Starting Businesses with Little or No Cash

in hive-175254 •  5 years ago 

With the high unemployment rate (when I mean unemployed, I mean people who are willing to work buy do not find a job), a lot of people are looking for ways to make money, get income or revenue. Let me share with you a few thing you can do after this pandemic to take you off the unemployment status with little or no money involved.


Content Creation

Creating contents online is a very good way to get income on a weekly, daily or monthly basis. Content creation encompasses the internet of social media and even through the blockchain. Creating content as an influencer or content creator on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TicTok and other social media. Create your own brand as a content creator.

Labor Services

If you know you have an agile body and you can work really well, then you just need a website and a little marketing after which the business is done. Creating your own company where you are paid for home cleaning services, dog walking and many more. As time continues, you can get to employ more people.

Delivery Company

Having a delivery company is something that you can do with a car and a simple website. Targeting certain grocery stores and delivering goods for shoppers is a very good niche to dive into.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is marketing products or service and getting people to buy into the product and the services while making percentages on it.


Flipping Free Things

Not everyone enjoys selling their used appliances and furniture when they get new ones so they just leave them outside for the garbage man to pick them up. You can go pick them up, refurbish/repair them and then sell without spending a penny on them (Do you mean selling abandoned property?) Yes, just make sure you are doing it in the jurisdiction of the law.

Event Planning

Start making and planning events in recreational centers and for people around. With this, you are not going to be spending your money while you will be making money from people who want to get their events done.

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great tips that can definitely help to people's situation after all the quarantine is over

Thank you buddy.

Very good tools my friend, the work is just to go out and look for it, and being in our homes we can do a lot to improve our income!

Working from home is a very good way to earn in this generation.

@mojubare their are many businesses that you can start without money. You just a kind of skills with you and you are good to go for an new business. Like example consulting firm you can open.

Yes friend, there are several other ways to earn and I agree with the idea of having a consulting firm.

This is just the best time to begin to read about what we can do to save ourselves from the financial crises fast approaching and this is definitely one of the guides we need, thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much for reading and contributing, the days of financial crises are indeed ahead and we must prepare for it.