HOPE TOKEN - important question: WHY and WHAT FOR? [join discussion]

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago  (edited)




Many of PH (project.hope) community members are already familiar with my idea of launching our own HOPE token. Many of you already understand the general concept of this community token and we've discussed its token-economics (business model) and during those brainstorming sessions, @karamyog and @nomad-magus asked me a very simple yet extremely valid question:

if we have hive/steem, why would one want a PH token?

Below, I will share my 3 reasons and explain each one. But I will start by explaining the general idea behind the HOPE token.



Let's start by explaining in a few sentences the general idea of community HOPE token.

My assumption is that people who read this publication are most likely PH members and are already aware of Project.hope business model. You can read more about it here:

In short: all authors publishing their posts within our community are setting up beneficiary to @ph-fund and those funds are being used to cover various expenses and are allowing us to continue on a steady growth.

I would like to build a model, in which our community members are being rewarded with HOPE tokens based on their level of commitment and engagement. At the same time, a large part of all received beneficiaries (let's say 30% of all liquid steem) would be used for buy-backs and burns. Which in return would create demand for that token.

It's almost like creating a company which is paying their employees some BONUSES in the form of company shares, while at the same time using a significant part of revenue to conduct buy-backs from the market.

It's nothing new and I'm sure most of you are aware of such a business model.

REASON 1: WHY to launch HOPE TOKEN instead of using STEEM?


Till today, I've been using part of those funds (beneficiaries) to support financially (with STEEM tokens) a group of several most active and engaging members. However, this solution had its own challenges and I didn't like it that much.

After all, other crypto projects (like Ethereum, Solana, various of DeFi etc) are also rewarding supporters and community members for their efforts with their own native token, instead of providing them with ETH, bitcoin or stable coins.

There is a reason why those crypto projects are trying to attract supporters and investors while providing them with an opportunity to earn if they invest in a token and hold it.
Even with miners - they get rewarded in native tokens for doing some "work".


In OUR CASE, I want to reward people who participate and who invest their TIME and ENERGY (instead of money) and who hold to that token. Assuming that its value will grow in the long run.

I strongly believe that the HOPE token price will increase with time. Assuming project.hope will grow in voting power by attracting more delegations and expanding the current curation trail. So HOPE token will allow those who earn it to profit from the growth of our community.

Hopefully I'm making sense so far.



We all need ways to stimulate ourselves from time to time. One way to do it is by setting up long term goals and trying to achieve them. Right?

I've been involved in building Project.hope for almost 3 years already. And as much as I enjoy what I do and I love being part of such an amazing community, it is simply NOT ENOUGH anymore and I'm craving for more.

As PH, we have managed to build a strong team of people sharing similar interests, values and often goals. And I think now it is now the right time to BUILD SOMETHING TOGETHER.

Especially since I've realized (after having discussion with several of our members) that others often feel the same way about it, and the idea of launching our own HOPE token is very popular and many of us would like to try and see where that path takes us.



We've already achieved a lot as a community. I would say that our biggest achievement is the fact that most of our members share a strong SENSE OF BELONGING.
Wouldn't you agree?

On top of that, within the recent months, several of our members were deeply involved in promoting other crypto projects like RobiniaSwap and WOX-defi. We've learned to collaborate together on another level and we all got some useful experience in the process.

And now it's simply time to use that knowledge and experience to launch OUR OWN TOKEN.

I'm very excited just thinking about all the work that is ahead of us. Knowing that we will learn many things together and share experiences with each other. Knowing that this will only build deeper engagement and trust between our core team members, building an even stronger sense of belonging and strengthening the current bond between me and those involved.



Those are the 3 main reasons behind me working hard towards the idea of launching a HOPE token, and as you may have already noticed - it is not at all about attracting investors and raising money. My agenda is absolutely different.

I've mentioned already that I care about building a "sense of belonging" within our team. I see it as the foundation for Project.hope and I strongly believe that launching a HOPE token will bring us together even closer.



I would appreciate every feedback, so spare several minutes and read through this post carefully. I read all the comments. Always.

Yours, @crypto.piotr
@project.hope founder
check out our community: https://steemit.com/trending/hive-175254

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Good job! You just got yourself a 100% upvote from ACOM. Enjoy!

IMPORTANT note for @everyone:

I've received already few questions about progress behind launchign HOPE token and some of you were asking about some sort of timeline.

Process of launching HOPE token will take some time. I would not expect that we will do that earlier than 2-3 months from now.

I want to do it right and there are few different related topics, which I would like to discuss with every single Project.hope core team member (around 30 people). Collecting feedbacks, making adjustments and moving to another related subject - that will take time.

The most important for me is on which blockchain it will be built ?

We decided that Tron Network would be the best solution. Especially since it's quite well integrated with Steem blockchain

First of all I would like to say that hope token is the good idea this will help in the growth of the community.

And we have good Community which help in the growth of the project. I am eagerly wait for the new update.

With the help of the token we can increase the delegation of the community and we can grow more bigger.

There's really no doubt that @project.hope community has really impacted our lives positively as a member of the community and I also love the fact that this same community is found of rewarding people's effort for taking their time to create good quality contents and engagement within the community. This has really helped most of us go a long way in the world of cryptocurrency, Blockchain technology, business/entrepreneurship and even other top trends in our world technology today.

I have been part of the community for the past 3 years and I am very happy to say that @crypto.piotr has really used @project.hope community to change my life because I would have gave up being a content writer due to the fact that good quality contents were not rewarded back then on Steemit except you are fortunate to have some whales visit your blog back then. It's really great that I now have that enthusiasm to write or post my contents on Steemit today because I'm highly optimistic that with Project Hope community on Steemit, there's definitely Hope for every aspiring writers out there to earn rewards for their effort or work in the community. This has also led to one of the reason behind people joining Steemit because they definitely believe that they will be rewarded for their effort through Project Hope.

Today, I am now than kind of person feels incomplete for the day whenever I don't create articles or engage on other people's posts. All thanks to @project.hope for building this in me and I'm also very happy with the friends I made in the community starting from @josevas217 @lupafilotaxia @franyeligonzalez @fucho80 @crypto.piotr @carlos84 @carlir @samminator @sandracarrascal @tfame3865 and many others... It's really nice knowing everyone of you and I definitely hope we will all continue to be part of this great community ❤️.

In summary and conclusion, I strongly agree with the opinion of creating Hope tokens as this won't only go a long way to develop our community, but it will also go a very long way to build the strong bond between us.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

I always love your comments @hardaeborla

Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. It is greatly appreciated

You're always welcome @crypto.piotr ❤️💕

If there's a way to integrate the tokens to work similar to steem, it will be great. Just like neoxian city, holders will have the power to reward others via upvotes. I think this is a good usecase, else, it will be hard to prevent it from being another pump and dump token.

That said, I don't think having a community token is a bad idea, while I'm not a fan of creating too many (useless) tokens, I think hope token will be great addition is the community stands by it.

If there's a way to integrate the tokens to work similar to steem, it will be great. Just like neoxian city, holders will have the power to reward others via upvotes. I think this is a good usecase, else, it will be hard to prevent it from being another pump and dump token.

Hi @joelagbo

Thanks for dropping by buddy, but .... I'm not sure if you've read part "general idea" above in the post. Your comment makes me believe that you actually didn't :(

Cheers, Piotr

Uhm, I did. Just suggesting an alternative way for distribution which will give holders an advantage, automatically.

Yes, I understand you @joelagbo. Because if it isn't done like you suggested, how will distribution then be done in the future and automatically @crypto.piotr?

Because at first, we(PH-Members) would be airdropped some HOPE tokens and then, it will have some value whenever we vote. So, the more HOPE tokens you have, the more curation rewards you will get from holding HOPE tokens. I think that's the only way we can have a sustainable future and which will lead to price appreciation of the HOPE tokens.

hi @menoski, @joelagbo

Because if it isn't done like you suggested, how will distribution then be done in the future and automatically @crypto.piotr?

There won't be automatical distribution. I will use that token to reward group of PH core team members on montlhy basis. Based on level of their engagement.

And since demand will be coming from using part of beneficiaries - this way all involved will in a way receive piece of those "beneficiaries" for themselfs.

It's all about managing supply, encouraging people to hold during initial period and creating demand. If I can achieve those 3 things - then I would not expect price dump.

it will have some value whenever we vote.

I don't understand that part. I think you're looking at LEO tokens (and similar ones) as a point of reference. Which is not the case here.

Let me give you an example:
let's say that I would see that you engaged in 100 quality comments within month of April. You would then receive 100 HOPE tokens.
You won't be staking them. You won't be receiving any interest for holding them. The only reason to hold will be: to profit more assuming that price of HOPE token will increase. And it will, assuing that amount of beneficiaries will be increasing.

At the same time, 30% of all beneficiaries would be used to buy-back HOPE tokens from the market.

You own't be receiving any HOPE tokens for curation. We won't have any separate platform. We will still operate here on Steemit.

Hopefully Im making some sense,

Greetings, the reasons you state for which you decide to launch this project are well founded, the arrival of the HOPE token undoubtedly fills us with a greater commitment to each of the users of PH, because it is the currency of the community, together we can make this project crystallize and be a real success.

You have my full support for this project.

Hello friend @crypto.piotr, sorry for participating late in the discussion, I think your reasons are very valid and justified, I think that the creation of the token will allow the community to reach another level, it will undoubtedly encourage the commitment of its members, the token will motivate them to increase their participation, not to mention that it will leave us with a good learning throughout the process of creating the token.

hello @crypto.piotr,

It's certainly a big question that's not easy to answer, but here are my reasons:

as a member of this community and having so many benefits, it is important for me to strengthen the community.

for me it is important to strengthen the community and this can be achieved by creating an internal market that allows us to have a healthy and constantly growing internal economy.

To have an internal economy it is necessary to have our own money, a token gives us the possibility to have our own money and our own internal market, that would be the first reason to be part of a great challenge and obtain the benefits of an internal market.

the second reason is to be part of a great challenge, I think most communities eventually stagnate and this makes people lose interest, so being part of a great challenge gives us a great motivation to gain experience in developing internal economies of communities in blockchain, it is certainly a great privilege to be part of this challenge.

the third reason that motivates me is the gratitude towards a community that cares about its members, this community is growing little by little and each time it gives us better opportunities, that is why one way to thank the community is to give my best to see our community strong and growing.

in conclusion the possibility to gain experience in creating an internal market for a community that I am very grateful to is much more important than just getting a % of an investment, those are the reasons why I would like to support this token.

Thanks for dropping by @trabajosdelsiglo

I'm glad to see that you're supportive towards this idea.
It seem that we're both on the same page on that topic :) glad to hear it

this community is growing little by little and each time it gives us better opportunities

Indeed. Baby-steps :)

Cheers, Piotr

Hello, I absolutely agree with the reasons you state, the growth of the community stems from the joint activity and commitment of all team members, so this boost that the community will receive with the launch of Hope token will be highly valued and appreciated For all of us.
I reiterate my absolute support for this new project.

This is very informative Post about hope tokens ans three questions that you have answered in this post is very helpful to understand how things will be.
It's obvious that people will have questions and I think these are the major questions which will make them understand the need and the use case of the token.
I like the example of paying token in form of reward like other platform including solana etc do.thanks

Hello @crytpo.piotr, I completely agree with the reasons you have stated for the creation of the token, there is no doubt that it will be a great boost for the community and a stimulus for greater commitment, everyone will want to accumulate more tokens, that will boost participation. On the other hand it will be a great experience, we will gain a lot of knowledge in the process, which will allow us to keep moving forward and building great things together. I reiterate my support!

These are really solid reasons behind the launch of the HOPE token and I see a very bright future for the token and for the Project Hope community in general. We're already waiting for the launch of the HOPE token.


Launching a new token and making it a success, in the long run, is NOT an easy task, more than 90% of those who tried have failed, but I believe we can do it.
The sense of belonging you've built is what sets PH apart from other communities out there. It's our greatest capital that enabled us to pass previous challenges and tests and what will enable us to pass coming ones

Thanks for the update

resteemed for and extended exposure :)
I have been with the projected right from the time it was conceptualized.
I have seen the ups and down that we as a community has gone through.
Today if I read a post I see the journey of growth how the writing style of our members has evolved and the level of knowledge and experience they posses reflects in the quality of their publications.
So having our very own Project Hope token seems very much to be the next step.

I think that creating the Hope token is a very nice initiative, and it's a incredible project. This is another amazing step in the right direction of our community. Nice work!

Greetings ,
I can resonate logically with all the reasons for creation of the token , the fact that it benefits the active members of the community excites me even more >.<, This means that we get more active members -> Which leads to more interaction within the members which is just 🔥
There's no doubt that ph has given all of us a place to belong too and I personally love the fact that whenever we try something new ( Robinia , Wox) We learned so many new things(staking, liquidity mining) , A creation of a token and being a part of it while its being created is going to be a knowledge bomb💥
Excited for the future of ph community!

I think many of us will agree that we want to build something much further. The reasons you state are very clear. Challenges come, that's normal in every project. But we have come through many of them.

I have always wanted HOPE tokens for a long while, and I'm very glad that steps are taken towards making it a reality. Kudos to the everyone involved.

My question now, is how will HOPE tokens be distributed?

Greetings @project.hope there are many elements to address from the information you share with us, personally I will stick with the following sentence:

"We need to base our community on a deeper trust between our core team members, creating an even stronger sense of belonging and strengthening the current bond between those involved."

It is a detailed description of the work that is being done, in my experience, I am already for 2 years being part of this project and we are always in constant growth which in my opinion makes PH and each user that participates here great.

With respect to the token, it will be a trial-error, -learning-improvement and this sequence of steps will allow the construction of something solid that will be ours and product of the effort of each member of PH.

Although the economics of this type of token are known, it will be our ability to hold and our commitment to the project that will drive the price of the token.

Valuable step that we as a community are about to take. Greetings

Although the economics of this type of token are known, it will be our ability to hold and our commitment to the project that will drive the price of the token.

You've nailed it @madridbg

Greetings friend @crypto.piotr, I am not clear how to interpret the phrase you share with me.

means that "you're bloody right my friend :) "

Hello friend @Crypto.piotr

It is really interesting the creation of the HOPE token, and the question is very valid, if I have other tokens why would I not have the HOPE token, on the other hand by taking 30% of Steem's liquid revenue to burn HOPE token, that will achieve to keep a good price as far as the value of the token is concerned.

Part of our work in the community will be to attract delegators, by having more income to the beneficiary, Steem will have greater availability to invest in the burning of the HOPE token and thus increase its value in the medium term.

Thank you for taking into consideration the opinion of each of us to build this new economic model within PH, it is really great, and hopefully it will be achieved perfectly with the support of each of us.

Those are the 3 main reasons why I worked hard on the idea of launching a HOPE token, and as you may have noticed, it is absolutely not about attracting investors and raising money. My agenda is absolutely different.

Closing with those words, we will have a HOPE token with a stable value for a long time.


Hi @chucho27

Appreciate your feedback buddy.

Part of our work in the community will be to attract delegators, by having more income to the beneficiary,

Well said.
I'm glad to see that you're supportive towards this idea.
It seem that we're both on the same page on that topic :) Great to hear it

Cheers, Piotr

Finally :)

And yes, even just for the challenge.


Wow. this is the best news I have come across yet. Launching this token will indeed help us in more ways than one and the fact that it creates a sense of belonging even made the token more useful than most. I subscribe to the innovation.

I certainly know that you have worked hard within the community and that the reasons you give for creating the hope token are more than meritorious, needless to say you have my support my friend. Regards.

Hello dear friend @crypto.piotr

Thank you for resubmitting detailed information of what will be the Hope token, as I mentioned before the launch of the Hope token will mean a big step in the consolidation of our Project.HOPE community, since beyond the economic weighting the significance of the Hope token will seal lapses of relevance and greater commitment for the community.

Best regards, be well.

Hello friend @crypto.piotr, I share each of the reasons you share with us, project.hope is a community destined to success because it has risen thanks to the effort of all together and guided by @crypto.piotr, I know that we will learn a lot together and in this way grow in every way, count on my support because I am sure that this wonderful idea will bring us many positive things. Keep in touch.

hello @crypto.piotr
Like many of the members of PH, I am in total agreement with the HOPE token, it will also serve to create a greater sense of commitment and dedication to the community, since it will be consolidated with the effort of all. It is necessary that we look at the long term and not in the short term.
Our community is prepared to assume this important step that we are going to take and I am sure that we will have an end with many benefits for all.
Thank you very much @Piotr for sharing your ideas and giving each one of us the opportunity to express our opinions.

I read the comments of PH's members and I feel your passion. It's great. I feel also that you have hopes that the token will improve the financial welfare of all stakeholders and that's normal and healthy!
The economics of the project will need to be cleared.
I am familiar with a community that has created a token to be used by their members. The token was exchanged within the community for goods and services and their hope was that in time outside people will use it too and hence its price would increase. That vision attracted investments in the amount of over $10M. However, despite the good will of all involved (few thousand people) the token didn't manage to fill the expectation and it's closed (a year or two ago). My point is – be clear with yourself about the expectations and what steps are needed to be taken to fulfill them. Technically wise it's not so complicated to create a token and have it traded within a group. The challenge will be scaling it.
Good Luck! :-)

I always appreciate your feedback @nomad-magus

Thanks for taking the time to read my publication and for sharing your thoughts with me.

That vision attracted investments in the amount of over $10M. However, despite the good will of all involved (few thousand people) the token didn't manage to fill the expectation and it's closed (a year or two ago).

What token was it?

Truth be told, few thousand people ... that is not a community any more. At least not in my eyes. And personally I see a huge difference in managing project which attracted $10mln in investments and have huge "followers base" than managing small one (like project HOPE).

It's like running small business or large one. Two different challenges I would say :)

Cheers buddy

The HOPE token is an opportunity for everyone, an economic opportunity of course, I understand that with this the people who collaborate the most with PH will be rewarded, but it is an opportunity for everyone to accumulate a token and that in the future some investor will come like the ideals of PH and invest your money, making the tokens that we have HOLD increase in monetary value.

god bless you

Hello dear @crypto.piotr, greetings, I hope you are very well. Honestly I am happy with the progress of Project HOPE, even when I am absent I must remember that here I learned everything I know and I consider myself part of the community, so all the success achieved by the community makes me very happy.

Greetings friend, much success.

great to see that you're still around @fucho80

kind of wish you would not give up on being part of PH. I've many great memories of us collaborating together

Hello leader @crypto.piotr, greetings. Good to hear from you. I honestly want to continue to be part of this project only that I have many activities with the growing Church. I am organizing to return to Project HOPE.

Greetings and thanks for reminding me, you are a great leader.

I am organizing to return to Project HOPE.

that is an amazing news @fucho80

Hopefully you can commit at least 1 hour a week and become part of Project.hope again

yes, yes friend I will organize myself to return.

The third reason I liked a lot, because together we learn more, and I know that this will be another challenge to overcome in which many of us will be involved, the token hope will bring us many successes. Greetings.

always my pleasure to learn things together
its so much more fun and more efficient

Hello Piotr.

First of all thanks for sharing the whole plan and reasons behind it with us, that's for sure one great positive move.

Regarding HOPE token: Maybe you know that I'm not that kind of person who would invest in long-term projects or hold on tokens for too long, but I can say this time it will be different, knowing that me holding the token can be beneficial for many friends here by not creating selling pressure, I believe that's enough reason to make me hold on that token and accumulate as many as I could.

Most of the projects here helped us know each other better and we could see many people who share things with us.So for sure HOPE token gonna bring the members together knowing that we all can grow as a whole community and not only as individuals.

Thanks again, and I'm already excited for that!

Regarding HOPE token: Maybe you know that I'm not that kind of person who would invest in long-term projects or hold on tokens for too long,

I did not know that you're not kind of person who would invest in long-term projects. How come? Why?

Anyway, this time it will be different because you're not going to invest your money. Instead you will invest your time. HOPE token will be distributed as an "extra" (bonus) to those PH members who are active and engaging members of our community :)

cheers buddy

Creating a community token to me is not a bad idea. We had several community tokens on steem engine and steem blockchain was used to power it. There's one thing we must all understand. Progress matters.

If there's a plan on ground for the PH token creation, please go on. The blockchain is wide. We can create as we wish. The thing is just to support ourselves and keep the relationship intact.

I highly support a community token. If all communities on steem can come up with this, I think there will be more engagement than what we have on steem now.

hi @ckole

Thanks for your supportive comment.

Indeed there were number of community tokens build on SE, but Im not really sure if any of them still exist. Any idea?

Consider joining our PH community discord server:

I would gladly get to know you better.

Wow... your wanting to experiment too... I can see that with crypto everyone can create their own economy, tokenomics etc and I am sure it will be a interesting experience.

I like the confidence, and the zeal behind this and can see that's entrepreur stuff... in crypto the good thing is, can't be stagnant have to learn new things, new oppurnities and it is making passive people like me too a bit into the crypto daring spirit...

So, having own ecosystem, community which already built and you have also learnt new things along with the community supporters. Nice journey, including the thons and all...

Obviously, I can't discourage when the pulse of your spirit feels ready for it because a few years earlier you were not, there was this talk of Hope token then.

I see more experience and understanding and some vision this time...

Where are you launching the token?...I am sorry because steem lost out that, now its come back?...or is it somewhere else.

Possibilities are endless... Good luck!!

I wish I have some suggestions to give... if I have will give it...

Hi @mintymile

Where are you launching the token?...I am sorry because steem lost out that, now its come back?...or is it somewhere else.

To answer your question: we decided to try out Tron Network , since most of our PH members are already familiar with TronLink wallet and know how to integrate it with TRX wallet available on Steemit.

Cheers :)

Ohhh... obviously you can use Tron Network, it should have rung a bell... yup, its good only... Go for it(:

I agree with you that it's time for a new challenge, and I'm excited to see where this path leads us to. PH community has grown stronger and stronger with time. This is a bold step, and as you mentioned we all need new challenges and goals to keep us hopeful for the future. I believe that Hope token will become a huge success, and we'll all be glad we embarked on this journey together as a family and a community!

Resteemed already.

Launching the Hope Token is a very nice project, and one that we can all work together to make into a success. Thanks to @crypto.piotr for leading this amazing community, and thanks to everyone who has been working to make this community improve continuously.

greetings dear friend, very well-stated reasons why we need community token (project hope token) you have always have the community's best interest and I would say I'm in support of these ideas.

As stated the project hope token isn't a marketing tool meanings it's not like other blockchains token created to attract investors who would buy and dump in near future which is good idea added to the token. since buyback and community revenue will be used to create demand for the token am sure it will encourage long-term holding which is another interesting idea.

Every community needs growth and this can be done with collective support this means project hope tokens will serve as a catalyst to attract more delegating curators which will increase revenue for buyback all these are great strategic ideas.

In contrast, I will say this project will also collectively attract more traffic to steemit blockchain ln general which is a win-win for all cheers.

Glad to see that we're on the same page @mccoy02

As stated the project hope token isn't a marketing tool meanings it's not like other blockchains token created to attract investors who would buy and dump in near future

Indeed. HOPE token will be very different.
You're not going to invest your money. Instead you will invest your time. HOPE token will be distributed as an "extra" (bonus) to those PH members who are active and engaging members of our community :)

cheers buddy

Cheers very good initiative to enhance the community growth and bond.

I quite like the idea of doing something to learn. If all like-minded people join in and in the long-term, we grow the community, then, of course, the HOPE token will have value. Anyway, I think all members of this community will appreciate the learning aspect for sure. This is quite a strong community.

To me, crypto is about individualism and democratization of finance. Tokens are a symbol of these two characteristics. Tokens give identity and an internal monetary core for launching future projects and growth. Launching the HOPE token is a step in the right direction and a natural evolution in the community's growth. I can't wait for it to launch @crypto.piotr :)

I think that this would be a great project to bond within the community as well as for the presence of the community!

Every single one of the above mentioned reasons should be enough as a stand alone reason but in combination this is a logical next step. I believe that this token can create a lot of value for people that are engaging in the community and this is one of the main prurposes as far as I understood.

I am very interested to see how this projects will evolve :)


Hello friend, I agree with your reasons, the project needs a new twist and keep growing. That's the idea in every thing you do, always improve. Greetings.

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Great idea! Wonderfully, cimmunity has proven to survive in the timeline. I have a question .. What will the token be used for? I think we can discuss the idea together. Maybe let other ideas come up as well.

yeah, let's discuss it via discord :)

I hope this token will bring success for PH community although it is not easy, but PH dedicated team can make wonders. Any timelines for its launch?

No timeline at this stage @munawar1235

Glad to see that you're still around buddy :) didn't hear from you in a long while

Hello dear friend @crypto.piotr, the reasons you state are very clear and have a good justification, when we are in charge of a project our goal is to grow gradually, often we reach some limits but our sense of relevance and desire to continue growing makes new goals are raised.

Surely the launch of the new token can generate a sense of relevance for the project, which is important to achieve within a company or community like ours so that users feel committed and motivated to perform their work. In addition, I have no doubt that there will be significant learning, which is also something valuable in any process.

Goodbye, have a great week and success in your work.

Hi Piotr
First of thanks for sharing the post with me and I like the idea of HOPE token..
You have nicely explained the 3 questions in the post and this way well explain and reason behind bringing the token as well as the usecase for the same. I agree that rewarding our people with native token is good idea and since you will buy back the tokens so there would be price appreciation.
All this looks great to me.

Excellent read and i love the idea if token burning to maintain it's price and i was supporting HOPE toen initiative since long time and we have talked about it before. Glad to know it is now happening. peace...

I have always thought the Hope token was a good idea, a challenge that perhaps should have been taken much earlier but conditions did not allow it.
As a promotion to have sales of it could be voted with a certain percentage to those who buy it and this would allow to obtain income to give it more value.
I know it is not easy to maintain the price of a token but I see on Binance daily hundreds of them that are junk.
Maybe that could be a new challenge, try to include it in Binance to gain market share.

Thanks for dropping by @joseph1956

It seem that we're both on the same page on that topic :) glad to hear it

a challenge that perhaps should have been taken much earlier but conditions did not allow it.

Indeed. My focus for past few months has been on relocating back to MAlaysia. And re-building my life here after pandemic and lockdowns.

Finally, I'm having more time to focus on HOPE token and our PH community :)

As a promotion to have sales of it could be voted with a certain percentage to those who buy it and this would allow to obtain income to give it more value.

Sales? That is not the purpose of that token.
I'm not sure if you've actually read part "general idea" ...

Cheers, Piotr

Well, I think there was little left for this day, the hope project has certainly grown and consolidated over time effectively. I consider launching this token to be a good opportunity to explore the possibilities offered by DeFi and would be a good way to attract new members if the system manages to be successful.

Hopefully everything goes well and soon you can launch the token. I think that many of the members will be waiting to see how everything turns out and if possible a collaboration could be made with other communities to promote the token as it was done in the case of the xpilar friend.

#affable #venezuela

Hi @leonelb,

Im not sure why did you mention DeFi ?

HOPE token would not have anything to do with DeFi projects. Please read part "general idea".

I read the full post, maybe I should go over the Concept of Defi again. In any case, I hope that the project will be launched in the established time frame and will be a success that will make the community base much more solid.

Thanks for the correction, happy day.


#affable #venezuela

Hi @project.hope I think it is a very good initiative, I agree, it is an additional way to value the work we do as a community, I think all members will value it in the right measure that this implies, thank you very much, success.

It's about time we had our own token - fantastic!!. The Hope token is a splendid project. It's a project that as a community we'll put in efforts together to see that it's a big success.

Which blockchain network are you looking at to launch the token on?

TRON blockchain

I definitely see the value of launching a token for the sake of growing, learning, and having fun! But, I am not really sure if it would be greatly needed. It might be, but if you plan on using liquid steem from rewards to "buyback" HOPE tokens in the future, then it might raise the value of the HOPE tokens owned by the Project Hope enthusiasts, but wouldn't it at the same time take away from the tokens you would spend on supporting others anyway? So, it might give some value to the HOPE token, but at the same time, decrease the STEEM rewards shared with people you support, and thus... you are just as far in the end?

I am just asking :) No matter what, having your own token is always fun and I definitely see the need for some fresh air, so I would easily get the reasons for doing it as well!

Thank you for your thoughfull feedback
I think do understand you and quite agree with you @unbiasedwriter

The thing is that we've already planned to move away from supporting our core team with fixed amount of STEEM. It came with many challenges and we're hoping that launching HOPE token will help to overcome most of them.

Time will show :)

Hi, @unbiasedwriter!

Please support our team (@alexmove.witness and @steemit-market). We ask you to vote for us as witnesses. We are developing automatic checks for the uniqueness of posts, user ratings and other scripts and activities. We are also preparing a big project - the online shop (sale for STEEM/SBD).

Every day we send double cashback to those who voted for us. Your vote is very important to us!

Its is very wise that we wouldn't have to depend on external investors to determine the inflation in the price of out token. We have the power to inflate HOPE token through serious determination.

This will also mean that all our community members must believe in the goal and subdue every temptation to dump whenever there is a pump. Our commitment to keeping our token will convince others.

Weldone @crytpo.piotr

Greetings @crypto.piotr, from the first time I heard about our own token I thought it was a very good idea, the truth is the secret of the token is its consumption, to be successful in addition to good marketing.

I am indeed really excited to be a member of a community where growth is happening, I have every reason to be thankful for the opportunity to grow on tbe blockchain through this beautiful community. I anticipate growth and more wonderful experience here.