The Psychological reason why people act in a frustrated manner and how to correct it.

in hive-175254 •  5 years ago 

I notice how so many people love to complain about life and ugly situations, complaining about how they wish they had life and business going on well for them. Life is just so filled with numerous complaints and billions of people waking up each day to complain about how unfair life is to them. Those attitude of complaints has eaten really deep into the minds and soul of several people that they no longer see any good thing about what life has to offer them any longer.


Complaints, anger and frustration is the way people love to live their lives they just want to show the world how frustrated they are and how mad they are about things not working well for them they think that by screaming or shouting something will actually change probably about their work or something else they are frustrated about.

The truth is no matter how much anger you try to vent, those noise and blabbing will certainly not change anything. No matter how much noise you try to make or how much you try to show the world that you are indeed frustrated, nothing moves and nothing shifts as a result of noise or blabbing, things only change because you have taken the action necessary to make change happen.

Factors that contribute complaints.


Trying to live according to the standard set by another person is a reason why people are frustrated, social media is not helping at all in making things better as people only display their flashy lifestyle, this attitude in turn leaves a lot of people extremely frustrated and annoyed because they want to live like those celebrities also.


Right from childhood, humans just like to compare, a child might be excited that he scored 6 out of 10 in a classroom test until he finds out his seat mate scored 8 out of 10 taking the same test, he becomes really angry and he wish he was the one with that score and not the seat mate, our parents did not really do justice to this as they always like to compare us with other kids in the environment, so we grow up with the attitude also and we nag and become angry whenever we are not the best at something.

Re-setting the mind.

. It takes more energy to scream than it takes to act, if you are not making any move to correct what you do not like, then certainly you may just have to keep screaming for a very long time. You do not even have to complain about everything, you just need to take the right step in the right direction to get things done.

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Hello friend, you are very right when you say that people complain about everything, I think that is more what we have to thank, just being alive is already a great reason. The human being is unhappy by nature so it is a little difficult to reverse this situation. The internet and social networks have a lot to do with all this, but I also think we should be stronger mentally.

Even if the media feeds us with negative content I believe it is our decision to either remain strong or act frustrated.

Copying and comparison goes in hand and most of the time when these two comes to stay most in our life's, it begins to have a negative influence on our attitude and life generally.

Thanks for reading.