Digital wallets in Venezuela

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 
The virtual world at this time has become a trend, for that reason we must be updated with everything related to technology, especially in the area of digital economy. Today digital money is indispensable in our lives, but it is no secret that in our country Venezuela, we are facing a dual monetary system, this because of the huge inflation that has occurred today.

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Inflation in Venezuela has reached alarming figures, in 2021 it is estimated according to the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) that the country's inflation between January and April 2021 reached 183.8%. Therefore, we are forced to convert the local currency (bolivars) into foreign currency (US dollars), but it is there, at this point, where we find different difficulties to make the conversion, among them, that the foreign currency is not yet legalized or declared as local currency, and on the other hand, the banking entities do not all have this conversion, it could be said that there are very few banks that grant us foreign currency, then as a consequence we enter into the obligation to make transactions with unknown persons.

For the above mentioned, digital wallets are still the most suitable option to protect our money and avoid being victims of fraud and inflation. They work with a mobile application with which you will be able to perform financial procedures, even if you do not have a classic bank account. In addition, you can access from your cell phone without leaving your comfort zone and without standing in endless queues. You will also be able to receive money from a foreign bank account or from another digital wallet.

Now, in Venezuela the most popular wallets known are Airtm, PayPal, AKB, there are others but these are the most named and most requested.

AIRTM: is a wallet in dollars that works as a mediator between the beneficiaries of the platform and the managers. It ensures that the transactions are executed clearly and without any type of fraud and of course this wallet charges a small commission for the transactions made, you should also know that the price of the dollar or the conversion made to any currency is paid below the price of the official page.

PAYPAL: like the previous one, it is a money exchange platform. PayPal is the most popular nationally and internationally, as it has more than two hundred and seventy seven million users worldwide and you can use it to make online purchases, the commission percentage is one percent.

AKB Fintech: which stands for America Kriptos Bank, is an initiative organized by a group of young Venezuelan entrepreneurs, seeking to provide security and firmness for affiliates this wallet offers the possibility of receiving zelle, buying and selling dollars, receive remittances and also exchange between 33 countries worldwide, is completely free and must perform a verification to avoid possible financial fraud.... here below is the link if you want to open a digital wallet with this company that is a great Venezuelan entrepreneurship.

Finally, and as a personal opinion as a user of the wallets, it is the most effective option to prevent inflation from consuming our capital and protect our patrimony, it is a safe and reliable way, as long as you follow the steps suggested by each one of them.

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Hi @pinedaocl

I totally agree with you when you say "digital wallets are still the most appropriate option to protect our money and avoid being victims of fraud and inflation", I am convinced that this is the path that the country must go, to be able to circumvent all the restrictions that have been imposed from abroad, there will be those who do not agree, but seeing the context of technological modernity, this is the best alternative we have.

Best regards, be well.

Greetings my dear @lupafilotaxia, certainly we are in the era of modernity, and our country must point towards technological advances, not only in the economic, but also in the productive, to move towards development.

A big hug.

Greetings @pinedaocl digital wallets is a way for the transformation of our resources (Bolivars) in another type of currency such as the Dollar, but despite having this access many are unaware of it and others do not trust them, so they prefer to change their resources in physical currency, leaving in evidence the fear that still has digital wallets as well as cryptocurrencies.

Hello my dear @chucho27, I consider that the system of digital wallets in our country is very premature, perhaps that is why there is some fear to use them, the culture of this new transaction system should be encouraged, in addition, the proper functioning of telecommunications services should be generated, so that the population gets used to the use of digital wallets. A kiss to the beautiful Isabella.