Feedback & Comments about Reforma Tributaria from Foreign Residents in Colombia

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 

In the wake of a TREMENDOUS response to Sunday's article, I am going to drill down the comments received, plus some additional analysis from participants to round it out a bit.

Feedback and Comments about Reforma Tributaria

By Erin Donaldson, Editor of and - Her focus is on expat lifestyles, gastronomy and tourism in Colombia, and more specifically the Coffee Axis, or Eje Cafetero. Her mantra always is #buylocal, #eatlocal, and #supportlocal

The response was significant.

If you haven't yet read the first article, here is the link:

We can agree that the overwhelming response of the "Little People," is a firm and resounding NO. The voting of the legislation also coincides very closely with the "Paro Nacional" or national strike, which is a longstanding tradition in Colombia.

Does striking work in Colombia? Sometimes.

Moving on, here are some of the responses to my previous article.

Feel free to weigh in below in the comments section, upvote, and share - if you feel more well-informed after reading. Thanks!

Stuart Lustman, is a Financial Tech Copywriter who is based out of Cali, Colombia.

Electronics have always been a difficult purchase in Colombia because of 35% import taxes, and exchange rates. However, some appliances can be purchased quite cheaply, because they are manufactured here. Even so, that affordability will be impacted by the tax increase.

And, of course, it comes back around to legal business versus the black market tradition which is deeply entrenched in Colombia culture already. Which will raise enforcement costs, and really lead to Colombia continuing to be anarchy-capitalists, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

In fact, depending on how this all shakes out, the informal vender could still come out ahead - unless cash is abolished, which brings us back around to bigger agendas. The next comment thread is even more interesting, because that topic of bigger interests, namely Clau Schwab, and the IMF - comes up.

Is there that much difference between a Technocracy which is using force, versus a mafia which uses force, versus a government - which also uses force?

But, I digress...

Let's look at some other comments.

To me, the most interesting part of the whole thing, is this allegation that only 2% of Colombians actually pay income tax. Interesting, a weak federal government is one that has very little power to enforce laws or taxes. Ultimately, it can help the cause, IF these people find the strength within them to resist this thing. Otherwise, we are in for many long years of civil disobedience.

Interesting mention about sugar. In Colombia, sugar is a mafia too. The person who owns most of the sugar cane in and around Cali is purported to have killed off the competition - literally. But, don't quote me on it at this time because I only have the rumors, and not the hard data.

Circling back around, of course, sugar is not taxed - but water is. Corruption in Colombia endures.

Another interesting sub-topic to note, is that the average Colombian is very much the "compliant serf" when confronted publicly, or in front of others, but take his feet away from the fire and he will quickly revert back to "x" evasive/corrupt activity he was in prior. In a country, where "little white lies" are so commonly accepted, you really can't trust anything you see.

The following meme sums it all up into a nutshell:
"El Porky, y Ratasquillas y su reforma" - President Duque, and Alberto Carrasquilla (public Hacienda and Credit Minister for Prez Duque) and their reform."

"I thought you swore your loyalty by your memes to the Cascas (or talking heads)."

"I don't owe loyalty to anybody."

And, that is probably the average Colombian today. They will do what benefits the INDIVIDUAL at least 70-80% of the
time, not the collective. Is there hope for freedom and liberty in Colombia? I think so...

Thank you for reading this follow up on the ORIGINAL article I wrote about the Reforma Tributaria, or Tax Reform in Colombia. Don't forget to share this with your Colombian friends or family, and UPVOTE!

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