Check out our PASSIVE INCOME / delegation program run by Project.hope

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago  (edited)




In this post, our team will do our best to introduce you to the project.hope delegation program on Steemit. Hopefully we will manage to encourage some of you to join and support our efforts while enjoying some solid weekly dividends.

Some of you may have already heard about @project.hope, as we've been around for a few years already. It is a community built on the Steemit platform and is dedicated towards supporting quality content related to a few particular topics.

Subjects that are close to our hearts:

  • technology,
  • blockchain,
  • artificial intelligence
  • machine learning
  • economy,
  • business,
  • marketing, psychology, etc.

Our community can be found here:

You may also consider checking out our Discord channel, where one of our founders (crypto.piotr) will greet you and gladly answer any questions that you may have :)



As mentioned above, @project.hope has been around for quite a while now (around 3 years) and since then, we've been supporting quality content published by a decent group of authors. With this little success, we would love to expand our reach by supporting even more people. However to do so, it is necessary to secure a higher voting power (SP) since our current resources are currently quite limited.

Our efforts have been already supported with delegations received from several members and we provide all of them in return with solid weekly dividends.

We currently offer 13% APR (on average manual curation can get you between 8-9% APR) to all delegators who meet just one simple criteria of our program: delegating a minimum of 500 SP.

You can do it by simply clicking on this link: delegate 1000SP to project.hope

PASSIVE INCOME - How does it work?


Our aim is to attract support coming from the following group of people:

  • those who like our vision and see value in what we do
  • those who simply you don't have time to engage in manual curation on Steemit
  • those who would like to enjoy high dividends (paid with STEEM, on weekly basis)

We provide a solid payout to all delegators. Most likely higher than what you could earn from curation rewards yourself. For each 1000 SP delegated, you will be receiving 2.5 STEEM (payouts will take place every weekend).

In other words: by delegating your SP to @project.hope you will be able to enjoy passive income up to 13% APR.



First of all - some of you may not know what APR stands for. It is nothing else than Annual Percentage Rate.

You may have wondered how to check and calculate your own APR. After all, it would be wise to do that and compare currently earned payouts to what we are offering.

You can do that by following a few simple steps:

1.) visit
2.) check what your "reward summary" is for the recent 30 days and multiply it by 12 months
3.) divide the resulted amount by your SP

Example: if your recent 30 days rewards has reached 70 steem and your SP is worth 10k SP, then 60 x 12 / 10000 = 8,4% APR

Quite simple, isn't it? :)

A RESTEEM would be appreciated

HELP US REACH OUT to larger audiences by resteeming this publication. We would be grateful for every single resteem.

.Some usefull links:
Our Project.hope community on Steemit:
Our discord channel:
Delegating 500 SP:

@project.hope team

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Wow! This is actually one of the best passive income one can ever earn on the steem blockchain. This is really impressive!!

Read and resteemed. Nice initiative!

Great idea

ProjectHope is an awesome community, with very powerful initiative.

Good idea, I have read it, have upvoted it, resteemed it, and send a delegation, so good luck for all of us ;)

Thank you for all that support @don-t :)

you´re welcome ;)

I'm glad to see that ProjectHope is growing stronger and better by the day. Thanks for sharing!

Read and resteem.

You got my support, already delegated 1K SP and looking forward to getting more SP to delegate, thanks for sharing this passive income method with us.

Appreciate greatly your support :)

Hi Piotr,
is this delegation program still alive?
I plan a Steemit absence of at least two weeks (maybe only two weeks). Would a big delegation for a very short time be okay for you and your calculations?
Best regards,

PH has always provided the best option to earn through delegation and I hope more people join this.

Resteemed, upvoted and when I had enough mana, I will delegate.

spread the word

very good initiative

good idea ;)

Great initiative !!
resteemed :^)

An excellent and solid opportunity

Hello friend, I read the information and gave resteem. Greetings.

Greetings friends of @projecthope, without a doubt every day I am amazed at how we move forward in search of generating better dividends for those of us who make life in the community.

Grateful for your support and effort.

  ·  2 years ago 

Любопытная инициатива, успехов. Сообщество RU Steem

Dear @avoicest

I'm the founder of project.hope community and I would like to thank you for your time and comment.

I wanted to ask you if you wouldn't consider delegating part of your SP to project.hope (even as little as 1k SP). I would gladly provide you with some solid weekly payout (I would make sure that it would be more than what you can get from curation rewards). And you would help our guys to grow.

ps. Is there any way to reach you via discord? Perhaps you could consider joining our PH community server ( I would gladly "connect" with you.

Yours, Piotr

  ·  2 years ago 

Вы замечательный активный человек @crypto.piotr Вам удалось привлечь много внимания и средств к вашему проекту курирования.
Я также как и вы курирую привлеченными делегированными мне средствами и не только ради финансовой выгоды, поэтому делегировать вам мне нечего. Ваш пост помог мне узнать о вашем проекте больше. Спасибо.

You are a wonderful active person @crypto.piotr You managed to attract a lot of attention and funds to your curation project.
I also, like you, supervise the funds delegated to me and not only for financial gain, so I have nothing to delegate to you. Your post helped me learn more about your project. Thanks.

Thank you for your kind words @avoicest

Spasiba :)

Weldone @project.hope, I have always loved this community. Keep it up, and i hope a lot more people can see this benefit😊

greetings my dear friend @projecthope, this is a wonderful community in which you can find friends and grow together, I hope we continue to grow in the years to come.

For each 1000 SP delegated, you will be receiving 2.5 STEEM

Is that daily or weekly?
I mean, 2.5 Steem per day or for 7 days?

It's 2.5 steem weekly (which is 13% APR).

We could not provide dividents as high as 2.5 steem per day. We would go bankrupt really fast :)

Awesome community with amazing initiatives.

Supported :)

I greatly appreciate your support @bambuka :)

I wish you good luck!

Heyy i missed the message youve send over the past week...what can i help you with?

Dear @royw

I'm the founder of project.hope community and I would like to thank you for your time and comment.

I wanted to ask you if you wouldn't consider delegating part of your SP to project.hope (even as little as 1k SP). I would gladly provide you with some solid weekly payout (I would make sure that it would be more than what you can get from curation rewards). And you would help our guys to grow.

ps. Is there any way to reach you via discord? Perhaps you could consider joining our PH community server ( I would gladly "connect" with you.

Yours, Piotr

greetings @ph-support
This is a wonderful community, no doubt this initiative will be very good for everyone's growth.

Greetings dear friends of @projecthope, it seems to me a rather striking strategy, which will surely allow to continue growing over time and support all authors.

Count on my delegation, have an excellent week everyone.

This new news is surprising and will really contribute to the growth of the community, I wish you the best of success.

This is something to consider, but I feel that the minimum requirement should be lowered for those interested, but those who have the 1000sp at the moment. We can also join once we attain the 1k mark set.

Greetings friends, very good news, excellent update.

Its been quite a while now!
I've received this post link in memo. This is a good opportunity for steem community.

Thanks for dropping by @arslan786

glad to know that you're still around :)

ps. I can't find you on discord. Are you still using it?

Thanks dear!
Yes I am on discord as @arslan786

Post read and resteem done for more awareness.

great initiative post resteem done for awareness .

@tipu curate 3

Project hope has been outstanding I must admit.

Good points restated. Good to see our project grow.
It would also be good to see a post about how to join our curation trail for the newly join people on this blockchain.

Greetings, a very good initiative that you want to implement with the SP delegation, this way our community will be able to grow more and thus continue to support relevant content.

Good initiative.

Lovely initiative. Great work guys!!

I have been in this community for over 2 years and it has been a time of constant growth, I support this new initiative from @ph-support so that together we can continue to grow and support others to do so as well.

Resteemed and upvoted.

Resteemed and upvoted.

Creativeblue has been supporting efforts of PH for quite a while and we appreciate all the work that is being done by leaders and members of this community.

Very great initiative! It is certainly something I am going to try! :)

I have read and done resteem.

I've been a member of this community for over a year now and I think it's the best thing existent on steem...Unfortunately, I don't have the minimum threshold of 1k sp to participate yet, but I'll make sure to support this initiative once I can

Thanks for sharing. Resteemed :)

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


Apoyando en lo que pueda.
supporting as much as possible

Hello, received the information and already gave RESTEEM to the publication.

  ·  2 years ago 

You mean for each 1000 SP delegated, I will receiving 2.5 STEEM everyday?or week?

  ·  2 years ago 


We transfer dividents once a week. Thank you for supporting our project with delegation :)

I resteemed and upvote. Still, I have only 428 steem in my wallet.

Thank you @senehasa for both: resteem and your upvote.

Greatyl appreciate it :)

This is a very nice initiative and I say a big Kudos to @crypto.piotr and other team members for this move.

Good regards

Nice to read this, I am a newbie on this site so still in the process of learning the ropes.

It's surely not an easy thing to be newbie on Steemit. Good luck to you @dove11 :)

Projecthope has been a wonderful community supporting great content since I know this community

Excellent friends, I already shared your post

Dear @gabylazarde

I'm the founder of project.hope community and I would like to thank you for your time and comment.

I wanted to ask you if you wouldn't consider delegating part of your SP to project.hope (even as little as 1k SP). I would gladly provide you with some solid weekly payout (I would make sure that it would be more than what you can get from curation rewards). And you would help our guys to grow.

ps. Is there any way to reach you via discord? Perhaps you could consider joining our PH community server ( I would gladly "connect" with you.

Yours, Piotr

Muchas gracias por su oferta amigo.

I hope I have that kind of SP but it's a challenge to earn even 1 lol! All I can do for now is share this post. All the best!

Thanks for your supportive words @leeart

You're welcome!

I guess community is good but small APR vs steem delegators, where you even get paid daily. Or even SBD savings has 20% APR

Or even SBD savings has 20% APR

Would you mind telling me what do you mean @worldfinances

You surely got me interested :)

in a distant galaxy someone once said those who refuse to give up earn the right to trample on the leftovers of humanity

today that sounds harsh, i dont really have a feed where resteeming this would fit but i appreciate the ongoing effort and belief in cryptocurrencies as a means of gaining independence

look at it :

2008 - 2022 : eur/usd : -40%

of which 11% in the last year

meanwhile :

desu ne.png

i mean

steemit could do better

but it shows the potential

At the moment I can only support them with their dissemination. Many successes in your management. Soon I will be reading your posts to join your channel. Blessings!

Thank you for your kind words @alexarelatos

Hello friends. Excellent this initiative of @ph-support so that we continue to grow and support reaches more authors. Resteemed!

Hello dear friends, I have read the information and made resteem, Project Hope is a great community, I hope that with this initiative we continue to grow and support quality content on the platform.

Please check your weekly payments to me, its far from 2.5 (especially last week(((

Any way to contact you?

That looks great!

Also how can one.learn technologies like block chain

I have delegated as required, thank you.

Just delegated 500SP right now...

This one's of greatest ideas on steemit

I have 3500 SP what will be my passive income every week ??