Inventors that Made impacts in Technology

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

Life has not always been the way it is now, things were extremely different back then, and transportation was extremely difficult as people had to move either on foot or horseback over extremely long distances. The process of making clothing and farming instruments had to be done manually. Today, life has become that of convenience, communication has become easier has people can communicate easily over several states. Speaking of health facilities, the availability of modern treatment facilities have helped people to stay healthier and much stronger. The invention of great and women who have taken it upon themselves to exploit better ways that will make life easier for us should have their memories should always be celebrated.


The Driving Force behind Invention.

Inventors put their brain to good use when they realize there is a problem with either themselves or the society that requires a solution. Here are some examples that will help in getting my point elaborated.

Literacy increased in Europe in the 15th century and there was more creation of universities, in no time there was a need for reproduction of books, then Johannes Gutenberg began a printing press.

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Benjamin Franklin, usually had to change his glasses whenever he has to change from reading a book to and view objects from a distance, the habit of constantly changing glasses lead him to invent a new type of glasses called bifocals. Intelligence as well as being curious remains the basic driving factor for inventors, it has nothing to do with degree, those group of intelligent individuals who started inventing, had no basic school training but the willingness and smartness to make things better is usually their driving force.

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Steve Wozniak invented a computer at the age of eleven and the invention was for him to play a game of tic-tac-toe. The process of invention is usually very slow and it requires so many trial and error systems, as much time as the dedication to this invention was, one amazing aspect is that, money was never the driving force for these inventors, most of the early inventors just wanted to create something to help simplify duties. It was until 1790, that the U.S patent system passed a law that stops other people or inventors in stealing an investor’s work. It was until then, that investors begin to make money and even at that time, money was just one of the benefits associated with becoming a successful recognition.


Invention has touched every aspect of the human race, there is ease in transportation, food production, internet, health care facilities, and others, we cannot just enjoy these benefits and forget to remember the ones who went through pain and sacrifice to get to the level of technological advancement we have found ourselves today.

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The great technological instruments we have today is as a result of the hard work and determination put in by some people, it is good we remember them constantly.

With the advent of the internet and the ease of exchanging ideas and learning things globally, inventions are getting more amazing. I believe that in this sense, need and difficult times bring out the best in all of us.

I always heard my grandfather comment that necessity is the mother of all inventions, so all inventors have always created what is the product of a need for something specific.

the U.S patent system passed a law that stops other people or inventors in stealing an investor’s work

Many people think the greatest inventions were steam engine, electricity, steel, gun powder etc. But maybe equally important advances were also: Companies Act, Patent Act, Civil Code etc. Which made the economic progress, civil entrepreneurship possible.