably the more reason to introduce mass adoption of seamless transaction crypto like this chain so that people are less and less dependent on the fiat.
With the pandemic going on, not just the US, I think most countries are doing the same. "Ready, Aim, Print!"

Right. The US$ will be only the first fiat currency to die. All others will plummet to their actual value of ZERO.

As for Steem / Hive, they have among the fastest transaction times in the entire space. That might give great impetus to their widespread adoption.

That is why it is important to keep these 2 chains alive and stop crushing each other in the trading zone.
This personalised war is getting too much.

@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 5/16 - need recharge?)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Keynesianism and MMT aren't exactly the same. I understand where one sees the similarities, but you don't have to rebrand it with something that already exists. It just muddies the water, like how people don't know the difference between Marxism and Communism. They are polar opposites, yet most ppl think they are synonyms.

The monetary model of Marxism is pretty much the monetary gold standard with decentralized government, and means of production largely owned by the workers (private sector & open economy).
Whereas Communism is a centralized government with very little private ownership.

Keynesianism is / was simply an effective way of stimulating a moribund economy. MMT is nothing more than tons of free helicopter money. And re Marxism vs Communism, you are so correct.

And let's also note that socialism and communism (particularly the Soviet style) are entirely different systems. Nowadays, clueless idiots often conflate the two, usually in order to fearmonger. But while there are no examples of successful communist states, there are plenty of examples of well-run, successful socialist states.

The concepts are good, but it seems that the author and you in this case want the dollar to fall, as something personal of you, you really believe that the dollar can die USA owns microsoft, apple, mcdonalds, coca-cola and let's be honest who doesn't drink coke in the world

I'm just reporting what others say and write. And I have no "want" in terms of the dollar. There are certain aspects of the USA that I do not like (its warmongering, its inequality, its racism), but the collapse of the dollar will affect everyone, both in the US and around the globe. And the consequences will be horrible.